Why can’t I log in to R365 on my Desktop?

Each database (sometimes referred to as 'instance') and User in R365 is unique.  There are a few reasons why you may not be able to login to R365. First, ensure that you are using Google Chrome and then review the following list of reasons you cann...

Why can't I login to R365 on my Mobile App?

Each database (sometimes referred to as 'instance') and User in R365 is unique.  There are a few reasons why you may not be able to login to R365. Review the following list of reasons you cannot login, followed by a list of possible solutions.  ...

What is my R365 domain?

Each R365 domain is unique to a restaurant Organization's instance. An R365 instance is the R365 domain + '.restaurant365.com'. For example, the R365 domain for https://steakshack.restaurant365.com is steakshack.  Occasionally, you may...

What daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly tasks should I do as an Accountant and an Operator?

Since Accounting and Operations work in conjunction with each other, below lists the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks that should be completed for financial success. Download a PDF of the Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly Task Guide or an editable versi...

R365's 'Back to School' Tips & Tricks

8/17/20 Hello R365 Family, As everyone heads back to school (either virtually or in-person) we wanted to get in on the learning fun by sharing some knowledge to help each of you get the most out of R365.  For the next several weeks we'...

What should I do if I'm missing a Daily Sales Summary or the data is incorrect?

If you're missing a Daily Sales Summary (DSS) file or the data in a DSS file is incorrect, the recommended solution depends on two factors: the date of the DSS file, and the method of integration we use with your POS system. Table of Contents C...

What are some best practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 Pandemic has had a devastating impact on the restaurant industry in recent weeks. We understand the challenges you are facing and want to support you with additional resources on how to manage your Inventory and Restaurant Operations through t...

Contact R365 Support

If you're ever unable to find the answers you need in our Support Center, you can always reach out to our Support team for help. Please be aware that if you're in the onboarding process or need a refresher of a topic covered during onboarding, the ...

Can I login to the Support Center with my R365 Username and Password?

If you are a new R365 User, it is important to note that your R365 username and password is not your R365 Support Center login. However, it is easy to make your own R365 Support Center account. Creating a R365 Support Center Login When visiti...

How do I find out if there is a system issue?

Issues within R365 can be the result of improper system setup, and a simple adjustment to a user or item record can see everything working smoothly again. However, it is certainly possible that it can be the result of a temporary performance issue that we ...

Why isn’t my email working to email Transactions, Check Stubs, or ACH files?

If you are unable to use the ‘Email Link’ and other ‘Email’ functions within R365, it is often because your User Email Settings either need to be set up or have been entered incorrectly. If emailing from R365 worked previously, you may have recently reset ...

How do I add a Vendor Group?

A Vendor Group can be easily added from the Vendor record. It is important to note that once a Vendor Group is created, it cannot be deleted.  Navigate to the 'Vendor Additional Info' tab of the desired Vendor record. In the Vendor Group sele...

How do I figure out which check paid which invoice?

There are two reports that can help you determine which check paid a given invoice. For details on these reports, see the following articles:  Payments Created Paid Invoice Distribution

Why can’t I print a check with a signature?

Only Users with the Print Check Signature Permission can print checks with signature in R365. If you are unable to print a check with a signature, contact your organization's R365 Admin to request this access. You will also want to verify that the sign...

How do I print a sales ticket?

To print a sales ticket, follow these steps: 1. Open the Operations module 2. Under the Sales heading in the left navigation pane, select Sales Tickets. This will open the Sales Tickets listing 3. Double-click the row corresponding to the ticket you ...

Why can't I create transactions to Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable?

R365 automatically uses the settings in System Preferences where GL accounts are assigned to Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. When you create AP or AR transactions in the system, the line items to AP/AR are auto-created and work in conjunction wit...

Can I void a payment run?

It is not possible to void an entire payment run at once, but you can void transactions within the payment run individually. See 'Voiding a Transaction' for details.

Why do I have an Unassigned Vendor / Customer in my Aging report?

There are two ways that an unassigned Vendor/Customer can happen:  Accounts payable/receivable open transactions do not match the imported trial balances for AP/AR at go live.  Transaction line items are manually written to the Accounts Payable/Receivab...

Why isn't a transaction matching in my Bank Activity?

There are multiple possibilities why a transaction is not matching:  The transaction does not yet exist in R365, but can be created via bank activity.  The transaction it should match to is in a closed period (see Legal Entity record).  The transaction...

How do I enter a Vendor Credit issued as a check or ACH?

Occasionally, you may receive a credit from a Vendor that is a Check or ACH. The following process allows you to reconcile ACH and Check payments for credits with your Vendors, thus allowing the relationship between the Credit Memo and the ACH payment to b...

Why is the cost of my item so high / low?

Depending on the setting you’ve chosen for an item, its inventory cost is either automatically calculated based off previous AP invoices / commissary orders or is manually entered and maintained.  Troubleshooting Costing Issues When an item’s cost...

What if my Inventory Counts have disappeared?

By design, Inventory Counts will be saved in R365 until they are manually deleted. Users have accidentally deleted Inventory Counts on occasion. This typically happens when mass-deleting multiple entries from the list of Inventory Counts in the Operations ...

Why does R365 use Periodic Inventory?

Restaurant365 uses the process of Periodic Inventory rather than Perpetual Inventory for several reasons. Perpetual Inventory serves as a one-to-one relationship, where an item is bought and sold as one product. Because of this, Perpetual Inventory Debits ...

How do I change the Measure Type on a Recipe?

The Measure Type on a Recipe Item record, or any Item record, can be updated by copying the record, changing the Measure Type and Unit of Measure, and saving the record. If the old record will no longer be used, it can be deleted from the system.  Cha...

How do I update the Measure Type on an Item record?

The Measure Type on an Item record can be updated in one of two ways:  Copying the record, changing the Measure Type and Unit of Measure, and saving the record  Entering the UofM Equivalency for the current Measure Type This training article will r...

How do I merge inventory items?

Unfortunately, there is not a way to merge Inventory Items in R365. Items are most likely tied to previous transactions and recipes, and issues would occur when looking at any recipes or historical data involving these items if this type of merge was allow...

How can a Vendor Item Record be deleted?

Vendor Item records should not be deleted in R365, even if a Vendor Item is no longer received from your Vendor. Rather, if this is a new Vendor Item that is unmapped, follow the Vendor Item Mapping Process to map this item. 

What's the difference between a Vendor Item and a Purchased Item?

A Vendor Item is a single item that is purchased from a Vendor. R365 does not require Vendor Item records to be created unless your Organization is automating AP Invoicing through EDI. When an invoice is brought in to R365, the Vendor Items will be listed ...

Can I delete a Recipe record?

Recipes can be deleted as long as the following are true:  The Recipe is not an ingredient for another recipe  The Recipe has not been included on a transaction  The Recipe is not connected to a Menu Item If a Recipe follows the above criteria, a ...

How do I delete a Purchased Item record?

Purchased Item records can be deleted as long as the item is not an ingredient on a Recipe, tied to any Vendor Item records, and included on any transactions. Often times, a Purchased Item record cannot be deleted due to these reasons, so Users can alterna...

How can I get Labor Accruals into R365?

If your employees use your POS system to punch in and out of their shifts, you should be able to import Labor Punches in to R365. During the POS Integration, you should have set the ‘Import Type’ on the Location record for each POS Integrated Location. You...

How do I send Employees a message?

There are two primary ways to send your Employees a message:  If you have access to the R365 Red App, you can use the Employee Messaging feature to send messages to specific Employees.  You can use the Announcements feature to send messages to a group o...

How do I remove a former employee from R365?

Former Employee records should remain in R365 for reporting purposes and should not be deleted. However, you are able to mark a former Employee as 'Inactive' on their Employee record so as to not allow them access to the system.  Click here to ...

How can an Employee Mobile App User personalize their password?

If you use the R365 Red App for Scheduling, your Employees can log in from their personal devices to view schedule information. By default, Employee passwords are randomly generated upon initial configuration as well as upon password reset. If your Emp...

How do I add an Employee Note?

The 'Employee Notes' tab of an Employee form tracks all notes documented for this specific Employee. Employee Notes can be for a myriad of reasons, such as 'No Show', 'Late for Shift', 'Exceptional Service', and more. ...

How do I delete a Job in R365?

Due to the fact that Job Titles can be tied to historical data, R365 does not allow for Jobs to be deleted.  However, a few steps can be taken to ensure that this Job is not available for use:  Mark the Job as 'Exclude From Schedule' on the J...

How do I update the labor data on my DSS?

If you need to repoll your POS system, you can simply delete your DSS file, and R365 will automatically reimport both Sales and Labor data as long as it is still within your POS system's window of availability, which varies by POS System. This step is ...

Reports - Bad Request Message

  Receiving a Bad Request message when running reports means your computer has too many cookies stored and they need to be cleared. In order to free up cookie space you should clear your browser cookies. You can do that in Chrome by hitting Ctrl+Shift...

Why is this showing up on my AP/AR Aging report?

Here are a few common reasons of why something might be showing up on your AP or AR Aging report when you do not expect to see it there:  There is an amount remaining on one more more transactions. Check the 'Apply' tab of all transactions to ...

How do I get last year’s sales to show up on my Flash Report?

If you are new to R365 and want your prior year (PY) sales to show up alongside your current sales on the Flash Report, you will need to import your ‘Historical Sales’. These are different than your ‘Beginning Balances’ that you imported during initial set...

What is the Year End Close I see in my GL Detail?

In Restaurant365, you do not have to book year-end entries, as this takes place automatically based on your Retained earnings preferences, approved transactions, and set Year End Close date, at the end of your fiscal year.  Therefore, any adjustments t...

What is causing my Balance Sheet to be out of balance?

When your Balance Sheet is out of balance, it can be challenging to figure out the initial point when this may have occurred. This article reviews one way that you can decipher when and what caused your Balance Sheet to be out of balance. Step 1: Work...

Why does my 'On Hand' not calculate correctly on my Shopping List?

When using a Shopping List, the 'On Hand' amount may appear to be calculated incorrectly due to the fact that it displays a '0' for one or more items. It is important to keep in mind that the 'On Hand' field is calculated based...

What if my weekly reports are not starting on the day I want them to?

A common question that the Support Team receives is, 'What historical data does the Flash Report utilize? Does it look at the actual dates (January 31, 2022, versus January 31, 2021) or does the report utilize a specific day of the week within the peri...

What if a field is no longer available on Ad Hoc reports?

If a field is no longer available on Ad Hoc reports, it is most likely due to a simple error. To resolve this, follow the steps below:  Open the Ad Hoc report and click 'Remove Items' in the 'Missing Data' pop-up modal  Click the Sour...

Which calendar is used on each report?

Generally, your Fiscal Calendar is used for Financial reports while your Operational Calendar is used for Operational reports. However, some reports may use a different calendar than expected. Review the chart below to discover which calendar is used for e...

How do I duplicate a report in CFR?

Unfortunately, there is not an option to duplicate a report in Custom Financial Reporting, but you can easily replicate a report by following the steps below. Create Template. Create a new template in Custom Financial Reports.  Choose and Name the...

How do I write an effective Job posting?

Writing clear, engaging Job postings can help bring in more Applicants. In order to help you create the most engaging content, ensure that you: Use clear, straightforward Job Titles Make Job Descriptions easy to read Sell the Opportunity Use Clea...

Are my R365HIRE and Workforce login credentials the same?

R365 HIRE and Workforce each have different login credentials. Users will have separate credentials for each.

Can I track my Careers Page?

Tracking pixels are snippets of code that are provided by your Marketing or Advertising Agency that can give you insights into Applicant conversion rates from your Careers Page. When you provide R365 with these tracking pixels, R365 can implement them on f...

How can Applicant data be removed from R365 Hire?

Applicants can request to have their data removed from R365 Hire at any time to protect their information. Below details the process of having Applicant information deleted from the system. Step 1: The Applicant Contacts R365 Support The Applican...

Can I access the applicant assessments?

To access the applicants' Personality and Math & Verbal assessments, Users can create a test applicant. This will allow Users to see what the assessments are like.  To view an applicant's test scores and prescreening question answers, Users...

Why do I see 2 additional I-9 and W-4 forms assigned to applicants?

The additional I-9and W-4 forms located under 'Single Assign Forms' are only to be used after an employee has completed onboarding.  For example, if an employee gets married and needs to update their information, assign these forms. 

My applicants completed their paperwork, why is the onboarding bar still blank?

If the applicant has completed their necessary paperwork, but the Onboarding bar is still blank, it is likely that the Manager has not completed their portion of each document. Ensure that each document is completed. 

Why does my 'Tasks' tab say '(No Tasks Assigned)'?

If the 'Tasks' tab says '(No Tasks Assigned),' the correct Manager may not be assigned to the appropriate checklist.  From the 'Tasks' page, click 'Edit Checklists.'  Then, make all the necessary and appropri...

Can I transfer additional documents to Payroll after exporting the applicant?

The Payroll information from the Onboarding module will export to Payroll. All attached documents transfer during the initial export.  After the initial export, any additional documents will need to be uploaded directly to Payroll. 

Should I cancel my existing Indeed subcription?

No, existing Indeed subscriptions do not need to be cancelled.  To post jobs through R365 with an existing Indeed subscription, first, from the Indeed account, pull down all currently posted jobs. After removing these job postings, the jobs can then be...

How are Tax Witholdings Determined for R365 Pay Runs?

Pay Runs that are scheduled either daily or per pay period use the 'Aggregation' tax method for determining the tax rate for the Employee.  One-Time Payments allow the User creating the One-Time Payment to choose the tax method used to calculat...

Why is my item costing off?

Depending on the setting you’ve chosen for an item, its inventory cost is either automatically calculated based off previous AP invoices / commissary orders or is manually entered and maintained.  Troubleshooting Costing Issues When an item’s cost...

What do I do if I skipped Inventory Counts?

Inventory Counts should be entered consistently, but if your restaurant was closed, you may have skipped your End of Month (EOM) Inventory Count. Entering EOM Inventory Counts is crucial to ensure that your COGS is trued up. These counts can be easily repl...

How do I resume taking Inventory Counts after not taking them for weeks?

When you resume taking Inventory Counts after being closed, you will need two Inventory Counts to reflect actual COGS usage.  The first count will establish how much in Inventory you have in house. This count should be compared against your Balance Sh...

What are some best practices around entering a Payroll Journal Entry?

When creating a Payroll Journal Entry, it is important to make sure that the necessary Daily Sales Summaries are approved and only one Payroll JE is created to clear out the accrued payroll for the desired date range. If more than one Payroll JE is entered...

How do I manage Undeposited Funds?

It is recommended to map Cash and Credit Card transactions to Undeposited Funds. To ensure that these funds are properly matched to the necessary bank account, follow the process listed below. Step 1: Map to Undeposited Funds from the DSS Pre...

COVID-19 Relief: Paycheck Protect Program (PPP) Loans & More

For information on Paycheck Protection Program loans for small businesses, see our regularly-updated PPP blog post, our PPP on-demand webinar, and our PPP Loan Forgiveness Strategies & Recovery Best Practices webinar. For a wealth of information on...

What does the onboarding process look like?

In onboarding, you will typically work with both an Accounting Coach and an Operations Coach as you learn both parts of the system. These processes are very different but work in conjunction with each other and, therefore, occur concurrently. Below details...

How can I change a Legal Entity in R365?

During Implementation, Legal Entities will be set up for your Organization and tied to their respective Locations within R365. However, if a change in ownership occurs or there is a shift in Legal Entity structure, existing Legal Entities may need to be ad...

Release Notes - What's New!

TABLE OF CONTENTS Accounting Lock/Unlock Budgets View Activity in My Workflows Assign Missing Items in Docs to Process Create UofM for Purchased Items AP Capture Automatically Creates Vendor Item Numbers Operations Purchase Order and AP Inv...

Release Notes: Q2 2024

This article reviews the releases from Q2 of 2024. View the full list of Release Notes here.  May 2024 Employee Training Task Management Mobile Ordering Operations Purchase Order Template Comments AP Invoices: Linking Purchase Order Delivery Da...

Release Notes: Q1 2024

This article reviews the releases from Q1 of 2024. View the full list of Release Notes here. March 14, 2024 Operations Purchase Order Form: On Hand Column Purchase Order Grid: Comments Column Commissary: Auto-Generate Orders & Add Cut-Off Time t...

Release Notes : Q4 2023

This article reviews the releases from Q4 of 2023. View the full list of Release Notes here. TABLE OF CONTENTS December 19, 2023 System Report Subscriptions Permissions Import Tool: Employee Import Fields Operations Waste Log Templates: Copy ...

Release Notes: Q3 2023

This article reviews the releases from Q3 of 2023. View the full list of Release Notes here. TABLE OF CONTENTS September 28th, 2023 Operations Donations Mobile Donations Item Category Item Prefixes for Smart Ops Purchased Item Record Smart Ops ...

Release Notes - Q2 2023

This article reviews the releases from Q2 of 2023. View the full list of Release Notes here. TABLE OF CONTENTS June 15th, 2023 May 31st, 2023 April 27th, 2023 April 20th, 2023 June 15th, 2023 Auto Logout Inactive Users will now b...

Release Notes - Q1 2023

This article reviews the releases from Q1 of 2023. View the full list of Release Notes here. March 16th, 2023 Create Time Off on Behalf of Employees   Manger Tools now includes the option to create Time Off Requests on behalf of Employees. Mana...

Release Notes - Q4 2022

This article reviews the releases from Q4 of 2022. View the full list of Release Notes here. Group Messaging  Mobile  R365 Messaging now supports Group Messaging! App Users with R365 Messaging access can now message multiple coworkers at once ab...

Release Notes - Q3 2022

This article reviews the releases from Q3 of 2022. View the full list of Release Notes here. September 29th, 2022   Scheduled Payments   Schedule Payments ahead of time! The Scheduled Payments feature allows Users to schedule a Payment Run in a...

Release Notes - Q2 2022

June 30, 2022 AP Center The AP Center makes processing AP easier. Follow the full life of an AP Invoice from Document Upload through Payment Creation, all from one central place!  View a PDF tour of the AP Center here.  Forecast Import Qu...

Preparation for Operations

The goal of Operations Implementation is to train your Power User to complete all daily, weekly, and monthly tasks necessary to maintain your R365 instance. Consider who from your organization will be the main point of contact for Ops Onboarding and the Op...

Phase 1: Items In

Phase 1 focuses on preparing and importing items to R365. Item Setup is a prerequisite to all item-level transactions, such as AP Invoices and Inventory. These foundational concepts will lay the groundwork for the next phases of Operations Onboarding. ...

Phase 2: Item Management and Transactions

Phase 2 focuses on Item Management and Transactions, such as AP Invoices, Item Transfers, and Waste Logs. At completion of this phase, your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is calculated from purchases. During the next phase, we will set up Inventory Counts, whic...

Phase 3: Inventory

Phase 3 focuses on the setup of Inventory Templates and the taking, reviewing, and approving of Inventory Counts. In a periodic inventory system, performing accurate Inventory Counts is crucial to obtaining accurate Cost of Goods Sold. Phase Goals In...

Phase 4: Recipes

Phase 4 focuses on creating recipes and mapping them to POS Menu Items. Recipes are used for tracking COGS for batch recipes and theoretical depletion through menu items. Phase Goals Learn concepts of recipes and menu items to apply those concepts po...

Phase 5: Scheduling

Phase 5 focuses on the setup and use of R365 Scheduling. One set up, you may then onboard Employees to the R365 Red App, which they can use for requesting off, messaging other Employees, trading shifts, and more.  With your POS Integration, Labor Accru...

Phase 6: Ops Onboarding to Adoption

Phase 6 focuses on reviewing records and solidifying routine tasks in R365 to officially complete technical implementation. You will also receive tools to assist with scaling your business and staying up-to-date with new releases and trainings on new featu...

Golden Rules of Operations

Review the Operations Do's and Don'ts to help you stay successful with Operations in R365! Units of Measure Do use what already exists and create only what is necessary. Do think about the measure type the UofM should be in: Weight, Volume, ...

Golden Rules of Accounting

Review the Accounting Do's and Don'ts to help you stay successful with Accounting in R365! Daily Sales Summary Do make sure that your DSS is validated to ensure accuracy by comparing POS reports to your R365 DSS Don't blindly approve a D...

Phase 1: Getting Started & Discovery

In this initial stage, you will build a foundational setup and set of skills that will prepare you and your team for the more intricate details of Accounting Onboarding in upcoming phases. This also gives us the opportunity to define our primary goals for ...

Phase 2: Money In

This phase focuses on identifying how money enters your restaurant organization and the process of tracking those transactions within R365. Phase Goals POS is configured, mapped, and validated Understand and begin Daily Sales approval process workfl...

Phase 3: Money Out

This phase focuses on identifying how money leaves your restaurant organization and the process of tracking those transactions within R365. Phase Goals Vendors are set up. Understand and begin the AP invoicing process Understand and begin AP paymen...

Phase 4: Accounting Cutover

In this phase, you will be finalizing period-end in your legacy system and recording all transactions dated post-Go Live in R365 moving forward. Goals Ending balances in legacy system match starting balances in R365 As of one day prior to Go Live (e...

Accounting Cutover Process

The cutover process means that on a set date, you close the current period in your legacy software and begin the new period in R365. This is your 'Go Live' date. It is important that transactions are recorded where they belong in order to efficient...

Phase 5: Banking

In this phase, you will learn how to complete a Bank Reconciliation. The time and diligence you spent in the Money In and Money Out Phases will pay dividends in this phase. Phase Goals Understand how Undeposited Funds work (Bank Deposits) Understand...

Phase 6: Payroll

This phase focuses on how to record payroll in R365 and accurately report Labor on your Profit and Loss. Phase Goals Payroll JE has been created Payroll Accruals have been reversed Payroll banking transactions have been recorded and reconciled Tim...

Accounting Onboarding to Adoption

This phase focuses on reviewing records and solidifying routine tasks in R365 to officially complete technical implementation. You will also receive tools to assist with scaling your business and staying up to date with new releases and trainings on new fe...

R365 Setup Assistant

The R365 Setup Assistant is your quick-start tool to get R365 up and running. The Setup Assistant has been designed for simplicity and ease of use. When new customers first log in to R365, they are greeted by the Setup Assistant. This tool will walk y...

R365 Theme Builder

To customize the User Experience, Organizations can set the color theme of the system. The system comes with various saved color theme options to select from and new custom themes can also be created by the User. Access Theme Builder The them...

Fiscal Period/Year Setup

Fiscal periods must be set up for each year by creating a Fiscal Year for each Legal Entity. Different Legal Entities can run on different fiscal years. When Fiscal Years are created, they are validated to prevent gaps between years. Within each Legal ...

R365 Supported Browser

While Restaurant365 will 'work' in any web browser across any device, the complete experience and feature set is designed to work in the Google Chrome Browser. This means that our Development Team designs and tests every function and featu...

System Preferences Overview

Access System Preferences to adjust various system-wide settings, including settings related to accounts, locations, email automation, POS integration, and reporting. Any changes made in System Preferences are effective immediately after saving the pa...

System Preferences: Accounts

This article provides information about the Accounts tab on the System Preferences screen. Click here for more information on System Preferences. On the Accounts tab, users can configure accounts to automatically populate account-related fields throughout ...

System Preferences: Location Reporting Categories

This article provides an overview of the Location Reporting Categories tab on the System Preferences screen. Reporting categories assist in organizing data by location in reports. Many reports have Filter By and Filter parameters that can be used to organi...

System Preferences: AP Processing Email

This article describes the tasks performed on the AP Processing Email tab on the System Preferences screen. Click here for more information on System Preferences. The AP Processing Email tab of System Preferences displays the R365-generated email ...

System Preferences: Miscellaneous

The Miscellaneous tab of the System Preferences screen contains various system settings that effect how users view, create, and update data throughout R365. Click here for more information on System Preferences. Due to the large number of settings avai...

System Preferences: Location Additional Info

The Location Additional Info tab of System Preferences is used to create additional identifiers for locations. These identifiers are available on the Additional Info tab of the Location record as open text fields.  In the example shown below, the user ...

Legal Entity Record

Legal entities are companies that own locations. Each location must belong to a legal entity, and when a transaction occurs and is connected to a specific location, it is automatically connected to the legal entity that owns the location. When a repor...

Location Record

The Location record is where information related to a specific restaurant location resides in the system. When a location is selected from the list on the Locations page, the Location record opens with the General tab selected by default.  In addition to ...

Add a New Location

Location Records can be created via the Restaurant365 Setup Assistant. Users with the following Permission will be able to access the Setup Assistant via the Administration Menu: Administration → System Setup → Use Setup Assistant Learn more about man...

Location Groups: Overview

This article reviews the Location Groups feature.  Location Groups are used to spread AP Invoices and Journal Entries across multiple Locations, limit which Locations can use specific Purchased Items and Recipes, and run combined reports for groups of ...

Delete a Location

Locations in R365 can be deleted if necessary, but only when every transaction / record that was ever associated with that Location is deleted or reclassified to a different Location.    When each transaction / record has been deleted or reclassified,...

Inactivate a Location

If a Restaurant Location closes, certain transactions can be marked as 'Inactive' from the Location record. This will ensure that no future transactions are accidentally tied to that Location while also retaining it in R365 for historical reporting...

Location Profile

The Location Profile provides a further look into the attributes of your restaurant Locations. The Location Profile can only be utilized if the Location has a Location Type of 'Restaurant' set on its Location record. When updating the Location Type...

Location Reporting Categories

Location Reporting Categories are custom categories that are used for reporting and grouping your Locations. You can create up to ten Parent Categories that can then be assigned on Location records. Some examples of Parent Location Reporting Categorie...

Location Types

A Location Type is a required field in the Location record that groups Locations based on if they are an Accounting Entity, Commissary, or Restaurant.  When creating an Item Location record, Accounting Entities are omitted so that only Restaurant ...

Sales Account Import Types

Sales Account Import Types are the type of Sales Accounts brought in from the POS. Depending on the POS System, these types may or may not have been set up when your system was initially implemented. If your system allowed for this setup, this field w...

User Setup, Security, and Location Access

This article reviews User setup and includes the following topics: User Setup Overview Users / Security Pages and Tools Security Permissions  Creating New Users Editing Users Assigning User Roles and Permissions Assigning Report Roles A...

Custom User Roles

This feature is part of the Security and Permissions page. Custom User Roles are flexible User Roles that streamline managing User permissions. Ensure that Users have the appropriate access by building Custom User Roles with specific permission se...

User Roles: R365 User Role Descriptions

All User Roles contain Permissions that determine the access that a User has in Restaurant365. The default R365 User Roles below are provided as common Permission sets. These roles can be used as is, or they may be cloned as a starting point when creating ...

User Permissions: Permission Reference

This article provides reference information for user permissions. User permissions determine which screens, locations, and types of information that a user has in Restaurant365. Permission Groups User permissions are organized into a tree structure th...

Security & Permissions: Overview & Security

The Security & Permissions page holds several key User security and permissions features. This page makes managing User security and permissions simpler by bringing related settings together into one easy-to-navigate page. Here, Admin Users wil...

Security & Permissions: User Roles

The article is part of the Security & Permissions page. User Roles determine the access a User has in Restaurant365. The User Roles tab is used by Admin Users to view and adjust which Users are assigned to each User Role, as well as view the ...

Security & Permissions: Report Roles

The article is part of the Security & Permissions page. Report Roles must be created and assigned to each User in order for that User to access individual Reports located in 'My Reports' or 'Custom Financial Reports'. Repo...

Security & Permissions: Passwords

The article is part of the Security & Permissions page. The Passwords tab enables Admin Users to have more control over security by setting Password Parameters. These parameters enforce password requirements that Users must follow when creating...

Generating a User Access Report

This article reviews the User Access Report on the Security and Permissions page.  The User Access Report can be run to export a list of Users and all system access they have. This Report can be used for high-level auditing of comprehensive Use Access wit...

Generating a Permissions Access Report

This article reviews the Permissions Access Report on the Security and Permissions page.   The Permissions Access Report allows Users to select one or more Permissions and quickly verify which Users and User Roles have the selected Permission(s). This ...

My Reports Overview

My Reports is the home to all reports in Restaurant365. Reports are sorted and displayed on tabs that group the reports together, including User defined 'Favorites'. In order to view or access any report, a User must first be assigned to a...

My Reports: Assigning Report Roles

Report Roles grant access to specific Reports found in 'My Reports'.  Click here for more information on My Reports. Report Roles can be be assigned using three different methods:  Manually on the Security & Permissions page   Manually o...

My Reports: Using ‘My Reports’

In order to view and run Reports found in My Reports, a User must first have a Report Role assigned to their User Record. Click here for more information on My Reports. Navigation   Navigate to 'My Reports' by clicking on 'My Reports&...

My Reports: Send, Export, or Print Reports

Reports ran from within 'My Reports' can be emailed, exported, and/or printed directly from the reporting window. In doing so, any settings that are updated for a report with a PDF File Type will be saved for that report and User. These settings...

Report Subscriptions Overview & Security

Through the Report Subscriptions Management page, your administrative team has more control over who has access to your data by directly managing report subscription records. Report subscriptions will run a selected report and send it to the desired r...

Report Subscriptions: Create a Subscription

This is a part of the Report Subscriptions feature. Click here to learn more about Report Subscriptions. Report Subscriptions enable Users to receive the desired Reports via email daily, weekly, or monthly. These subscriptions can only be set up and ma...

Report Subscriptions: Edit and Send a Subscription

This is a part of Report Subscriptions and covers editing and sending a subscription. Report subscriptions will need to be managed over time to better reflect your current restaurant management. Whether a report subscription needs to be edited, deactiv...

Report Subscriptions: Date Settings

This is a part of the Report Subscriptions feature. Click here to learn more about Report Subscriptions. When subscribing to a report, the Date Settings fields appear if the report parameters include dates, such as the As Of, Start Date, or End Da...

Report Views

Report Views act as a Report Parameter Template where Users can set and save views of a report without having to set the Report Parameters each time. Each User with report access can set a Report View as a Default View so that each time the report is ran, ...

My Reports: System View

In My Reports, you can create and save your own views. The default (unfiltered) view is System View. To learn more, see the Saved Views section of "My Reports: Using 'My Reports'".

Entering Beginning Balance Transactions

When implementing Restaurant365, you will need to input beginning balance transactions for GL Balances, Open AP Transactions, Open AR Transactions, and Unreconciled Bank Transactions. The majority of beginning balance items will be imported during the impl...

Historical Sales

Historical Sales are the Sales that occurred prior to cut-over, which can be imported in a simplified manner into Restaurant365. Historical Sales are created using the R365 Historical Sales import template.  Historical Sales exist in Restaurant365 for ...

Beginning Balance Difference – Unassigned Vendor or Customer

Conditions in which UNASSIGNED VENDOR appears on AP Aging Report The UNASSIGNED VENDOR is a system-generated Vendor that appears on the AP Aging report when the following conditions occur. Difference in AP Beginning Balance and Imported AP ...

Restaurant Accountant Training Outline

The following training articles will assist Restaurant Accountants in understanding the key financial functions of the system. Navigation and Reports Working with Lists Accounting Reports Setting Up 'My Reports' Formatting the Profit and L...

Restaurant Manager Training Outline

Here are the key videos and articles for Restaurant Manager Training. Navigation Home Page Working with Lists (Classic) Restaurant Operational Reports Sales Daily Sales Overview & Security Daily Sales: Review a DSS Daily Sales Summar...

Daily Operator Guide

As an Operator, you are familiar with the cost and usage of each item in your restaurant. For Operations to be the most efficient, the following must be occur:  Item records, both Purchased Items and Vendor Items, should be setup correctly and adjusted a...

R365 Marketplace

Restaurant365 is always working to build advanced products that enhance your experience and help your restaurant thrive. As you grow to familiarize yourself with the software, R365 wants you to have direct access to the products that can help make you...

Submitting a Product Idea

At R365, we value your opinion and want to continually work to build smarter products that best serve you and your team. We thrive off of new perspectives, and as collaborators, we encourage you to share your ideas, make suggestions to existing features, r...

R365 Website Shortcut on Tablet

Create R365 website shortcuts on your mobile device's Home screen to make it even easier to log in to R365 and complete your daily tasks. Website shortcuts can be set up for both Apple and Android devices. iPhone / iPad Follow the instructions...

R365 Support

The R365 Support Center is your one-stop for: In-depth solution articles Sharing best practices in our Community Forums Managing open Support Tickets Chatting with a support rep Click here to view how to contact R365 Support.  Accessing the ...

R365 Academy Overview

  Welcome to the R365 Academy! This course-based learning tool may just become your best friend over the next few weeks as you dive into the world of R365. This lesson will focus on how to get the most out of your one-stop spot for Learning, the R365 Ac...

Working With Smart Grids

The different R365 Smart Grids can be organized and saved based on each User's preferred format. Every Smart Grid has several functions, allowing Users to filter, search, and reorder the grid information. Article Topics Column Visibi...

Working with List Views

The different lists in R365 can be organized and saved based on each User's preferred format. Within these lists, different functions are also present to provide filters for searching and additional actions for the selections within a listing, all...

Closing a Period

Booking transactions dates is determined by the Closed Date on the Legal Entity. Setting this date will mean no transactions can be Approved or edited with a date less than or equal to the Closed Date for any locations in that Legal Entity.  Users who ...

Advanced Close: Fiscal Year

The Advanced Close feature allows a User to lock and unlock Fiscal Years, Periods, and Modules to better manage transaction entry. When enabled, a User can view and maintain the status of all Fiscal Years from the Fiscal Year Maintenance Screen so t...

To Do Checklist

The To Do Checklist displays various tabs with items that the system has flagged as requiring setup or attention.  If nothing is requiring attention on a specific tab, that tab won't be displayed.  The To Do List has the following tabs: Record S...

Export Chart of Accounts List From QuickBooks® Desktop

If your organization uses QuickBooks Desktop Version and is now setting up Restaurant365, moving your Chart of Accounts list over is an easy process. R365 consolidates Chart of Accounts so that multiple Locations and Legal Entities can be compared side...

Export Chart of Accounts List From QuickBooks® Online

If your organization uses QuickBooks Online Version and is now setting up Restaurant365, moving your Chart of Accounts list over is an easy process. R365 consolidates Chart of Accounts so that multiple Locations and Legal Entities can be compared side-...

Export Vendor List From QuickBooks® Desktop

Transferring your Vendor List from QuickBooks Desktop to R365 is an easy process, but to also make it an efficient process, it is important to review and consolidate this list.  To make sure your Vendor List is clear of duplicates and obsolete Vendors,...

Export Vendor List From QuickBooks® Online

Transferring your Vendor List from QuickBooks to R365 is an easy process, but to also make it an efficient process, it is important to review and consolidate this list.  To make sure your Vendor List is clear of duplicates and obsolete Vendors, follow ...

Export Customer List From QuickBooks® Desktop

If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are now setting up Restaurant365, moving your Customer List over is easy. When importing a Customer List, it is important to consolidate and update the list before importing into R365. Follow the instructions below to help...

Export Customer List From QuickBooks® Online

If you use QuickBooks Online and are now setting up Restaurant365, moving your Customer List over is easy. When importing a Customer List, it is important to consolidate and update the list before importing into R365. Follow the instructions below to help ...

Pulling Data from QuickBooks® Desktop for R365 Migration

During the final stages of Onboarding, a Data Import Specialist will contact you or your team about downloading and preparing four data files for import into R365, which include the Trial Balances and transaction information for the current and previous fi...

Pulling Data from QuickBooks® Online for R365 Migration

During the final stages of Onboarding, a Data Import Specialist will contact you or your team about downloading and preparing four data files for import into R365, which include the Trial Balances and transaction information for the current and previous fi...

Completing a Crosswalk

A Crosswalk occurs during Implementation when you determine how your Legacy accounts are mapped in R365. The transactional data tied to these Legacy accounts are pulled in from the number of prior years agreed upon in your Sales Contract.  Your Data Im...

Welcome to Your Adoption Journey

Congratulations on completing implementation! Restaurant365's VP of Customer Success, Kris Sundberg, has a quick message on how we are going to help your restaurant business thrive. To ensure you stay successful and are maintaining your instance...

Setup Review and Daily Tasks

Fast track month-end close by maintaining your daily To Do Checklist in R365 and never play catch up again! Because you are entering and approving transactions daily, you should be reviewing the Flash, Weekly Review – Location, and Overtime Warning reports...

Weekly Tasks and Reports

Now that you are getting in the habit of knocking out your daily routine in R365, it is time to layer in weekly and biweekly tasks. These to-do frequencies are dependent on how often your Organization runs Payroll and takes Inventory. However, reviewing li...

Monthly Tasks and Reports

If you are maintaining Daily and Weekly Tasks, wrapping up period end should be a simple routine with only 3 main components on the Monthly To-Do List. These include: Bank Reconciliation It is important to compare your bank statements against ledgers ma...

Quarterly Tasks and Reports

Now that you have experienced at least two period ends, you should have plenty of reps under your belt for all DWM tasks. Layering in Quarterly Self-Audit processes is one way you can keep your R365 instance accurate and healthy for years to come. Use the ...

Quarterly Accounting Self-Audit

Every quarter, it is important to review certain aspects of the Accounting module to ensure that all transactions tie out, access to the system is granted to the appropriate Users, and financial data is accurate.  This article reviews the following Acc...

Quarterly Operations Self-Audit

Every quarter, it is important to review certain aspects of the Operations module to ensure that all items are set up correctly and that Scheduling details are accurate and up-to-date. This article reviews the following: Item Setup Labor Setup ...

Inventory Clean Up Process

It is important to update Inventory if any of the following occurs: Multiple similar items with different names (e.g. GROC Ketchup, GROC Katchup, GROC Catsup) Unexplained costing issues (usually a symptom of incorrect unit and item setup) Item values o...

Quarterly Recap

The goal of this article series is to equip you with the skills and routine to maintain your instance, inform your team, and streamline processes with the DWM Checklist. Because great healthy habits are established, you are truly utilizing what R365, as an...

Defining Your Data

Now that you have spent the past few months getting comfortable with R365 processes, it is important to utilize the data at your disposal and keep your team informed. You can start with the following resources:  Building a Data-Driven Culture - This blog...

The Value of Sales Forecasting

Sales Forecasting is an important tool to take your restaurant to the next level. Your Location's Sales Forecast can influence inventory, ordering, staffing, and more. To help provide the most accurate forecasts, R365 provides you access to three level...

Visualizing Your Data with Dashboards

R365 has three dashboards for Financials, Labor, and Operations to quickly review key metrics across Locations. These dashboards are mobile device friendly as well when opening with a Chrome browser! Labor Dashboard If you are using R365 Scheduli...

AP Center: Overview & Security

Processing Invoices and Payments is comprised of multiple processes, from Invoice entry through Payment approval. The AP Center is a one-stop shop for all things AP and brings all of these processes together in one central place.   View a PDF tour...

AP Center: Documents Queue

The article is part of the AP Center release. The Documents Queue functions as part of the Documents to Process feature in R365 that allows Users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice (or AP Credit Memo) to the system and then enter th...

AP Center: Awaiting Approval

This article is part of the AP Center release. Invoices that are pending approval will be displayed in the Awaiting Approval tab. The look and functionality of this tab are very similar to the My Workflows page and allow Users to quickly see all I...

AP Center: Ready for Payment

This article is part of the AP Center release. The Ready for Payments tab collects all approved Invoices into a simple list with top-level details. Sort by Due Date, Vendor, Priority, Payment Type, or Location to quickly review and group Invoices. ...

AP Center: Payment Runs

This article is part of the AP Center release. The Payment Runs tab lists all unsent payment runs created in your database. From this easy-to-view grid, users can determine right away which payment runs need to be approved or sent to the necessary...

Vendor Record

The vendor record is where specific information related to a vendor resides in the system. Enter all necessary details as they pertain to each vendor. Vendors can also be organized into vendor groups for filtering purposes on the Payment Run screen. ...

Customer Record

The Customer Record is where the Customer specific information for each Customer resides in the system.  Once you have opened a Customer Record, the General Tab of the record will be displayed.  In addition to the information found on the General tab,...

Vendor Merge

Sometimes duplicate vendors get created with the same or similar names with slightly different spellings. Since duplicates cannot be deleted, duplicates can be removed by merging transactions together. This can be done easily by following the steps below: ...

Payment Terms

Payment Terms are used throughout R365 to specify the terms in which a payment should be received. There are five payment term presets that exist when the system is created. Apart from those five payment terms, Users will need to create and manage the...

Paying Vendors by ACH

If a vendor prefers to be paid by ACH, users can configure this preference on the Vendor record by changing the Payment Method to ACH. In addition to setting the Payment Method on the Vendor record, the ACH Report type must also be selected on the Bank rec...

AP Transactions Table

AP Transactions displays a list of all transactions recorded in the system, including AP Invoices, AP Credit Memos, and AP Payments.    Users can customize their view by changing the column order and showing or hiding certain columns. To find specif...

AP Transactions: Missing Items

  Missing Items are automatically created in Restaurant365 when an AP Transaction is imported or entered and includes a Vendor Item Number that does not exist. The following are scenarios in which a Missing Item would be created:  Customer purchases n...

AP Transactions: Document Issues

AP Transactions that include document issues and are saved in R365 will display a 'Document Issues' tab on the corresponding transaction. These issues can only be manually entered and saved on AP Transactions through Documents to Process. When...

AP Transactions: Attach from Documents

The 'Attach from Documents' button enables Users to attach additional documents from Documents to Process to an existing AP Invoice, AP Credit Memo, or a DSS Journal Entry. If a document was added from Documents to Process and is later removed...

Memorized AP Transactions

AP Transactions can be memorized as transaction templates that can be used again in the future. In addition to creating a transaction template, Memorized Transactions can be scheduled and automatically created.  Note: Memorized Transactions will n...

Payment Run Overview

The Check Run screen provides a User with a list of Approved AP Invoices, which can be filtered by Vendor, Location Reporting Category, and Invoice Priority.  The User can then apply AP Credit Memos & Discounts, create AP Payments, print Checks, and ...

Payment Runs Page

The Payment Runs page lists all Payment Runs created in your database. From this easy-to-view grid, Users can determine right away which Payment Runs need to be updated, finalized, and sent to the necessary Vendors. Users can even click into and updat...

Creating a Payment Run

The Payment Run screen provides a user with a list of approved AP invoices. The user can then apply AP credit memos and discounts, create AP payments, print checks, and produce ACH and positive pay exports for selected invoices. Click here for more informa...

Payment Run: Creating Payments

The Payment Run page provides a list of approved AP invoices. From this page, users can apply credit memos and discounts, create payments, print checks, and produce ACH and positive pay exports for selected invoices. For more information, see Payment Run O...

Payment Run: Payment Date

The Payment Run page provides a list of approved AP invoices. From this page, users can apply credit memos and discounts, create payments, print checks, and produce ACH and positive pay exports for selected invoices. For more information, see Payment Run O...

Payment Runs Page: Payment Run Statuses

This is a part of the Payment Runs feature. Click here to learn more about the Payment Runs Page. Payment Runs, also known as Check Runs, can be viewed and opened from the Payment Runs page. While this page is initially filtered to display only Payment...

Payment Run: Discounts from Early Payment

The Payment Run screen provides a User with a list of approved AP Invoices. The User can then apply AP Credit Memos & Discounts, create AP Payments, print checks, and produce ACH and Positive Pay exports for selected invoices. Click here for more infor...

Payment Run: Applying Credits

The Payment Run page provides a list of approved AP invoices. From this page, users can apply credit memos and discounts, create payments, print checks, and produce ACH and positive pay exports for selected invoices. For more information, see Payment Run O...

Documents to Process Overview

The Documents to Process screen in Accounting allows users to upload a PDF or a scanned image of an AP Invoice (or AP Credit Memo) to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time. This is different from the EDI process wher...

Documents to Process: Supported File Types

Documents to Process allows R365 users to import the following file types for immediate processing: File Size All files, no matter what type they are, must smaller than 1.5 MB for timely processing. The larger the file, the longer it takes for th...

Documents to Process: Upload Methods

Documents to Process is a feature in R365 that allows users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice or AP Credit Memo to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time. The recommended file format for use in Documents to...

Documents to Process: Manual Upload

Documents to Process is a feature in R365 that allows users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice or Credit Memo to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time. The recommended file format for use in Documents to Pr...

Documents to Process: Uploading Files with AP Automation

Documents to Process is a feature in R365 that allows users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice or AP Credit Memo to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time. The recommended file format for use in Documen...

Documents to Process: Uploading Files via FTP

Documents to Process allows users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP invoice (or AP credit memo) to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time. The recommended file format for use in Documents to Process is PDF. Many ve...

Documents to Process: How to Process Uploaded Files

After documents are uploaded using any of the Documents to Process Upload Methods, they become accessible in the Documents to Process list. This list provides access to documents that have been imported in to R365. Currently, Documents to Process includes ...

Documents to Process: Log and Errors

Documents to Process is a feature that allows Users to upload a PDF or scanned image of an AP Invoice (or AP Credit Memo) to the system and then enter the details of the transaction at a later time. The Documents to Process Log, located in the ...

Documents to Process: Mark as Archived

This is a part of the Documents to Process feature. Click here to learn more about Documents to Process. The 'Mark as Archived' button will mark the AP Invoice/Credit Memo as a duplicate and archive it. This is beneficial for entry Users ...

Documents to Process: Comments

This article reviews Comments within Documents to Process. Here, Users can communicate about uploaded Documents.  Navigation Comments for uploaded Documents can only be accessed from the list view for Documents to Process.  First, navigate to ...

AP Invoice record

If entering invoices from within the Smart Ops Release screen, see AP Invoices. Inputting AP Invoices is easy. Users can either manually enter a new AP Invoice or import a CSV file of AP Invoice details. If the AP Invoice includes a Document Iss...

Mass Invoice Entry

Entering invoices in mass makes AP Entry seamless and easy. The steps provided explain each step of the Mass Invoice Entry process. Click here to view how single and mass Invoice Entry differ. Step 1: Open the Mass Invoice Entry screen H...

AP Credit Memo

AP Credit Memos can be entered in Restaurant365 to record any credits that are due. Credit Memos can then be applied to Open AP Invoices. If the Credit Memo has a 'Document Issues' tab listed, click here to learn how to resolve Document Issues. ...

Voiding a Transaction

Voiding a transaction, including a check, creates a second transaction in the system that has the exact opposite effect as the original transaction and is automatically applied to the original transaction, thus nullifying completely the original trans...

AP Invoice: Credit Expected

The Credit Expected field located on the AP Invoice form is designed to allow your AP Clerk to quickly and easily document and request a credit when a credit is due.  To utilize this feature, first you should identify any of your Short Pay Vendors.  ...

Use Tax Vendors

Mark Use Tax Vendors from the Vendor record to track Vendors that are subject to Use Tax. These can then be further assessed through certain R365 reports, including the Purchases by Vendor and in Ad Hoc Reports. Use Tax Setup To do so, open t...

Unassigned Vendor – Accounts Payable

Conditions in which UNASSIGNED VENDOR appears on AP Aging Report The UNASSIGNED VENDOR is a System Generated Vendor that appears on the AP Aging Report when the following conditions occur. Difference in AP Beginning Balance and Imported AP ...

AP Invoice: Autopay

AP Invoices can be automatically paid by using the Autopay feature. Autopay can be enabled automatically for Vendors that utilize the Auto-Direct Debit (ADD) or Credit Card Payment Methods, or it can be manually set on each AP Invoice for Vendors with any ...

AP Invoice: Document Date & GL Date

The AP Invoice record will allow you to enter both a 'Document Date' and a 'GL Date' when performing an AP Invoice entry. This feature will likely only be necessary to use in certain scenarios.   Document Date vs. GL Date When...

AP Invoices: Payment Hold

At times, an AP Invoice will need to be put on hold when a charge is disputed or an error occurred during billing. By putting that invoice on hold, it can be stopped from being paid in error.  A Payment Hold is active and can be toggled on when th...

AP Imports Overview

AP Transactions can be imported as CSV files into Restaurant365. Unlike Documents to Process, which requires a User to process the data at a later time, Imported AP Transactions contain all of the transaction details and are ready for review and approval u...

AP Imports: Import Templates

AP transactions can be imported in to Restaurant365 using CSV templates. Many vendors are integrated with R365 and each provides a unique file format that can be imported. Click here to see a list of integrated vendors. Restaurant365 provides a generic...

AP Imports: Manual Importing

AP Transactions can be manually imported into Restaurant365. Manually importing AP Transactions requires the use of specific import templates. Transactions can be imported by Item or by Account. Click here for information on EDI Vendor Integrations and Res...

AP Automation Overview

AP Automation is a feature within Restaurant365 where Vendors can send emails with documents directly to your R365 instance via your R365-generated Documents to process Email. This email address is unique to your organization and is automatically set ...

AP Automation: Common Webmail Provider POP Settings

Restaurant365 can monitor a specified Email address via POP3. Click here for more information on AP Automation. Webmail ProviderPOP ServerPOP PortSSL/TLSLink(s) Gmail.com pop.gmail.com 995 Yes https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7104828?authuser=...

AP Automation: Gmail Settings

Please refer to the AP Automation Overview for steps on how to set up AP Automation. AP Automation is a feature within Restaurant365 where Vendors are able to directly send invoices straight to your R365 instance via a unique email address generated fr...

Vendor Contract Price Verification

Sometimes a Vendor may invoice a product at a different price than they have contracted with you. In these cases, the system can warn you that a contract violation has occurred. Setting up a contract price for a Vendor item is simple, and once set, the sys...

R365 Payments Overview & Security

The R365 Payments service is designed to save you time and money by streamlining the payment process from within R365. You create a payment in R365, and R365 Payments does the rest! This added service delivers payments to each of your vendors u...

Getting started with R365 Payments

This article is part of the R365 Payments training and explores management of bank accounts, vendors, and legal entities before, during, and after the switch to R365 Payments. Click here for more information on R365 Payments. When getting started with ...

Paying Vendors with R365 Payments

This article is part of the R365 Payments Service training. Click here for more information on R365 Payments Service. R365 Payments allows you to pay your vendors using payment runs. R365 Payments does not support manual payments or the Pay Bill a...

R365 Payments: Add a Legal Entity

This article is part of the R365 Payments training. If you are new to R365 Payments, please review Getting started with R365 Payments before making any changes. Click here for more information about the R365 Payments Service and how it can serve your organ...

R365 Payments: Add or Remove a Bank Account

This article is part of the R365 Payments training. If you are new to R365 Payments, please review Getting started with R365 Payments before making any changes. Click here for more information about the R365 Payments Service and how it can serve your organ...

R365 Payments: Add or Remove a Vendor

This article is part of the R365 Payments training. If you are new to R365 Payments, please review Getting started with R365 Payments before making any changes. Click here for more information about the R365 Payments Service and how it can serve your organ...

R365 Payments: Resending failed payments

This article addresses R365 Payments that failed to send due to an interruption in the payment process. Click here to learn more about R365 Payments. R365 Payment Status column in AP Transactions shows the status of each payment made using the R365 Pay...

Scheduling a payment run

This article addresses scheduling payments with R365 Payments.  With R365 Payments, users can schedule a payment run in advance to ensure that vendors are paid on time. Schedules payments can also help streamline processes and optimize workflow because...

Cancelling a Scheduled Payment Run

There are many reasons why users might need to cancel a scheduled payment, such as if a payment was set up incorrectly or scheduled for the wrong date. Scheduled payments can be cancelled either from AP Transactions or Payment Runs.  Note: If only the ...

Rescheduling Scheduled Payment Runs

If a user needs to change the date of a scheduled payment, rather than cancelling and recreating the payment, they can reschedule the Payment Run for a different date.  Note: Individual payments cannot be rescheduled. Only the full Payment Run can be r...

Printing Checks

Restaurant365 allows users to print their own checks without relying upon pre-printed check stock. This gives users greater flexibility and added security as they will not have to keep pre-printed check stock on premises, or under lock and key. Blank ...

Manual Payment

Manual Payments are AP Payments created for a single Vendor. Manual Payments can be used to record payments made using a payment method outside of R365, and to print checks before entering an AP Invoice into R365.  To create a Payment for a non-Vendor, u...

Check Numbering in R365

This article describes how checks are automatically numbered in R365. Unlike the Autonumbering feature, where prefixes can be updated and changed, check numbers do not include a prefix. Numbers are set on the bank account record that would be the source of...

Paying Your Credit Card Bill

If you have a Credit Card Bank GL Account setup to pay expenses you will need to record the payments to the appropriate accounts within Restaurant365 to allow for ease of matching during your ‘Bank Activity/Bank Reconciliation’ process. There are two optio...

Recording American Express AMEX Charges

Follow the steps below to record and pay American Express charges in R365. Step 1: Record your AMEX Charges Users can record AMEX charges for a specific Vendor or when the Vendor is unnecessary to dictate. Option 1: To record an individual ...

Payment Run Record

The Payment Run record provides users with a list of approved Accounts Payable invoices. The user can then apply AP credit memos and discounts, create payments, print checks, and produce ACH and Positive Pay exports for selected invoices. Click here for mo...

Payment Run Approvals

This feature is part of the Payment Runs page. Payment Run Approvals is an optional feature that can be enabled on request. When Payment Run Approvals is enabled, the layout of the Payment Runs page is modified to group unapproved and approved Paym...

AP Payment Record

The AP Payment record contains all details related to a single payment. Here, users can edit details, attach documents, apply invoices, review distribution, approve the payment, and print checks. AP payments can be created manually or through payment r...

Add a Location Logo

Your Company Logo can be added to the Location Record to appear on AR Invoices and Statements that you create in R365. Location Logos can be added using the R365 Setup Assistant or on the Location Record itself. Via Setup Assistant  Ope...

AR Imports for FlexiBake Overview

FlexiBake AR Transactions can be imported from CSV files to Restaurant365. Imported AR Transactions contain all of the transaction details and are ready for review and approval upon being imported. AR Transactions can be imported as complete Transactio...

Sales Item Record

A Sales Item, or a 'Sell Only' Item, is an item you are going to sell to a Customer but are not going to enter in your POS System, such as consulting services or equipment rental. Built out Sales Items can then be added to an AR Invoice and se...

Primary Contact

  Contacts can be created on Vendor and Customer Records by clicking the 'Primary Contact' link next to the selector. This will open the Contact form where the Contact can be entered and saved. Contact Form If the Contact was create...

AR Credit Memo

The AR Credit Memo is part of Accounts Receivable within the Accounting module of Restaurant365.  They are generally used to apply to AR Invoices (cancel out the invoice) by issuing a Credit to a Customer. To create an AR Credit Memo, hover o...

AR Invoice

The AR Invoice is part of Accounts Receivable within the Accounting module of Restaurant365. The AR Invoice is used to generate a professional invoice to provide to customers for services or goods you sell them billed separately from your Point of Sal...

AR Payment

AR Payments are used to record the receipt of payment for an AR Invoice. AR Invoices can originate from a number of features in R365, including AR Sales, Commissary, Franchising, and House Account transactions. When you have received payment from a Cus...

House Accounts

House Accounts exist in R365 to aid the User in automatically creating AR Invoices for the House Accounts at their Locations. When a House Account Payment Type appears on a Sales Ticket through the POS, the Daily Sales Summary will display that transaction...

Third Party Delivery Services & House Accounts

In the Accounts Receivable Process for Third Party Delivery services, transactions made hit GL Accounts based on the following: The Customer order is received and entered in the POS and then closed out to unique tender (i.e. Seamless). This imports into ...

AR Invoices Paid Through the POS

At times, AR Payments may be received through the POS as a Sales Account or as a Paid In on the 'Paid Out' tab of the Daily Sales Summary. This Sales Account should be mapped to a GL Account called 'House Account Payment Clearing' and shoul...

GL Types

GL Types, or rather General Ledger Types, are predefined groups for GL Account Records. GL Types are used for the sorting, grouping, and subtotaling GL Accounts on Financial Reports (Balance Sheet and P&L). Because of this, the GL Type is a required fi...

Add a New GL Account

A new GL Account can be added one of three ways in R365:  Account Menu  Setup Assistant  Import Tool This article will walkthrough the simplest method of the three: the Account Menu. Refer to the Setup Assistant and Import Tool training articles ...

GL Account Record

  The GL Account Record is where account-specific information for each GL Account resides in the system. This article reviews the fields listed on each tab of this record. To create a new GL Account, please see the Add a New GL Account training. Cli...

GL Accounts: Parent Accounts & Child Accounts

GL Accounts can have a specified Parent Account, which would effectively make them a Child Account. Parent Accounts allow Users to group accounts under one main summary account for subtotal and visual grouping on Financial Reports. To assign a Parent ...

GL Accounts: 'Restricted Access' Settings

This article reviews the 'Restricted Access - Usage' and 'Restricted Access - Hide Transactions' settings for GL Account Records. Article Topics: Overview Restricted Access - Usage Restricted Access - Hide Transactions Restricted A...

GL Accounts: Disable Entry

This article is part of the documentation on the GL Account record. Click here for more information on GL Accounts. If a GL Account is going to be a true Summary Account, we can Disable Entry for the account. The values in the account going forward wil...

GL Accounts: Operational Reports Categories

This article is part of the documentation on the GL Account record. Click here for more information on GL Accounts. Operational Reports Category is a setting on the GL Account record for GL Accounts that have a GL Type that appears on the P&L ...

GL Accounts: Location Security

GL accounts can have additional, location-based, security set on the GL Account Record. Similar to how the Available to Managers feature limits accounts from being seen and selected, location security can be set to limit accounts for use on only select loc...

GL Accounts: Report Settings

On the Report Settings tab, Users can specify additional report settings for the GL Account, including the option to Show Running Total, and assign the Cash Flow Category to Balance Sheet Accounts.   Percent Of None - The default select...

GL Accounts: Budget Defaults

The GL Account can have a default budgeted dollar amount set on the GL Account record. This value would then be pre-populated in the 'Set All to Same' field on the Account Detail screen when the Budget is created. By default, 'Budget As...

Bank Record

Bank records exist to allow you to perform ACH and Positive Pay exports from the Check Run Screen. Before Direct Bank Connections were introduced, the Bank record was also used to allow Users of specific Banks to import their Bank Activity directly to th...

Bank Deposit

The Bank Deposit form is used to record the depositing of funds, from any source, to a Bank Account.  The Bank Deposit form pulls any Undeposited Transactions from the GL Account assigned to the 'Undeposited Funds' field in System Preferences:...

Bank Expense

The Bank Withdrawal or Bank Expense form is used to create Payments to non-Vendors and record withdrawals directly from your Bank Account. No AP Invoice, AP Credit Memo, or Vendor record will be associated with the Bank Expense. GL Accounts can be sel...

Bank Transfer

The Bank Transfer form is used to record the transfer of funds between an organization’s Bank Accounts. Restaurant365 does not initiate the transfer of funds with the bank itself. Transfers must be performed outside the system and then recorded in Res...

Bank Activity Overview

Bank Activity simplifies matching bank statements to transactions in R365. With Bank Activity, users can easily create new deposits, withdrawals, and AP payments based on data provided by the bank. The Bank Activity feature speeds up the bank reco...

Bank Activity Page

Bank Activity simplifies matching bank statements to transactions in R365. With Bank Activity, users can create new deposits, withdrawals, and AP payments based on data provided by the bank. The Bank Activity feature also speeds up the bank reconcilia...

Bank Activity: Create AP Payment from Bank Activity

If Bank Activity pulls in a withdrawal that does not match any existing payment in R365, an AP Payment can be created using the information gathered from the bank. Only users with the following permission(s) can create an AP Payment from Bank Activity:...

Bank Activity: Update and Match Transactions

Matching transactions in Bank Activity makes the Bank Reconciliation process easier. Once your Bank Accounts are set up, then Bank Activity can be pulled and matched. This process consists of the following steps:  Navigate to Bank Activity  Update Ban...

Bank Activity: Manual Import and Export

Manually importing and exporting bank files is one of three ways to update Bank Activity. Click here to learn more about Bank Activity Update Options. Download Activity from Your Bank Log into your bank website and choose to download your bank tra...

Direct Bank Connections: Retrieve Bank Activity

This article is part of the Direct Bank Connections training.  Click here for more information on Direct Bank Connections Direct Bank Connections work in conjunction with the Bank Activity Screen. Think of the Direct Bank Connections as a replacem...

Bank Account Record

Bank Accounts are essential in Restaurant365.  Each Bank Account record represents a Bank Account that is part of your organization and is used in the finances and operations of your Restaurant Organization. Bank Accounts exist as GL Accounts in R...

Adding a New Bank Account or Checkbook

Bank Accounts or Checkbooks exist as GL Accounts in R365.  They can be added using one of the following methods:  Account menu  Setup Assistant  Import Tool This document will demonstrate the simplest method of the three, the Account menu. Refer t...

Positive Pay Overview & Reports

The Positive Pay feature (sometimes referred to as Safe Pay) allows users to export a list of checks from R365 in a format to be uploaded to a bank. The purpose of the upload is to alert the bank of these checks so they can be cashed. This is a service off...

Check Printing Setup - UNITED STATES Check Format

Restaurant365 allows users to print their own checks without relying upon pre-printed check stock. This gives users greater flexibility and added security as they will not have to keep pre-printed check stock on premises, or under lock and key.  B...

Check Printing Setup - CANADA Check Format

Restaurant365 allows users to print their own checks without relying upon pre-printed check stock. This gives users greater flexibility and added security as they will not have to keep pre-printed check stock on premises, or under lock and key.   Blank...

Check Signatures

The system allows the following options around how your company can handle signatures on checks. Click here for more information on how to create a Check Signature. This article reviews the following topics: Check Signature Options Second Signature ...

Creating a Check Signature

Restaurant365 gives Users the option to upload a signature to be included on checks for transactions involving Bank Accounts. If the signature and the file containing the signature are not formatted correctly, the signature function may not work properly. ...

Direct Bank Connections Overview

Direct Bank Connections is one of three ways that Bank Activity can be updated. Click here to learn more about Bank Activity Update Options. Direct Bank Connections allow you to connect your financial institutions directly to the Bank Activity fea...

Direct Bank Connections: Connecting Bank Accounts

This article is part of the Direct Bank Connections training. Click here for more information on Direct Bank Connections.   When using R365 Direct Bank Connections with Bank Accounts utilizing Multi-factor Authentication (MFA), it might be necessary t...

Direct Bank Connections: Bank Accounts with Multi-Factor Authentication

This article is part of the Direct Bank Connections training. Click here for more information on Direct Bank Connections. R365 Direct Bank Connections can be used in conjunction with Bank Accounts that have Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). MFA A...

Budgeting Overview & Security

Advanced Budgeting in Restaurant365 allows Users to build and customize budgets to meet the needs of their organization. Budgets can be created for both Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement Accounts. Budgets can be created from prior year act...

Budgeting: Budget Parameters Screen

This article describes the Budget Parameters screen in the Advanced Budgeting feature in Restaurant365. Click here for more information on Budgeting. Budgets can be created and saved with the following parameters: Current and future years Single Loc...

Advanced Budgeting Page

This article describes controls and columns on the Advanced Budgeting page of R365’s Budgets feature. The Advanced Budgeting page is used to view and edit budgets. Users with the required permissions enabled can perform a variety of budget-related tasks fr...

Budgeting: Creating a New Budget

Creating a Budget or copying a prior year's budget is simple using the Advanced Budgeting feature in R365. To learn more about budgeting, view the Budgeting Overview training article. Important Note: The budget will only display on the Profit and L...

Budgeting: Account Details Page

This article describes the Budget Accounts Detail Page in the Advanced Budgeting feature in R365. Click here for more information on Budgeting. Details about the budget, including the selected GL Account amounts and/or percentages, can be viewed throug...

Budgeting: Completing and Updating Budgets

This article describes the steps necessary to complete a new budget or update an existing budget using the Advanced Budgeting feature in Restaurant365. Click here for more information on Budgeting. Article Topics Completing / Updating Budgets Manual...

Budgeting: Troubleshooting Import Issues

If you are experiencing issues while importing a Budget into R365, it often is due to incorrect file formatting, issues with the Fiscal and/or Operational Year Setup, or errors while adjusting a budget. Navigate to each section as it pertains to an issue y...

Fixed Assets Overview & Security

The Fixed Assets section of the Accounting module allows users to track fixed assets in R365. Fixed assets can be any physical item that resides at a location long-term. The Assets page is used to track these items.  For example, a location purcha...

Fixed Assets: Asset Classes

This article is part of the Fixed Assets Module training. Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets Module.   Asset Classes serve as templates that are used in the creation of Assets. Additionally, Assets can be sorted or organized by Asse...

Fixed Assets: Asset Categories

This article is part of the Fixed Assets Module training.  Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets Module   Asset Categories allow you to create an additional reporting level for your Assets. Categories are User-defined and allow you to...

Fixed Assets: Depreciation Method Definitions

This article is part of the Fixed Assets Module training. Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets module. Specifically, Depreciation Methods are set on the Asset Class, as well as on the Asset record.     Through the Asset Class or Asset reco...

Fixed Assets: Convention Definitions

This article is part of the Fixed Assets Module training. Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets module. Specifically, Conventions are set on the Asset Class as well as on the Asset record.   The Averaging Convention is selected on ea...

Fixed Assets: CIP & Active Credit Offset Accounts

This article is part of the Fixed Assets Module training. Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets module and click here for more information on Asset actions, where CIP & Active Offset Accounts are selected.     When the Status of an A...

Asset Record

This article is part of the Fixed Assets Module training. Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets module.   The Fixed Assets section of the Accounting module allows users to track fixed assets in R365. Fixed assets can be any physical it...

Fixed Assets: Asset Record - Asset Status

This article is part of the Fixed Assets module training. Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets module and here for more information on the Asset record, where the status is set. Asset Status Indicator  The Asset Status Indicator pro...

Fixed Assets: Asset Record - Asset Actions

This article is part of the Fixed Assets Module training. Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets module and here for more information on the Asset record where the actions can be performed.   The Asset 'Actions' menu appears after an...

Fixed Assets: Related Expenses

This article is part of the Fixed Assets module training. Click here for more information on the Fixed Assets module.   The Fixed Asset module allows Users to relate expenses, such as AP Invoices and Journal Entries, to Assets. This can be performed on t...

Workflows Overview & Security

The Workflows feature in R365 allows your organization to establish a chain of approvals for specific transaction types. Workflows can be configured for AP invoices, journal entries, and payment runs. If Workforce is enabled, Workflows can also be con...

Workflows Example Flowchart

This article is part of Workflows training. Click here for more information on Workflows. Example Workflow Rule-Set Example AP Invoice Process Flowchart (click to expand) Note: An additional process is available where any high...

Workflows Setup

Workflow Setup is the administration and configuration page for Workflows. This page is restricted to users with the following permission: Administration → Workflows → Edit Workflows Setup On this page, specific workflows can be set for each loc...

My Workflows

This article is part of Workflows training. Click here for more information on Workflows. My Workflows is the central hub for all of your pending, and future, workflow approvals. The contents of this page will be unique to each user that is part o...

Approvals in Workflows

This article is part of Workflows training. Click here for more information on Workflows. AP invoices and journal entries that meet certain criteria must be approved by an approval hierarchy when workflows are enabled. This article demonstrates ho...

Workflow Approval Groups

This is a part of the Workflows feature. Click here to learn more about Workflows. Workflow Approval Groups can be created so that multiple Users instead of just one User can be assigned to a set approval level in My Workflows. When a Workflow Group is...

Journal Entries Overview

Journal Entries can be manually entered, system generated, or imported in to Restaurant365. Security The Permissions listed here are associated with Journal Entries. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn m...

New Journal Entry

This article will walk you through the steps to create a new Journal Entry. Please note, if you are entering a large Journal Entry, you may want to use the Journal Entry Import function. This functionality will you allow to import a pre-defined templa...

Reversal Journal Entry

Reversing Journal Entries allow a User to create a second duplicate transaction where the debits and credits are reversed to help with month-end accrual transactions.  It is important to note that Journal Entries will not be automatically approved when...

Importing Journal Entries

Journal Entries can be entered into Restaurant365 various ways. This article will discuss how Journal Entries can be imported through the use of .CSV templates. It is important to note that negative values cannot be entered in the Journal Entry Template. T...

Journal Entry Import Templates

Journal Entries can be imported in to Restaurant365 using CSV templates. Click here for the Journal Entries Overview page. Two types of Journal Entries can be imported in to Restaurant365:  Journal Entry  Payroll Journal Entry Each type can be impor...

Payroll Liability

The 'Accrued Payroll Account' selector on the Location record will be used to record payroll liability in R365. As each DSS is polled, the Location's set GL Account will keep track of your daily labor costs and post a daily labor accrual t...

Creating a Memorized Journal Entry

Recurring Transactions are set up using memorized transactions. The Memorized Transaction functionality allows the user to save a template that can be used over and over again (automatically or manually) without having to re-key all the details. For your m...

Payroll Journal Entry

Payroll journal entries record journal entries that are imported from your organization's third-party payroll provider and are used to reconcile labor accrual entries imported from the POS for each day of the pay period.  There are three unique fie...

Transaction Spreading

Transaction spreading in Restaurant365 allows users to spread transactions across multiple periods. Transaction spreading can be utilized for AP invoices, AP credit memos, and journal entries in Restaurant365. To create a transaction spread, the transactio...

Journal Entry Type

Journal Entries that are manually-entered or imported into R365 will have a Journal Entry Type associated with them. Selecting a Journal Entry Type will then help Users easily identify Journal Entries from the Journal Entries, All Transactions, and Transac...

Smart Ops: Overview

Smart Ops is designed with Restaurant Managers in mind. This advanced window both transforms POS data into bite-sized widgets and graphs for on-the-fly decision-making, and allows for transactions and records to be created easier and more efficiently ...

Home Page

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. With the Smart Ops Release comes the new Home page, which is the landing page for all Restaurant Managers and Schedulers. This page offers a direct link...

Help Menus

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. When the Smart Ops Release is installed, Help Menus will be included to assist in your success as you navigate this new design. From the Help...

Smart Labor

Smart Labor is an add-on feature that enhances your experience in R365 with its ability to forecast Labor smarter through advanced configurations. Enabling Smart Labor in your instance will include the additions of the Labor Matrix for constructing the Lab...

How do I make sure my location is ready for Hourly Forecasting?

When Smart Labor is enabled for your Organization, one of the key features you gain access to is Hourly Forecasting. Error messages may occur when you first access Hourly Forecasting if one of the following aspects are not set up beforehand:  Create J...

QuickBooks Online Integration

Important Note: This integration is only available to Customers with the Core Operations plan. Send important Accounting information directly from R365 to QuickBooks Online (QBO) through the QuickBooks Online Integration. With this integration, your or...

Notifications: Overview

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release.   Notifications are now available to alert Users of information that may need their attention. Users will be notified via the Notification Window, R365 Red App, email, and text message.   The Notifi...

Notifications: Notification Center

This feature is part of the Notifications release for Smart Ops. The Notification Center allows Users to enable/disable the Notifications that are delivered to them, as well as set preferences for how those Notifications are delivered (Push Notifi...

Smart Ops: Document Library

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Document Library provides Users the ability to utilize Documents to Process directly from the Smart Ops window. The Document Library hosts all uploa...

GL Export Tool

The 'GL Export' tool allows Users to export Invoice Transactions or Inventory Transactions from one or more Locations for a selected date range.  Note: The 'GL Account Detail - Export' can be used to export other information, including Sa...

Smart Ops Items: Overview & Security

This feature is part of the Smart Ops release.  Purchased items, along with Recipe Items and Sales Items, make up the Inventory in R365. Purchased items are created by R365 users, and when creating items, users should account for every item used ...

Purchased Item Record: Overview & Security

This article covers the New Purchased Item Record. To read about the Classic Purchased Item Record, click here. Purchased Items, along with Recipe Items and Sales Items, make up the Inventory in R365. Extra care should be paid when creating these vario...

Items Grid

This article is part of part of items and covers the items grid in Smart Ops. From the Items page, users can view the items grid, which lists all existing purchased items and their item details. From this list, users can access an item's Purchased ...

Item Costing

Item Costing is a powerful feature in the Operations Module of Restaurant365. In Q4 of 2022 R365 is updating how Item Costs are calculated so that Item Costs per Location are automatically calculated. With this update Item Cost reporting will also be expan...

Adding a New Purchased Item

This article covers creating a new Purchased Item using the New Smart Ops Purchased Item Record form. To read about adding a new Purchased Item using the Classic Purchased Item Record, click here.  There are three ways to add a new Purchased Item in R3...

Purchased Item Record: Cost Update Method

This article complements the Purchased Item record training article. Click here to learn more about the Purchased Item record. The Cost Update Method determines how the Inventory Cost of each Item will be calculated in R365 and is required for all Pu...

Purchased Item Records: Best Practices

Purchased Items are the records that will be counted in Inventory and used as ingredients on Recipes. Purchased Item records will have a lasting financial impact when inventoried, so it is important to have one and only one Purchased Item record for each i...

Unit of Measure

This article covers the new Smart Ops Unit of Measure form.   Units of Measure are used throughout Restaurant365 for Inventory, Purchased/Vendor Items, Recipe Costing, Commissary Items, and Catering Item tracking.  Units of Measure (U of M) are...

Item Categories

This article covers the Smart Ops Item Category Form.  Up to three separate Item Categories can be assigned to each Purchased Item record and are used in various reports to create subtotals or filters. Additionally, Item Categories can be assigned...

Classic Purchased Item Record

Purchased Items, along with Recipe Items and Sales Items, make up your Inventory in R365. Extra care should be paid when creating these various Inventory Items as they will have a lasting financial impact  through the Inventory Count and Menu Item to ...

New Vendor Items Grid

This article reviews the vendor items tab within the Smart Ops Items page. To read about the classic vendor item grid, click here.  From the vendor items tab, users can view, edit, link, and create vendor tems. Vendor items are associated direc...

New Vendor Item Record

This article covers vendor items and the new vendor item record. To read about the classic vendor item record, click here.  Vendor item records are essential in automating the AP process.  In order for R365 to automatically import AP invoices and ...

Purchase Orders Overview & Security

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The New Purchase Orders feature enables Users the ability to view and create Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Templates, and Shopping Lists from ...

Purchase Orders: Create and Enter a Purchase Order

This is a part of the Purchase Orders feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops. A Purchase Order can be created either manually or from a template with a pre-defined set of terms arranged in a specific order. Once ...

Purchase Orders: Create and Edit a Purchase Order Template

This is a part of the Purchase Orders feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Purchase order templates allow users to create memorized purchase orders for individual vendors, which can then be scheduled t...

Purchase Orders: Review and Submit a Purchase Order

This article is a part of Purchase Orders and covers reviewing and submitting purchase orders.  When a purchase order is ready to submit, a reviewer will be able to assess the quantities entered to correct any discrepancies before submitting the order....

Purchase Orders: Set Up Shopping Lists

This is a part of the Purchase Orders feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Shopping Lists feature is a part of the New Purchase Order module and allows Users to combine multiple Purchased Item...

Purchase Orders: Use Shopping Lists

This is a part of the Purchase Orders feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. When a Shopping List is put in use, it opens the Order Suggestion form where item quantities can be entered. Completed Or...

Purchase Orders: Submit Orders via EDI

This article reviews submitting Purchase Orders via EDI. Sending Purchase Orders via EDI allows for the Vendor to process the order faster. Currently, Purchase Orders are sent to the email address on the Vendor record and then that contact inputs your ...

Purchase Orders: Cancel or Unsubmit an Order

This is a part of the Purchase Orders feature within the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Purchase orders can be cancelled, edited, unsubmitted, and resent or deleted if needed after they are initially submitted ...

Recipe Costing

Recipe Costing, like its prerequisite Item Costing, is a powerful feature in the Operations Module of Restaurant365. This document gives a high level of each type of record you must create/update in order to use the many functions within Recipe Costing. ...

Recipe Item Record

Recipe Items, along with Purchased Items and Sales Items, make up your Inventory in R365.  Extra care should be paid when creating these various Inventory Items as they will have a lasting financial impact through the Inventory Count and Menu Item to ...

Recipe Flow and Build Out

When beginning to build out recipes, start with yield, then prep, and finally menu item recipes. Building out setups and yield recipes will save time in the later stages of setup. For instance, creating a setup recipe for lettuce, tomato, and onion, which ...

Mapping Recipes to Menu Items

The true value in Recipe Costing lies in Mapping your Recipes to your POS Menu Items. This allows R365 to automatically track your Theoretical Usage over time and helps you learn things you never knew about your Inventory. To begin, ensure that you...

Recipe Items Page

This article reviews the Recipe Items page within Smart Ops. Here, Users can view, edit, and create Recipe Item Records.  Article Topics Overview Security Navigation Recipe Items Grid Columns Bulk Edit Edit Attributes & Values ...

Recipe Item Record Layout Changes Q4 2022

The Recipe Item Record will receive a new layout in Fourth Quarter 2022. The 'Item Locations' tab will be broken down into 'Location Settings' and 'Location Costing,' and some fields will be relocated. Item Costs will now be aut...


The Ingredients page lists each ingredient and the Recipe Item Record it is associated with.  1) View Actions - The following actions allow the User to change the List View: View Dropdown - Click to switch between the current view and other s...

Recipes (Classic)

The Recipes (Classic) page lists all Recipe Item Records. This page is being replaced with the new Smart Ops Recipes page.        1) Update Recipe Costs - Click to update the Recipe Costs in the grid   2) +Create - Click to Create a new Recipe Item...

Update Recipe Costs

The Update Recipe Costs button, located on the Recipes (classic) Grid, allows users to ensure their recipe costs are correctly configured. The tool refreshes all Recipe Item Records, applies any changes to Units of Measure, and recalculates costs. 

Inventory Counts Overview & Security

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Inventory Counts track the amount of Inventory a restaurant has at a given time. A completed Inventory Count becomes the Inventory Journal Entry...

Inventory Counts: Create and Edit an Inventory Template

This is a part of the Inventory Counts feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Inventory Templates are custom-made counts that are routinely put in use. When creating a template, Users can create the name...

Inventory Counts: Create and Enter an Inventory Count

This is a part of the Inventory Counts feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Inventory Counts can be created via the '+ Create' button in the top right corner of the Inventory Counts page or by ...

Inventory Counts: Add New Items

This is a part of the Inventory Counts feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. When new Purchased Items are added to your database, Users will be notified of these new items the first any Inventory Count ...

Inventory Counts: Review and Approve an Inventory Count

This is a part of the Inventory Counts feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. After creating and entering in quantities for a new inventory count, the entry user can review any alert flags that appeare...

Inventory Counts: Print Count Review Report

This report is a part of the Smart Ops Release. The Print Count Review Report is a printable PDF summary of an approved Inventory Count. This report allows the User to view the following summary information: Location Name Inventory Count by Inv...

Inventory Counts: Copying an Existing Inventory Template

This is a part of the Inventory Counts feature in the Smart Ops Release.  Inventory Templates are custom-made counts that are routinely put in use. After Users have created an Inventory Template, the Inventory Templates can then be copied to other loca...

Inventory Counts: Using Multiple Count U of Ms

This article covers Multiple Count U of Ms using the New Smart Ops Purchased Item Record. To read about the Multiple Count U of Ms using the Classic Purchased Item Record, click here.  Items Available for Inventory (Purchased Items and Recip...

What items are being counted on my Inventory Count Templates?

Here are the steps to determine if your items are appearing on your Inventory Count Templates (or rather how to determine if you are counting all of your inventory). Step 1: Export Your Items List  This can be accomplished by navigating to Sm...

First Inventory Count

The first Inventory Count that is performed in Restaurant365 is considered a Beginning Balance Inventory Count and must be initiated in a manner slightly different than all future Inventory Counts. When the first Inventory Count is entered, your company...

Waste Logs Overview & Security

The Waste Log feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Waste Logs help to document food and product waste so that purchased items can be more precisely tracked across all Restaurant Location...

Waste Logs: Create and Edit a Waste Log Template

This article is parts a part of waste logs and covers waste log templates.  Waste log templates can be created to organize and track waste items by kitchen station. Waste log templates can be created and then used for more efficient waste log entry. Th...

Waste Logs: Create and Enter a Waste Log

This is a part of the Waste Log feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Document the number of items wasted at each Restaurant Location by entering in daily Waste Logs. Waste Log forms can be created on t...

Waste Logs: Approve a Waste Log

This is a part of the Waste Logs feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Once a Waste Log has been completed, it is ready for a final approval by an Admin User. Only Users with approval abilities will be ...

Donations Overview and Security

Donations is a Smart Ops feature that allows users to track and debit any donated items to an account specifically for donations.    Tracking donations helps restaurants to document food and product donations so that purchased items and recipes can be mo...

Donations: Donation Templates

This article covers Donation Templates and is part of Donations, a Smart Ops feature. Donations templates can be created to organize and track items donated by a restaurant location. Donation templates can be applied to donation logs for more efficient...

Donations: Creating a Donation Log

This article covers creating a donation log and is part of Donations, a Smart Ops feature. From the Donations page 'Entries' tab, Users can create and manage donation logs. Users can manually create new donation logs or create logs from precons...

Donations: Donation Reason Types

This article covers donation reason types and is part of Donations, a Smart Ops feature. Donation reason types are assigned to items when creating a donation log. These reason types are the user-created reasons for donating the specific item. Tracking ...

Waste Logs: Copy a Template to Other Location(s)

This article is part of waste log templates and covers copying a template to other locations.  After a waste log template is created, it can be copied to other locations to recreate waste log templates for additional locations more efficiently.  To...

Item Transfers Overview & Security

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Item Transfers feature enables a more efficient creation and workflow of Item Transfers from the Sending Location to the Receiving Location....

Item Transfers: Create a Transfer

This is a part of the Item Transfers feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Users can also Create and Edit Item Transfers via the R365 Red App. Click to learn about Creating and Editing Item Transfers fr...

Item Transfers: Create a Transfer Template

This article reviews creating an Item Transfer Template for use with Item Transfers. Item Transfer Templates can be created at any time to make routine transfers an easy process for Operators to document. Saved templates are listed on the 'Template...

Item Transfers: Canceled or Rejected Transfers

This is a part of the Item Transfers feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. An Item Transfer can be canceled after it is sent or rejected once it is received due to any errors that need to be resolved by...

Item Transfers: Transfer Status and Workflow

This is a part of the Item Transfers feature in the Smart Ops Release. To read about Item Transfer Workflows in the R365 Red App, click here. The workflow of a Transfer coincides with its status, enabling both the Sending and Receiving Locations to kn...

In-Store Transfers: Create a New Transfer

This article covers creating a new in-store transfer. From the Transfers page, users can create in-store transfers, which are item transfers that occur within the same location. In-store transfers allow for the internal transferring of item costs to ot...

In-Store Transfers: Create a Transfer Template

This article is part of the Item Transfers feature and covers in-store transfer templates. In-store item transfer templates can be created at any time to make routing transfers an easy process for operators to document. Saved templates are listed on th...

In-Store Transfers: Void an Approved Transfer

This article is part of Item Transfer and covers voiding an approved in-store transfer. Approved in-store transfers can be voided. Voiding an in-store transfer reverses the accounting transaction. The cost of the items(s) transferred will revert and be...

In-Store Transfers: Review and Approve Transfers

This article is part of Item Transfers and covers reviewing and approving an in-store item transfer. Once an in-store transfer has been submitted, it can then be reviewed and either approved or rejected. Only users with the following permission can rev...

AP Invoices Overview & Security

This is a part of Smart Ops. Click here to learn more about Smart Ops. The Invoices page lists all AP Invoices and Credit Memos entered in the system. From this page, Users can see several details about each AP Invoice, including its Status, a...

AP Invoices: Create an Invoice

This is a part of the AP Invoice feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. AP Invoices can be created and managed easily via the Invoices page of Smart Ops. AP Invoices follow a hierarchy of approval i...

AP Invoices: Review and Approve Invoices

This is a part of the AP Invoices feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Users can also review and approve Invoices using a mobile device on the R365 Red App. To learn about reviewing and approving Invoi...

AP Invoices and Credit Memos: Split View

This is a part of the AP Invoices and AP Credit Memos feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. AP Invoice and Credit Memo Entry Users have the ability to upload and display the corresponding document ...

AP Invoices: Link Purchase Order

 This is a part of the AP Invoices feature of Smart Ops. Click here to learn more about Smart Ops. The Link Purchase Order button within the Smart Ops AP invoice sidesheet enables users to link a purchase order to an AP invoice directly from the invoic...

AP Invoices: Alerts and Unlinked Items

This is a part of the AP Invoices feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Any unlinked items or discrepancies in an AP Invoice will be displayed in either the 'Unlinked Items' or 'Aler...

AP Invoices: Vendor Entry Instructions

This is part of the AP Invoices feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. When a Vendor Record has Vendor Entry Instructions included, Users will be alerted on the AP Invoices side sheet when creating an In...

Keg Deposits

Handling Deposit Kegs in R365 is as simple as setting up a new Purchased Item: 'KEG Deposit' – to use on Invoices that have Keg Deposits on them. Note: If you have different deposit keg prices ($30 vs $15) you will need to set up 2 different ke...

AP Credit Memos Overview & Security

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Invoices page lists all AP Invoices and Credit Memos entered in the system. From this page, Users can see several details about each AP Credit Memo,...

AP Credit Memos: Create a Credit Memo

This is a part of the AP Credit Memo feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. AP Credit Memos can be created and managed easily via the Invoices page of Smart Ops. AP Credit Memos follow a hierarchy of ...

Task Management

R365’s Task Management is an add-on feature that supports successful management of restaurant locations by using Guides that consist of regularly scheduled tasks of customizable frequency and interactivity. Guides and their tasks are user-created, and each...

My Tasks

This article is part of Task Management  and covers the My Tasks page. From the My Tasks page, users can view all their assigned tasks for any selected day at a selected location. Users executing these tasks can use this page to review tasks and check ...


This article is part of Task Management and covers Guides. Task Guides are made up of user-created tasks and task groups. When building a Guide, users will create and customize individual tasks, group them into task groupings, and then assign the guide...

Creating a New Guide

This article is part of Task Management and covers creating a new task Guide.   A Guide must be built in order to add tasks to the My Tasks page. As users create Guides, they will build and customize tasks for the guide.  Once a guide is created, u...

Task Management: Task Sheet

This article is part of Task Management and covers the Task Sheet.  When a single task is clicked from the My Tasks page, the task sheet is opened. From the task sheet, users can review task details, mark tasks as complete, and read or write comments, ...

Task Management: Task Types

This article is part of Task Management and covers Task Types. The requirements of each task are determined by the type of task that it is. This article covers the different task types. When creating a task, users can select from the following requirem...

Task Management: Setting Up R365 Action Tasks

This article is part of Task Management and covers setting up R365 Action tasks. When creating a task on a guide, users have the option to select the R365 Actions task type, which requires users to connect to a record in R365. When completing one of th...

Task Management Settings

This article covers the Task Management Settings sidesheet, where users can manage task permissions,  request settings, and task tags.  From the Permissions tab of the Task Management Settings, users can create permissions groups and assign or una...

Task Management: Task Assignments

This article is part of Task Management and covers task assignments. Tasks can be assigned to one or multiple specific users or user roles. When assigned to a task, the selected user(s) or the user(s) with the selected user role will be responsible for...

Task Management Permission Groups

This article is part of Task Management and covers creating permission groups.  Task Management permissions groups can be created from the Task Management Settings, which can be accessed from the Guides page. Permission groups can be created to assign ...

Weekly Forecasting: Overview

This article reviews the Weekly Forecasting feature within Smart Ops. If Weekly Forecasting has not been enabled for your organization, please refer to the Monthly/Daily/Hourly Forecasting documentation.  Note: Weekly Forecasting will be enabled for al...

Weekly Forecasting: Forecasting Page

This article reviews the Forecasting page, including the week view and day view for Weekly Forecasting. Here, users can view  the week and day totals for the sales and labor forecasts, adjust sales and labor forecasts, and manage events.  Note: Weekly ...

Weekly Forecasting: Adjusting Forecasts

This article reviews adjusting weekly forecasts on the Weekly Forecasting page.  Note: Weekly Forecasting will be enabled for all customer throughout 2024. Please contact your CSM to learn more about migrating to the new experience.  Article Topics...

Weekly Forecasting: Settings

This article reviews the Forecasting Settings sidesheet for Weekly Forecasting. Here, users can adjust the configurations for Weekly Forecasting.  The Forecasting Settings sidesheet is where all settings that apply to the Weekly Forecasting page for al...

Weekly Forecasting: Forecast Rules

This article is part of weekly forecasting and covers Forecast Rules.  With this feature, users can create rule groups made up of user-customized forecast rules. Forecast rules are automations made up of a trigger and an action. These forecast rules ar...

Weekly Forecasting: Publishing Forecasts

This article reviews publishing forecasts as part of the Weekly Forecasting process. Please refer to the documentation for Monthly Forecasting for publishing forecasts created in Monthly/Daily/Hourly Forecasting. Note: Weekly Forecasting will be enable...

Weekly Forecasting: Projection Models and Forecast Metrics

This article reviews projection models and forecast metrics for Weekly Forecasting.  Article Topics Projection Models Projection Model List  Selecting a Projection Model Forecast Metrics Forecast Metric List Using Net Sales & Gross Sales F...

Weekly Forecasting: 30-Minute Forecasts & 15-Minute Forecasts - Coming Soon

This article reviews 30-minute forecasts and 15-minute forecasts within Weekly Forecasting and Scheduling.  Note: 30-minute forecasts and 15-minute forecasts are part of the Advanced Forecasting add-on for Weekly Forecasting. Learn more about the Advan...

Weekly Forecasting: Review Projection Dates Page

This article reviews describes the fields, controls, and columns on the Review Projection Dates page within Weekly Forecasting.  Article Topics Navigation Security Review Projection Dates Fields and Buttons Selected Date Row Projection Date Secti...

Weekly Forecasting: Customizing Projection Dates

This article reviews customizing projection dates on the Review Projection Dates page within Weekly Forecasting.  Article Topics: Overview Outlier Dates Custom Projection Model Sessions Calculation & Variance Applying Changes Zero Dollar Pro...

Smart Ops Manager Log Overview

This article overviews the Smart Ops Manager Log. To read about the Classic Manager Log, click here.  The Smart Ops Manager Log module includes the ability to build Logbooks and Log Entries for all restaurant locations. These log entries are in place o...

Logbook Overview & Security

This is a part of the New Manager Log in Smart Ops. As soon as Logbooks are enabled, Users can start creating Log Entries. No additional configuration is required. Admin Users can, however, refine the Log Entry creation and review experience by configu...

Logbook: Logbook Settings

This is a part of the Logbook feature in the New Manager Log. Click here to learn more about the Logbook feature. Power users have the ability to define and rearrange categories, as well as set suggested preferences for new Logbooks from the Logbook Se...

Logbook: Create and Edit a Logbook

This is a part of the Logbook feature in the New Manager Log. Click here to learn more about the Logbook feature. Logbooks consist of the preferences and permissions set for Log Entries. While all locations will initially be assigned to the Default Log...

Log Entries Overview & Security

This is a part of the New Manager Log in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about a New Manager Log. Log Entries help to track and communicate important details within an organization. The Log Entries page provides insights into key ...

Log Entries: Create and Edit a Log Entry

This is a part of the Log Entries feature of New Manager Log. Click here to learn more about Log Entries. Users can also Create Log Entries from the R365 Red App. Click here to Create Log Entries from the R365 Red App.  Log Entries can be created to d...

Log Entries: Entry Comments

This is a part of the Log Entries feature in the New Manager Log. Click here to learn more about Log Entries. Users can also create Log Entries from the Mobile Manager Log using the R365 Red App. To read more about Log Entry Comments on the R365 Red App, ...

Logbook: Default Logbook

This is a part of the Logbook feature of the New Manager Log. Click here to learn more about the Logbook feature. All Locations will be automatically assigned to R365's Default Logbook when the New Manager Log is enabled for your database. Thi...

Log Entries: Attachment Viewer

This feature is part of Log Entries for Smart Ops. Clicking on an attachment from a Log Entry will open the Attachment Viewer. Here, Users can view, delete, or download the attachments associated with the Log Entry.   Navigation The A...

Scheduling Module Overview & Security

  The R365 Scheduling Module is a complete scheduling solution to manage your labor workforce.  In order to access the Scheduling Module, it must first be activated. This occurs by default for all new customers. If you do not currently have access to ...

Scheduling: Schedule Calendar

This article reviews the Schedule Calendar, which is the main page of the Scheduling Module. Here, Users can view, create, edit, publish, and print Schedules. Article Topics: Overview Navigation Header Forecasts and Advanced Metrics Shift T...

Scheduling: Creating and Editing Schedules

This article reviews creating and editing Schedules on the Schedule Calendar.  Article Topics: Starting Schedule for an Upcoming Week Creating a New Shift Copy and Paste a Shift Delete Shifts Assigning Employees Edit Shift Details with Drag and ...

R365 Scheduling Quick Start Guide

This Quick Start Guide will take you through the entire R365 Scheduling Module and have you building Schedules and saving money, starting today!   The Basics Before digging into a deep dive of Scheduling, follow this checklist to cover the basics o...

Scheduling: Labor Forecasting

This article reviews Labor Forecasting within the Scheduling Calendar. If Smart Labor is enabled, Sales and Labor Forecasts can be viewed within the Schedule Calendar. The Forecasts within the Schedule Calendar are based on Daily Forecasts, Hourly...

Scheduling: Managing Requests in the Manager Queue

This article reviews the Manager Queue within R365 Scheduling. Here, Users can view, approve, and deny Employee scheduling-related requests.  Article Topics: Overview Opening the Manager Queue Manager Queue Tabs Manager Notifications Heade...

Schedule Calendar: View & Template Options

This article reviews the View & Template Options within the Scheduling Calendar.  Article Topics: Overview Navigation View Settings  Saved Views View Options Sort Start With Section Scheduler Templates Prior Week Action Buttons De...

Schedule Calendar: Publish, Unpublish, and Alert Employees

Shifts can be Published and Unpublished individually or in bulk by Employee, Job, or Department. Additionally, Individual Shifts can be Published or Unpublished by right-clicking the Shift and selecting the desired action. Each time a Shift is Published/Un...

Schedule Calendar: Print Options

This article reviews the Print Schedule page within the Schedule Calendar. The Print Schedule page on the Schedule Calendar allows users to select which portions of the Schedule Calendar to print.  Print Options Field Description 1...

Scheduling: Shift Details Form

This article reviews the Shift Details form within the Scheduling Calendar. Shifts are the detailed Employee assignments on the Schedule. Shifts are created and edited as part of the Schedule creation process. Learn more about creating, copying, and de...

Smart Ops Release: Jobs List

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Jobs list in the Smart Ops Release is where all Job forms are created and stored. Users can create customized table views of the columns and/or filter...

Job Titles

Note: POS Account Rules can be set up to map new and unmapped Job Titles brought in from the POS. Click here to learn about POS Account Rules. Job Titles offer an optional labor accrual tracking feature to POS integrations to Restaurant365. A Job Title...

Smart Ops: Job Records

This article reviews Job Records within Smart Ops and Workforce.  A Job Record contains all of the details for a single Job in R365. Jobs are used in conjunction with the POS Integration to track Employee punches associated with Labor Accrual Journal E...

Scheduling: Job Responsibilities

Responsibilities allow a job to be further classified based on qualifications or skills. In Scheduling, responsibilities are assigned to shifts so that the shift can only be assigned to employees who have the matching responsibilities assigned to t...

Scheduling: Exclude Jobs

Jobs can be marked as excluded from the Schedule and/or from the POS Import from within the Job Form. Jobs that are excluded from the Schedule are often removed if they are outdated or a higher level position. Jobs are often excluded from POS Import so tha...

Smart Ops: Departments List

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Departments List stores all Department Records created in R365. Users can create customized table views of the columns and/or filters used in the de...

Smart Ops : Department Record

This is article reviews Departments within Smart Ops. Departments allow certain Jobs to be grouped together and used for Scheduling and Goal Setting purposes. By setting Labor Goals by Department, Users can further classify their Labor needs beyond jus...

Smart Ops Release: Sites

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release.  Sites are non-Restaurant Locations, such as a banquet hall, hotel, and arena, among others, where Employees may be scheduled to work. These are often o...

Manager Tools Overview & Security

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn about the Smart Ops Release. The Manager Tools page provides access to the following key managerial functions: Announcements, Blackout Days, Events, Request Cutoffs, and Time Off...

Manager Tools: Announcements

This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Announcements are used to communicate important messages to Employees. When an Announcement is created on either the We...

Manager Tools: Blackout Days

This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Blackout Days are specific dates on the Schedule Calendar that no Employee can request off. When entering Blackout Days, on...

Manager Tools: Events

This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Events form enables Users to enter Events that are occurring in the area that may have an effect on a Restaurant Location,...

Manager Tool: Request Cutoffs

This is a part of the Manager Tools feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Request Cutoffs set the day and time limitations by which Employees can submit Time Off Requests. From the 'Request Cut...

Manager Tools: Time Off

This article reviews the Time Off tab on the Manager Tools page. Article Topics: Overview  Creating Time Off Requests on Behalf of Employees Important Notes About Approving/Denying Requests Time Off Grid Time Off Grid Columns Time Off Re...

Manager Tools: Creating Time Off For an Employee

This article reviews creating time off requests on the Time Off tab of the Manager Tools page. In the event that an employee does not have access to the R365 Mobile App to submit a time off request, users with access to Manager Tools can create a time ...

Manager Tools: Enhanced Events - Coming Soon

This article is part of Manager Tools and covers Enhanced Events, a feature releasing to R365 over the course of 2024.  Events enables users to enter events that are occurring in the area or at the restaurant that may have an effect on a restaurant loc...

Manage Event Categories

This article is part of enhanced events and covers managing event categories.  R365 has a default set of categories that users can create subcategories under. When creating an event, users must select a subcategory from the Category field. If the desir...

Admin Page Overview & Security

This article reviews the Admin page within Smart Ops. The Admin page is where Labor Rules, the Labor Matrix, and Pay Periods can be updated to reflect the needs of your organization. From this page, Users with the necessary security access can vie...

Admin Page: Overtime Rules

This article reviews the 'Overtime Rules' tab of the Smart Ops Admin page. Here, Users can view, edit, and create Overtime Rule Groups.    Article Topics: Overview Important Notes Overtime Calculations Across Locations Exempt Employees ...

Admin Page: Break Rules

This is part of the Admin page in Smart Ops. The 'Break Rules' tab of the Admin page is where Break Rules can be set up to ensure that each selected Location complies with any company policies and/or local laws for Employee Breaks. From th...

Admin Page: Minor Rules

This is a part of the Admin page in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The 'Minor Rules' tab of the Admin page is where Admin Users can create Minor Rules that follow Federal and State Labor Laws f...

Schedule Calendar: Minor Rules

This article reviews how Minor Rules are used within Scheduling. When Minor Rules are created and marked as 'Active', they will be applied to the Schedule Calendar. These Rules will then assist the Scheduler in following Federal and State Labor...

Admin Page: Labor Matrix Overview

The Labor Matrix is part of the Admin page in Smart Ops. The Labor Matrix is the foundation for configuring a Smart Labor Forecast, enabling Admin Users to detail the Hours of Operation, Job Types, and Labor needed, as well as other aspects.    ...

Labor Matrix: General Subtab

This article is part of the 'Labor Matrix' on the Smart Ops 'Admin' page.  The Labor Matrix opens to the General subtab, where Restaurant Operating Hours and Scheduled Jobs are selected.   The Labor Type for each Job being scheduled is...

Labor Matrix: Fixed Labor

This article is part of the 'Labor Matrix' on the Smart Ops 'Admin' page.  The Fixed Labor subtab lists all Jobs for the selected Location that have been defined as 'Fixed Labor' on the 'General' subtab of the Labor Matr...

Labor Matrix: Variable Labor

This article is part of the 'Labor Matrix' on the Smart Ops 'Admin' page. The Variable Labor subtab contains the settings for all Jobs that have been tagged as 'Variable Labor' on the 'General' subtab.    Using a Va...

Labor Matrix: Day Parts

This article is part of the 'Labor Matrix' on the Smart Ops 'Admin' page.  The Day Parts subtab is where Day Parts can be defined for both the 'Variable Labor' subtab and the Schedule. Any number of Day Parts can be created, as ...

PTO Accruals Overview

This article is an overview of PTO Accruals, which allows for managing time off balances and earnings for employees in R365. Note: PTO Accruals replaces the legacy Workforce PTO Policies. Please contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn about transitio...

PTO Accruals: Policy Types

This article discusses the policy types within PTO Accruals.  Article Topics: Unlimited Accrued Fixed Day Unlimited The unlimited policy type allows employees to request an unlimited amount of time off with the associated earning type. With ...

PTO Accruals: Accrual Rules Tab

This article reviews the Accrual Rules tab of the Labor Admin page. Here, users can view, create, and edit accrual rules. Article Topics: Navigation & Security Navigation Security Accrual Rules Grid Navigation & Security Navi...

PTO Accruals: Accrual Rule Details Sidesheet

This article reviews the Accrual Rule Details sidesheet on the Accrual Rule tab of the Labor Admin page. Here, users can view and edit the details for a single accrual rule.  Article Topics: Navigation & Security Navigation Security ...

PTO Accruals: Creating an Unlimited Policy Accrual Rule

This article reviews the steps for creating an accrual rule for an 'unlimited' type PTO policy using the accrual rule wizard on the Labor Admin page.  Creating an Unlimited Policy Follow these steps to create a PTO accrual rule for an unli...

PTO Accruals: Creating a Fixed Date Policy Rule

This article reviews the steps for creating an accrual rule for a 'fixed date'  type PTO policy using the accrual rule wizard on the Labor Admin page.  Process to create a fixed date policy with the accrual rule wizard  Starting the Accrual ...

PTO Accruals: Creating an Accrued Policy Accrual Rule

This article reviews the steps for creating an accrual rule for an 'accrued' type PTO policy using the accrual rule wizard on the Labor Admin page.  Process to create an 'accrued' policy with the accrual rule wizard  Starting the Accr...

PTO Accruals: Accrual Rule Versioning and Deactivating

This article reviews creating versions for existing accrual rules, editing accrual rule versions with effective dates in the future, and deactivating current accrual rules. Learn more about PTO Accrual Rules here. Article Topics: Versioning and Deact...

PTO Accruals: Assigning Accrual Rules to Employees

This article reviews assigning PTO accrual rules to employees.  Article Topics: Overview How to Assign Accrual Rules to a Single Employee How to Bulk Assign Accrual Rules to Employees Overview Accrual rules are assigned to employees on th...

PTO Accruals: Adjusting Accrual Balances

This article reviews the steps to adjust an employee's PTO accrual balance.  Security Only users with the following permission will be able to adjust accrual balances: Labor Employees Time Accrual Balances Edit Accrual Balances ...

R365 Mobile App

The R365 Red App is available for download on iOS and Android devices. From this app, users can access many R365 features. Downloading the App App Store Google Play The R365 App is available from the App Store for iOS and the Google Pl...

R365 App: Mobile Dashboard

The mobile dashboard is the home screen of the R365 app.  This dashboard features widgets that provide an app overview for the user. The widgets displayed will be dependent on user's permissions.  TABLE OF CONTENTS Daily Sales Summary A Look at ...

R365 Red App: Announcements

This article is part of the Announcements feature in Manager Tools. In addition to viewing Announcements, Users with the appropriate Announcement permissions can view, create, and edit Announcements in the R365 Red App. Creating and editing Announcemen...

R365 App: Intelligence

This article covers the R365 Intelligence capabilities for the R365 App. When R365 Intelligence is enabled, users with Intelligence access can view their dashboards from their R365 mobile app. With the app, users can access their created reports any ti...

Documents to Process: Uploading Files via the R365 Red App

Restaurant Managers can upload relevant documents to Documents to Process directly from the R365 Red App. For vendors that only provide physical copies of an invoice or credit memo, Users can simply take a photo of the document with their phone and directl...

R365 Red App: Notifications

Notifications alert Users of information that may need their attention. Users will be notified via the Notification Window, R365 Red App, email, and/or text message.   The R365 Red App Notification screen displays all of a User’s read and unread Notificat...

R365 Messaging

This article is part of R365 Scheduling and the R365 Red App. Through R365 Messaging, Users can send messages to each other about schedule updates, shift trades, and more without disclosing any personal phone numbers. R365 Messaging also supports R365 ...

R365 Red App: Group Messaging

This article is part of R365 Messaging and the R365 Red App.  R365 Red App Users can create group chats to group message other Users about schedule updates, shift trades, and more without disclosing any personal phone numbers. Users can create group ch...

R365 Messaging Audit Center

The R365 Messaging Audit Center is a part of the Scheduling Module. Click here to learn more about Scheduling. The R365 Messaging Audit Center works in conjunction with R365 Messaging and R365 Group Messaging, where Employees can communicate via t...

R365 Red App: Punch Edit Acknowledgements

This article is part of the Punch Edits feature in Smart Ops.  When a User edits an Employee's Time Punch, the Employee will receive a notification that the Time Punch was edited, and they will be prompted to acknowledge the changes made.  Once...

R365 App: Managing Employee Schedule Requests

This article is part of Scheduling and covers managing employee schedule requests in the R365 App.  Managers are able to answer employee schedule requests via the R365 App. Once a request is made, the manager will be automatically alerted by a push not...

R365 App: Manager Schedule View

The manager view of scheduling allows scheduling managers to view scheduled shifts for each location they manage.  Users with the following permission can view the manager view of the schedule: Labor → Scheduling → Schedule → View Schedule Page TABLE ...

R365 App: Review Time Off Requests Using Accruals

This article is part of Time Off Accruals and covers reviewing and approving time off requests made using time off accruals in the R365 App.  When Time Off Accruals is enabled, the Time Off Request details screen will have an additional section for rev...

R365 App: Scheduling for Employees Overview

This article overviews the employee scheduling feature in the R365 App.  R365 Scheduling and the R365 App is a one-stop mobile app for all things related to the employee schedule!  Using the R365 App employees can do the following: View the entire ...

Logging in to the R365 App

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training. Logging In to R365 Restaurant Managers will set up employee user profiles in R365 Schedul...

R365 App: Employee Schedule Requests Overview

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and overview employee schedule requests. From the R365 App, users can not only view their scheduled shifts but request time off, trade shifts, offer shifts, and claim unassigned or offer...

R365 App: Requesting Time Off

This article is part of the employee schedule requests feature on the R365 App and covers requesting time off.   Employees can submit time off requests from the R365 App. When an employee needs a certain time period blocked off their schedule, they can...

R365 App: Viewing the Schedule and Your Upcoming Shifts

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training. Users can view their work schedule from the R365 App. On the mobile dashboard, a Schedule widge...

R365 App: Updating Weekly Availability

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 Red App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training. Should an employee's availability change, they can edit their weekly availability from ...

R365 App: Offering and Claiming Shifts

This article is part of the employee schedule requests feature on the R365 App and covers how to offer and claim shifts.  From the R365 App, employees can both offer up shifts and claim offered or unassigned shifts. When a shift is offered, it can be c...

R365 App: Trading Shifts

This article is part of the employee schedule requests feature on the R365 App and covers how to trade shifts.  From the R365 App, employees can submit shift trade requests. To trade, users can select the shift they would like to swap out as well as th...

R365 App: Updating User Passwords

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 Red App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training. Users can change their R365 login password from the employee profile screen of the R365 App...

R365 App: Employees With Time Off Accruals

This article is part of Time Off Accruals and covers mobile time off accruals.  When an organization has Time Off Accruals enabled, accrual policies can be assigned to employees. Employees with assigned accrual policies will earn time off hours based o...

R365 App: Barcode Scanning Overview

This article covers barcode scanning. Barcode scanning is a feature that links barcodes to purchased items in R365. Barcode scanning is compatible with inventory counts, waste logs, donation logs, and item transfers.  When conducting inventory coun...

R365 Red App: Inventory Counts Overview

This article is part of the Inventory Counts feature of the R365 Red App. To learn about Inventory Counts via web browser, click here.  Inventory Counts can now be created and entered directly from the R365 Red App. Users can view a listing of all in p...

R365 App: Item Transfers Overview and Security

This article is part of item transfers and overviews item transfers in the R365 App.  Item transfers can now be created and entered directly from the R365 App. Users can view a listing of all in-progress, pending, rejected, completed, and approved...

R365 Red App: Waste Logs

This article is part of the R365 Red App. To learn about creating Waste Logs via web browser, click here.  Waste Logs can be created and entered directly from the R365 Red App. Users can view a listing of all 'In Progress', 'Complete&#...

R365 Red App: Donation Logs Overview

This article is part of Donations and covers using Donation Logs in the R365 App. Users can create and manage donation logs from the R365 App.  Donations is a Smart Ops feature that allows for users to track and debit any donated items to an account sp...

R365 App: Create and Enter Inventory Counts

This is a part of the Mobile Inventory Counts feature. Click here to learn about Mobile Inventory Counts via the R365 Red App. Users with managerial access can create and enter Inventory Counts via the R365 Red App. While entering in item quantities, a...

R365 App: Orders Overview

This article is part of Purchase Orders and covers purchase orders in the R365 App. Users can create, edit, review, and submit purchase orders from within the R365 App. This allows users to create purchase orders from anywhere in the restaurant using t...

R365 App: Barcode Scanning - Barcode Not Found

This article is part of barcode scanning and covers linking an unlinked barcode when the 'Barcode Not Found' prompt appears.  When scanning items into an inventory count,  waste log, donation log, or item transfer, users may encounter a 'Ba...

R365 App: Barcode Scanning Inventory Counts

This article is part of barcode scanning and covers scanning in items into inventory when conducting inventory counts.  Barcode scanning links barcodes to purchased items in R365. When conducting inventory counts, users can save time by using the cam...

R365 Red App: Review and Approve Inventory Counts

This is a part of the Mobile Inventory Counts feature. Click here to learn about Mobile Inventory Counts via the R365 Red App. After Inventory Counts are created and/or entered on the R365 Red App, Users with approval abilities will need to review...

R365 App My Tasks

My Tasks is the mobile version of Task Management.  Users can access the same guide tasks that can be accessed from the Task Management My Tasks page on the R365 app. From their mobile device, users can view their list of tasks required for any given d...

R365 Red App: Manager Log Overview

This is a part of the New Manager Log feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Manager Log on the R365 Red App enables Users to create and view Log Entries for any given day. Users can easily navi...

R365 Red App: Create Log Entries

This is a part of the Mobile Manager Log feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Log Entries can be created directly from the Daily Logs page. When creating an entry, required fields will be listed based ...

R365 Red App: Log Entry Comments

This is a part of the Mobile Manager Log feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops. Admin Users can communicate about an entry by creating and viewing entry comments. Comments encourage collaboration by allowin...

R365 App: My Pay (Employee Self Service)

Users can access My Pay, the Employee Self Service Portal, on the R365 Red App. To read about downloading the R365 Red App, click here. R365 Red App My Pay allows Employees to view and edit their Pay information including their contact and personal inf...

R365 App: Paid Time Off

This article is part of the R365 Red App Employee Self Service Portal and covers the mobile Time Off screen.  The Time Off screen can be accessed by tapping 'Time Off' from the 'My Pay' dropdown in the mobile navigation menu.  ...

R365 App: Employee Onboarding

This article is part of the R365 Red App My Pay and covers employee onboarding New employees can complete their onboarding tasks from the R365 app.  From the mobile dashboard, users can see their onboarding status from the Onboarding widget. From this ...

Workforce Settings: Account Page

This article reviews the settings on the Account page. Here, users can update the funding account for a payroll company, as well as view the pay cycle and employee classification settings for that payroll company. Article Topics Navigation Fundin...

Workforce Settings: GL Account Mapping

This article reviews the GL Account Mapping page for Workforce. Here, users can map R365 Payroll expenses and liabilities to existing GL accounts. When a pay run is approved, payroll journal entries are automatically created in R365 Accounting. The GL ...

Workforce: Policies

This article reviews the Policies page within Workforce. Here, users can view and edit the active PTO Policy and Holiday Policy.  The PTO Policy will determine how much paid time off is accrued by employees and which employees are eligible to accrue pa...

Workforce: Departments

This article reviews the 'Departments' page for Workforce. Here, Users can assign Employees to Departments for reporting purposes. Navigation First, navigate to Workforce, then click 'Departments' in the left navigation m...

Workforce - HR Support Center

The HR Support Center is part of R365 Payroll.  The HR Support Center takes the guesswork out of HR and compliance. Users will have access to a collection of HR resources to assist in keeping your organization on track, including:  HR Complian...

Workforce: Payroll Documents Overview

This article is an overview of payroll-related documents that have been uploaded to Workforce.  Article Topics: About Payroll Documents Signed Documents Payroll Company Tax Filing Receipts Employee Tax Forms Garnishment Remittance Documents W2s ...

Workforce: Documents Page

This article reviews the 'Documents' page for Workforce. Here, Users can view, add, and delete uploaded documents. Article Topics: Documents Page Buttons and Fields Uploaded Documents Documents Page Buttons and Fields Fi...

Workforce Documents: Signed Documents Folder

This article reviews the Signed Documents folder within the Documents page for Workforce. Here, Users can manage uploaded Documents that require electronic signatures from Employees. Signed Documents Overview Employees can be required to electroni...

Workforce: Salaried Employees

This article reviews the payroll process for salaried employees within Workforce.  Article Topics Salary Jobs Salary Job Permissions Excluding Salaried Employees from the Smart Ops Earnings Export Hire Dates and Termination Dates Expected Weekl...

Workforce Locations: Overview

This article reviews Locations within Workforce. Here, Users can create, edit, and archive Workforce Locations. Locations in Workforce are utilized for various R365 Payroll purposes, such as determining tax forms for Employees, calculating taxes f...

Workforce Settings: Company Tax Profile

This article reviews the Company Tax Profile page within Workforce. Here, users can view tax profile information for the selected payroll company, including tax jurisdictions and SUI rates.  This page is view-only. For assistance updating any informati...

Workforce: Tax Filing Setup

This article discusses tax jurisdictions, filing frequencies, unemployment insurance rates, and employee tax forms within Workforce.  Article Topics Tax Jurisdictions Adding New Tax Jurisdictions Removing Tax Jurisdictions Filing Frequencies St...

Workforce: Pay Runs Overview

This article is an overview of pay runs within Workforce.  Article Topics Overview Security Pay Run Pages Payroll Overview Page Pay Run Details Page Payment Details Page One-Time Payments Other Areas and Reports Related to Pay Runs Sma...

Workforce Payroll Process Overview

This article is an overview of the steps needed to complete a full Pay Run, including reviewing and approving associated Journal Entries.  Step Pay Run & Paycheck Run Journal Entries 1 Pay Run is created System Generated Pay Runs are automa...

Workforce: Payroll Overview Page

This article reviews the new Payroll Overview page within Workforce. This page is only available for early adopters. Documentation for the classic Payments Overview page can be viewed here. On the Payroll Overview page, users can view, calculate, and a...

Workforce: Calculating and Approving a Pay Run

This article reviews calculating and approving pay runs on the Payroll Overview page within Workforce. Documentation for approving payments from the classic Payment Overview page can be found here.  Article Topics Calculating a Pay Run Reviewing a C...

Workforce: Pay Run Details Page

This article reviews the Pay Run Details page within Workforce. Here, users can review the employees included in a pay run, as well as any associated errors.  Article Topics: Navigation Pay Run Details Grid Payments Error List Navigation ...

Workforce: Payment Details Page

This article reviews the Payment Details page within Workforce. Here, users can view and edit details for a single payment within a pay run. Article Topics: Navigation Header Gross Earnings Section Earning Groups: Gross Earnings Columns: Ad...

Workforce: Sending Employee Earnings from Smart Ops

This article reviews exporting employee earnings from Smart Ops to a pay run within Workforce.  Article Topics Overview Including Tips Excluding Salaried Employees Earnings From Labor Rules Preparing for Export DSS Review - Daily Labor How to...

Workforce: One-Time Payments

This article is an overview of one-time payments within Workforce pay runs. This article covers: One-Time Payment Overview Security Grouping One-Time Payments Tax Options One-Time Payment Form Fields Descriptions Payment Details Add Employees G...

Workforce: Creating a One-Time Payment

This article covers the steps to create a one-time payment within Workforce.  Article Topics Action Buttons For the Create Payment Form Create a One-Time Payment Steps Open a Create Payment Form and Enter Payment Details Add Employees and Earning ...

Workforce: Edit a One-Time Payment

This article reviews editing one-time payments within Workforce.  Article Topics Action Buttons on the Edit Payment Form Editing a One-Time Payment with the Edit Payment Form Editing a One-Time Payment from a Payment Details Page Action Butto...

Workforce: Paycheck Runs Page

This article reviews the Paycheck Runs page for R365 Payroll. Here, Users can review and create Paycheck Runs, print Paychecks and/or Paystubs, and void Paychecks.  The Paycheck Runs page displays all 'Pending' Paycheck Runs that have been crea...

R365 Payroll Paycheck Runs: Paycheck Run Details

This article reviews the Paycheck Run Details sidesheet that is part of Paycheck Runs for R365 Payroll. Here, Users can review the details for the selected Paycheck Run and print the Paychecks and Paystubs contained in the Paycheck Run.  The Paycheck R...

R365 Payroll Paycheck Runs: Manually Print Paychecks and Paystubs

This article reviews the process for manually printing Paychecks and Paystubs within Paycheck Runs for R365 Payroll. Once Paychecks have been printed, they cannot be reprinted. However, Paystubs can be printed for any already printed check. Paychecks a...

R365 Payroll: Print & Ship Paychecks

Print & Ship is an add-on feature for R365 Payroll that facilitates the printing of physical Paychecks and/or Paystubs in bulk. The printed Paychecks and/or Paystubs are then shipped to the associated Location for distribution to Employees.  Contact ...

R365 Payroll Paycheck Runs: Creating Paycheck Runs

This article reviews the process for manually creating Paycheck Runs within R365 Payroll.  When to Manually Create Paycheck Runs  When a Pay Run is approved, an associated Paycheck Run is automatically generated. If an issue within a Pay Run preve...

Workforce: Employees Overview

This article is an overview of employees within Workforce.  Article Topics Introduction Employees Page and Employee Records Employees Page Employee Record Sidesheet General Employee Record Management POS Integrations Employee Master Jobs ...

Workforce: Employees Page

This article covers the Employees page for Workforce. If Workforce is not enabled, please refer to the documentation for the Smart Ops Employees Page.  The Employees page is where all active and inactive employees are listed. Here, users can re...

Workforce: Creating Employee Records

This article reviews creating an Employee Record within Workforce.  Employee Records for new employees can be created when the employee is hired, before the employee starts work. Creating the Employee Record before their information is picked up from t...

Workforce Employee Record: Overview

This article is part of the Workforce Employees page. If Workforce is not enabled, please refer to the Smart Ops Employee Record. The Employee Record holds all employee information and communication settings for an employee. All Employee Records can be...

Workforce Employee Record: Summary Tab

This article reviews the Summary tab on Workforce Employee Records.  The Summary tab contains quick reference information for the employee. If workflow approvals have been configured for employees, the Requests section allows users to review and approv...

Workforce Employee Records: Basic Info Tab

This article covers the Basic Info tab of Workforce Employee Records.  For more information on the layout and features of the Basic Info tab within Smart Ops, please refer to the Smart Ops Employee Record: Basic Info Tab article.  Note: If 'POS&...

Workforce Employee Record: Employment Tab

This article is part of the Workforce Employee Record.  For more information on the layout and features for the Employment Info tab within Smart Ops, please refer to the Smart Ops Employee Record: Employment Tab article.  The Employment tab contains...

Workforce Employee Records: Adding and Editing Jobs

This article reviews adding and editing jobs on the Employment tab of Workforce Employee Records.  Article Topics: Overview Adding Jobs Automatically Adding Jobs Manually Job Details Adding a Job Editing an Employee's Job Details Effectiv...

Workforce Employee Record: Time Tab

This article reviews the Time tab on Workforce Employee Records.   For more information on the layout and features of the Time tab within Smart Ops, please refer to the Smart Ops Employee Record: Time Tab article.  The Time tab contains information ...

Workforce Employee Records: Payroll Tab

This article covers the Payroll tab, which is part of Workforce Employee Records.  The Payroll tab contains payroll-related information and configurations. This tab is only displayed after the employee has been onboarded to payroll.  Here, users ca...

Workforce Employee Self Service: Overview

This article is part of the R365 Red App My Pay Employee Self Service portal and covers the desktop version of My Pay.  The Workforce Employee Self Service Portal allows Employees to view their My Pay information via a desktop browser. This includes th...

Workforce Employee Self Service: Onboarding

This article is part of R365 My Pay Employee Onboarding. If necessary, Employees can start the Employee Onboarding process via the desktop version of the Employee Self Service portal.  When logging in for the first time, Users will be prompted to begin...

Workforce Employee Self Service: Payment Methods

In R365 Workforce Employee Self Service Onboarding, Employees have the option to select a Payment Method. Payment Methods and Pay information  can later be edited.  Payment Method Selection In Onboarding, Employees may have the option to select to ge...

R365 Hire Overview

R365 Hire enables restaurant Organizations to custom-design and track their Hiring Process from the point a Job is posted to when a New Hire has completed Onboarding. Each Organization can create their own unique Careers Page where Jobs are listed and...

R365 Hire: Recruiting Dashboard

The Recruiting Dashboard shows a high level overview of account activity, including New Applicants, Applicants in Progress, Active Jobs, and Jobs that need to be refreshed. Upcoming Interviews as well as an Applicant Flow chart will be displayed to show an...

R365 Hire: Jobs Listing

The Jobs listing includes all Jobs created, which can be filtered by Job Title, Location, Status, and more. From this screen, all details that correspond to a Job posting can be edited, refreshed, shared, and marked as closed. The Jobs listing is locat...

R365 Hire: Applicants Listing

The Applicants listing includes all Applicants, the Job they applied for, the Location, their current hiring status, and more. Clicking on an Applicant's name will display a more detailed look into their Application details, allowing for any necessary ...

R365 Hire: Reports

R365 Hire Reports are available for both the Recruiting and Onboarding modules. Each module uses a range of variables to assess all aspects of their respective processes. Custom reports can be created and saved for a more accurate look into enhancing both ...

R365 Hire: Contacting Applicants

An Applicant can be contacted by either text message or email at any point in the Hiring Process. Initiating one of these two contact methods can be done easily through the Applicant Quick Menu or the Applicant's Profile.  Navigation Contac...

R365 Hire: Message Templates

  When reviewing and communicating with multiple Applicants at one time, using Message Templates allows an easier and faster way to initiate contact at any point in the Hiring Process. Users can work more efficiently by simply clicking the desired Mess...

R365 Hire: Hiring Process

Hiring Processes are hiring workflows that help to structure the steps of each unique Hiring Process. The system displays default Hiring Processes that can be updated to better reflect the organization's hiring workflow. It is recommended to adapt thes...

R365 Hire: Hiring Steps

Hiring Steps help determine the hiring workflow for the Human Resources Team. These steps can be uniquely organized for each Job or to better reflect the Organization's overall Hiring Process via the Hiring Process window in System Settings.  Users...

R365 Hire: Posting a Job

Posting a Job can be done easily through the Jobs listing. This article reviews how to create a new Job and the individual sections that detail the Job Description, Hiring and Onboarding Processes, and the Job Status. Create a New Job To create a ...

R365 Hire: Onboarding Dashboard

The Onboarding Dashboard is the landing page of the Onboarding module. On this screen, a listing of all New Hires that are currently being onboarded are displayed along with direct actions to assign them a checklist, contact them, and edit their Employee r...

R365 Hire: Onboarding Checklists

Onboarding Checklists dictate the tasks that are assigned to the New Hire and their direct Manager while the New Hire is in Onboarding. These tasks may include forms and are helpful for both Employees and their Managers to keep track of what they need to d...

R365 Hire: Checklist Categories

Custom Checklist Categories can be created to organize the different Onboarding Checklists created and saved in the Checklists listing. These categories are listed alongside the 'Onboarding' default category when creating a New Checklist.  Cre...

R365 Hire: Onboarding Defaults

Onboarding Defaults are the aspects of the Onboarding process that allow for a defaulted selection to be set. When entering the Onboarding details for a New Hire, fields that include one of the Onboarding Defaults will already be completed for the User.  ...

R365 Hire: Assign Tasks

Any Onboarding Checklists that need to be completed by either the Employee or their Manager must be assigned to the Employee. Once the necessary checklists are assigned to the Employee, the Employee and his/her Manager will receive an email notifying them ...

R365 Hire: Editing Checklists

Both Employee and Manager Checklists can be updated at any time to reflect an updated process. To do so, Users will need to navigate to the Checklists listing, located in Account Settings. Click here to learn more about Onboarding Checklists. Edit Che...

R365 Hire: Cloning Tasks

Tasks can easily be cloned, or copied, for different Employees or Managers who may be in a different department but need to complete the same tasks. This can easily be done through the Checklists listing in Account Settings. Click here to learn more about ...

R365 Hire: Onboarding Notification Settings

The Notification Settings is where the content of a Welcome Email and instructions of the Hiring Manager email can be set and/or updated as needed for New Hires and their direct Managers. Additional notifications can also be set for completed tasks fr...

R365 Hire: Creating and Uploading Onboarding Forms

User-created Onboarding forms can be created and uploaded via the 'Forms' section of Account Settings. Additionally, Users can edit or delete any previously created forms and review the look of both Employee and Manager forms. Once completed, these...

R365 Hire: Employee Custom Fields

Employee Custom Fields are unique fields that provide additional details about each Employee hired through R365 Hire. These details are then included on the Employee record.  Creating Employee Custom Fields Navigate to Account Settings by cli...

Smart Ops Release: Operations Dashboard

This feature is part of Smart Ops. The Operations Dashboard provides a deep dive into the Sales and Labor data each day or hour, depending on if Intraday Polling is enabled, by displaying the Forecasted Sales and Labor against the Actual Sales and...

Smart Ops Release: Labor Dashboard

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about Smart Ops Release. The Labor Dashboard provides a deep analysis of Labor trends and performance for one or more of your Restaurant Locations. Looking into how the curr...

Labor Dashboard: Saved Views

The Labor Dashboard has multiple settings that can be adjusted to provide the necessary data for any number of selected Locations. Once the dashboard is set, a saved view can be created so that when the User returns to the dashboard at a later time...

Financial Dashboard Overview & Security

The Financial Dashboard provides a high level overview of key financial data so that your Accounting Admins and Managers can assess a store's financial standing for a given day, week, month, period, and/or year compared to the same time frame for ...

Financial Dashboard: Dashboard Widgets

This is a part of the Financial Dashboard feature. Click here to learn more about the Financial Dashboard. The Financial Dashboard is made up of a variety of widgets that provide the financial health of one or more Locations. Depending on the access pr...

Financial Dashboard: Date Settings

This is a part of the Financial Dashboard feature. Click here to learn more about the Financial Dashboard. The Financial Dashboard has two separate date settings that can be manipulated to compare one or all Location's financial data for the curren...

Financial Dashboard: Customize the Dashboard

This is a part of the Financial Dashboard feature. After gaining access to the Financial Dashboard, Users can customize the layout and display of their Dashboard Widgets to show only the most relevant financial data and House Shortcuts to assist in com...

Financial Dashboard: Saved Views

This is a part of the Financial Dashboard feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Financial Dashboard includes a range of widgets and House Shortcuts to help Users assess financial health and mak...

Dashboard Elements

As a User with View Only access, your dashboards display the reports you need to analyze your restaurant Location's operations. While these reports were created for you, you are still able to adjust the formatting of your data within the parameter...

Creating/Modifying Dashboards

A dashboard is a read-only view of Ad Hoc reports where Users can see multiple charts and tables on one page.  Anything added to a dashboard is called a Dashlet. Restaurant365 comes with a number of dashboards, and with the proper security level, Users can...

R365 Intelligence: Overview & Security

The Restaurant365 Intelligence is an R365 add-on feature that optimizes reporting by allowing Users to run advanced analytics using existing data.  R365 Intelligence is useful for users that may need quick access to specific data within their organizat...

R365 Intelligence Glossary

The R365 Intelligence Glossary provides explanations of multiple terms used throughout R365 Intelligence. This glossary is broken down by the following topics: Attributes Metrics Attributes   AttributeDefinition 15 Minute Interval Time interv...

R365 Intelligence: Dashboard Views

This article covers the Dashboard functions in view mode and is part of R365 Intelligence, an R365 add-on feature. To open a dashboard, users can double click a dashboard from the dashboard library list. This will open the dashboard in a new tab. When ...

R365 Intelligence: Creating a Dashboard

 This article covers creating a Dashboard in R365 Intelligence, an R365 add-on feature. In R365 Intelligence, users can create customized Dashboards. Intelligence dashboards are interactive displays that users can create to view and explore their busin...

R365 Intelligence: Editing Dashboards

This article is part of R365 Intelligence and covers editing and creating dashboards. All dashboards are completely customizable to the user. Users can customize their reports by: Adding and deleting additional pages and chapters to a dashboard. Sel...

R365 Intelligence: Editing Visualizations

This article covers editing Visualizations within Dashboards and is part of R365 Intelligence, an R365 add-on feature. All Visualizations are customizable in many different ways. This allows Users to create the best visual display of the data within their...

R365 Intelligence: Adding Data by Dataset

This article is part of R365 intelligence and covers adding data by dataset.  Users can elect to add data to dashboard environments by dataset. Datasets are groups of selected attributes and metrics that can be used together to build visualizations. Wh...

R365 Intelligence: Adding Data by Existing Objects

This article covers Adding Data to a Dashboard environment and is part of R365 Intelligence, an R365 add-on feature. To begin building Intelligence Dashboards, users must first add data to the dashboard environment. This article covers adding data by a...

R365 Intelligence: Attributes v. Metrics

This article covers the differences between Datasets' Attributes and Metrics in R365 Intelligence, an R365 add-on feature.  Attributes and Metrics are the specific Data Items that Users can add to their Dashboards to configure Visualizations.   Att...

R365 Intelligence: Visualization Types

This article covers the various Visualization Types and is part of R365 Intelligence, an R365 add-on feature.  Users can create Visualizations for their R365 Intelligence Dashboards. Visualizations are visual representations of Data that the Users sele...

Dashboard & Ad Hoc Reporting Overview

Restaurant365 comes with a powerful Ad Hoc Report viewer that allows users to slice and dice data. These Ad Hoc reports and charts can also be configured to appear in dashboards so that users can make decisions that increase productivity and reduce costs. ...

Ad Hoc Elements

Ad Hoc Reporting is an excellent tool that builds the exact report your restaurant needs based on analyzing the data points crucial to enhancing your restaurant's operations. A key part in creating these reports is understanding the different elements ...

Ad Hoc Reports: Table Elements

Tables are often used for displaying data across multiple Locations while also masking those Location names and/or other pieces of data for lower level Users. Custom labeling for fields and measures are also available for use through a Table.  Two...

Ad Hoc Reports: Chart Elements

A Chart does not have to stay in its original format nor does it have to display the information in one way. Your Chart can be adjusted using the following five key functions:  Chart Type Selector  Data Level Filter  Hovering over a Point  Show/H...

Ad Hoc Reports: Crosstab Elements

The Crosstab has numerous functions for rows, columns, fields, and measures. This article explains all of these different functions to ensure that Crosstab displays your data in the desired way. Rows 1) Delete Row Summary - This will rem...

Creating/Modifying Ad Hoc Reports

Ad Hoc reports allow Users to slice and analyze data, which can then be added to dashboards. An Ad Hoc report can be a chart, table, or pivot table. Restaurant365 comes with a number of pre-defined Ad Hoc reports. With the proper security level, Users can ...

Business Analytics - Show Prior Year

To show the comparison of any report over the prior year(s), you need to include "Fiscal Year" in the columns.  By the way, the prior year must contain data, to show the prior year. Fiscal Day, Week, and Period will be the same each y...

Custom Financial Reports: Writer Overview and Security

The R365 Financial Report Writer is an added R365 service allowing users to customize the content, layout, and look and feel of financial reports. For more information on the R365 Financial Report Writer, please reach out to your R365 Sales or CSM Rep...

R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Initial Setup

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training. Click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer. The initial setup of the R365 Financial Report Writer requires the following:  Your R365 Sales or CSM representative e...

R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Organizational Structure

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training. Click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer and here for more information on System Preferences. The R365 Financial Report Writer allows you additional reportin...

R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Building Reports

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training.  Click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer.  Only Users with the following Permissions will be build Custom Financial Reports and Templates: Reporting → Cus...

R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Templates

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training on Building Reports. Click here for more information on Building Reports and click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer. The 'Custom Financial Reports' ...

R365 Custom Financial Report Writer: Report Rows

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training on Building Reports. Click here for more information on Building Reports and click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer. This article covers the following topic...

R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Report Columns

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training on Building Reports. Click here for more information on Building Reports and click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer. This article covers the following topic...

R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Creating Reports

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training on building reports using the R365 Financial Report Writer. The Custom Financial Reports page, located in the Reports section of both Accounting and Operations, allows users to view...

R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Combination Reports

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training on Building Reports. Click here for more information on Building Reports and click here for more information on the R365 Financial Report Writer. Combined Reports, saved under the &...

R365 Custom Financial Report Writer: Running Reports

This article is part of the R365 Financial Report Writer training.  Click here for more information on R365 Financial Report Writer. The R365 Financial Report Writer allows Users with both the Financial Report Builder and the Financial Report Viewer ro...

Financial Reports Overview

Financial Reports allow users to view account transactions and balances for their restaurants. While it is mainly Accounting users who utilize these reports, they offer many great benefits to Operators as well. Article Topics Navigation Securit...

Account Balance by Location

The Account Balance by Location report displays the totals for a specific GL Account for all Locations. The User is able to view the debits and credits of one or more account(s) across multiple Locations for a better look into account details. Art...

Account Balance by Location Export

The Balance by Location Export runs account balances by any Location Category selected. Unlike the Account Balance by Location Report, this report includes more details about the balances, including the accounts connected to each Legal Entity. Thi...

Account Trx Summary by Location Export

The Account Trx Summary by Location Export displays the transactions made by each account at a chosen Location. This detailed report will enable a User to view and export an organized history of transactions with a certain account, showing its true ba...

AP Accrual

The Accounts Payable Accrual report is used to gather the information entered regarding the Dates of Service for an expense and summarize it at month end so a journal entry can be recorded. Click here for more information on Dates of Service enter...

Asset Tag Printout

The Asset Tag Printout will run a document containing identifying information of all selected assets. This can be exported and printed out to place on those assets at the User's company. Article Topics Navigation Report Parameters Report Deta...

Asset Value Report

The Asset Value report displays the values of all assets in the company as of a certain date. This report is helpful in viewing active, retired, depreciated, CIP, or draft assets along with asset classes and categories to understand how a company'...

Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet shows the financial position of a company, representing the balances of each account based on the Fiscal Calendar structure. Selecting a report type can enable a User to compare the details about their company's GL Accounts as of...

Balance Sheet - Layout Format

The Balance Sheet - Layout Format allows the User to edit the layout of the Balance Sheet directly from this report by drilling into the GL Accounts and updating their GL Types and/or Parent Accounts. A User can then review this format to ensure it is...

Blackline Export

The Blackline Export will export GL Account data that can then be uploaded and used for accounting purposes in Blackline. Article Topics Navigation Report Parameters Report Columns Navigation To navigate to the Blackline Export, click &...

Banking Reports Overview

The Banking reports tab provides reports on all necessary banking information, from payment runs to deposits and much more.  Article Topics Navigation Security and Report Access Reports  Navigation To access My Reports, select My Reports ...

ACH Export

  The ACH Export allows a user to run a report that scans payment runs for ACH files that were not exported at the time of the payment run. This export supplies a repository of all ACH files to help catch any missing ACHs.  The ACH Export can be sent ...

Adjusted Cash Balance

The Adjusted Cash Balance report displays a quick overview of a restaurant's cash position as of a given date so that Users can make business decisions accordingly. Navigation To navigate to the Adjusted Cash Balance report, click 'My...

Bank to GL Reconciliation

Running the Bank to GL Reconciliation Report will tell the User if he/she setup his/her GL Accounts properly. This is usually ran at setup to make sure that all GL Accounts are balanced. Navigation To navigate to the Bank to GL Reconciliation...


The Check Report displays all the checks from a selected payment run. Run this report to review or reprint past checks. Once the Check Report has been exported to the user's device, they can easily review the information attached to the payment, i...

Check Register

The Check Register Report allows the User to see both deposits and expenses made during a specified date range. Details on the checks made during a specific time period can allow a User to see which locations are associated with checks. Navigatio...

CPX Bank Export

The CPX Bank Export displays the Bank Account information used for R365 Payments. This is beneficial for User records as well as adding new bank information for R365 Payments. Navigation To navigate to the CPX Bank Export, click 'My Repor...

Deposit Ticket

The Deposit Ticket Download allows the User to review and download recent or past Deposit Tickets. This feature can be useful in seeing the trends of past bank deposits. Navigation To navigate to the Deposit Ticket, click 'My Reports'...

Payment Disbursements Export

The Payment Disbursements Export uses previous check run information to display the payments made and the details attached to those payments. This export is beneficial in reviewing information tied to check runs and saving this information for persona...

Payments Created

The Payments Created Report allows the User to view all of the Payments, both checks and ACHs, made in a specified check run. This information provides a good reference point to review the Payments made and the invoice details associated with those Pa...

Vendors Reports Overview

Vendors Reports provide information on invoices from and for vendors. These reports can then be exported from the system for tax purposes or to process payments through an outside company.  Article Topics Navigation Security and Report Access ...

1096 Prep

The 1096 Prep report displays the totals of returns from 1099 Vendors throughout the year. Either all Legal Entities or only Legal Entities with 1096 balances can be selected for this report to provide your Organization the option of choosing the most...

1096 Printable Form

  The 1096 Printable Form provides all 1096 information, which can be printed on a 1096 pre-printed form and filed with the IRS. Important Note on Printing When printing this form, ensure to update the following printer settings: Adobe - When p...

1099 Export

Export all 1099 MISC, NEC, and INT data from R365 using the 1099 Export report. Selected forms can be ran individually for each Legal Entity or under a Common Payer and then imported into tax1099.com so that your Organization's taxes can be done electr...

1099 Review

The 1099 Review Report shows all 1099 Customers and their invoices for a set period of time. This report allows the User to see all of the different types of payments associated with Vendors and make any final adjustments if needed before producing bo...

1099-INT Printable Form

The 1099-INT Printable Form is produced to report any Interest Income received from a Vendor. The information on this form is organized so that it can be printed directly onto a 1099-INT Form and then sent to both your Vendors and the IRS for tax purp...

1099-MISC Printable Form

The 1099-MISC Printable Form is produced to report any payments made to a Person or Organization that were at least $600, or at least $10 in Royalties or Broker Payments. The information on this form is organized so that it can be printed directly ont...

1099-NEC Printable Form

The 1099-NEC Printable Form is produced to report any Nonemployee Compensation to a Vendor. The information on this form is organized so that it can be printed directly onto a 1099-NEC Form and then sent to both your Vendors and the IRS for tax purpos...

AP Aging

The AP Aging Report shows all open AP Transactions, including Credit Memos that haven't been applied to an invoice yet, listed with day ranges to show what invoices are current and past due. Even further, transactions are hyperlinked to allow the ...

ComData Export

The ComData report will run R365's data to produce a listing of all open, unpaid invoices for Customer's who are signed up for ComData. This export is only beneficial for Users who are signed up for ComData so that ComData can view and pay the...

Customers Reports Overview

The Customers Reports help users to keep customers accountable by providing a list of all customers who have current or past due invoices and their balances. User can also generate statements to send to customers with outstanding balances.  Articl...

AR Aging

The AR Aging Report provides a listing of all the open AR transactions that still haven't paid their invoices. This report helps to keep companies in check and allows restaurants to notify other companies of their outstanding invoices. Naviga...

Customer Statement

The Customer Statement Report is an issued document made out to a customer. This statement tells the Customer how much they still owe from an outstanding invoice / transaction. If multiple Customers are selected, the report will have different pag...

Sales Reports Overview

Sales Reports provide information about a location's sales and the aspects that are associated with it, including server sales, recipes, ticket counts, ticket averages, and much more. With detailed charts and comparisons, a user can view the disti...

Avg Gross Sales by Hour

The Average Gross Sales by Hour Report compares Service Types by hour over a selected period of time. This report is beneficial in displaying a numerical and graphical view of Sales to see which days and times were the busiest, which would then provid...

Avg Gross Sales Ticket Count

The Average Gross Sales & Ticket Count Report displays the transactions and ticket count by day and day part. This report is beneficial in scheduling by showing which days and day parts need the most workers. Navigation To navigate to the...

Forecast Report

The Forecast Report displays the current Daily Forecast for each day in the selected date range along with Weekly and Period subtotals. By including Current Year and/or Prior Year Actuals, this report can be used as an Actual vs Forecast report. T...

Forecast Download Report

The Forecast Download Report displays the current Daily Forecast for each day in the selected date range. By including Current Year and/or Prior Year Actuals, this report can be used as an Actual vs Forecast report. This report can also be exported as a ...

Menu Item Analysis

The Menu Item Analysis Report is most beneficial in analyzing a Marketing Strategy for a Location's menu items to help turn a higher profit. It shows the margin and quantities of menu items ranked against each other and returns a category that has...

Menu Price Analysis

The Menu Price Analysis Report shows the cost and selling price for each Menu Item, determines a profit from those metrics, and then calculates a variance and price needed to hit the target percentage based on the User supplied target percentage. This...

Product Mix

The Product Mix Report shows each menu item's percent of Sales for a selected period of time. This report can help show which menu items are driving Sales.  Navigation To navigate to the Product Mix Report, click 'My Reports' u...

Product Mix - Year Over Year

The Product Mix - Year Over Year report lists Menu Items' current Sales Dollars against their prior year's Sales Dollars for the same days to show the year-over-year difference. The report can be ran for specific Menu Items or Menu Categories ...

Sales and Prime Cost

The Sales and Prime Cost Report breaks down Sales by Sales Categories and provides specific details into guest counts and variances in budgets. This report allows the User to see how his/her restaurant Location's Prime Cost factors in to overall S...

Key Operations Reports

The following graphic shows each of the Operational Reports covered in this article and how often they are typically run.             Article Topics Cash Sheet Report Flash Report Prep Sheet Report Weekly Review - Location Contact Violation...

Key Labor Reports

The following graphic shows each of the Operational Reports that are covered in this article and how, when and why they should be used: Jump to Section: Flash Report Weekly Review – Location Overtime Warning Report Sales and Labor Brea...

Actual vs Theoretical Analysis – Troubleshooting Variances

The actual vs theoretical analysis report can be used as several reports in one to troubleshoot why variances are happening with raw ingredients.  Before diving into specifics, it’s best to cover the basics as to why variances happen in the first place.  A...

Restaurant Operational Reports List

Inventory Reports        Item Cost % Breakout Item Cost Analysis by Location Item Price Verification Item Price Change Analysis Stock Usage Period Purchase Analysis by Vendor COGS Analysis by Location Weekly Review - Location Sales Reports ...

Comparable Stores

A grouping some restaurant companies use to analyze similar stores often in a prior year is accomplished in the system with the Comparable (Comp) Stores feature. This allows a company to state which dates each location should be included in the comp store ...

Labor Differences on Flash Report vs P&L

Depending on how the POS integration is setup, labor on the flash report may not equal labor on the P&L report. Here are some tips to understand possible reasons they differ: Possible Reason #1 (and most likely reason): Actual payroll differs fr...

P&L Comparison Screen

The P&L Comparison Screen is a report found in the 'Reports' subsection of the 'Operations' module. Only Users that have the following Permission will see and be able to run this report.  Reporting → Standard Reporting → Can View...

System Prompting to 'Save As' for Report / Check

Each time you create a PDF (print a Report or print a Check), that PDF is saved by default in your downloads folder. For example if you print a check, it saves in the downloads folder as 'Check.pdf'. If you print another check it saves as Check (1)...

Operational Analysis Reports Overview

The Operational Analysis Reports track and compare sales from different locations in order to strengthen current operations.    Article Topics Navigation Security and Report Access Reports Navigation To access My Reports, select My Reports ...

Employees vs Guest Count Chart

The Employees vs Guest Count Chart compares the amount of staff to the amount of customers in a specific period of time. This report is beneficial in future scheduling purposes to predict how many staff members should be scheduled based on a prior wee...

Flash Report

The Flash Report shows summary information based on a single day’s performance in one or multiple locations. All information from the Daily Sales Summary flows through this report as well as historical information and Labor numbers. This is a great re...

Flash Report - Advanced

The Flash Report shows summary information based on a single day’s performance in one or multiple locations.  All information from the Daily Sales Summary flows through this report as well as historical information and Labor numbers. This is a great r...

Location Comparison

The Location Comparison report compares certain operation values on the P&L report from two or more restaurant locations. This report allows the user to view various labor and sales comparisons for the current day, prior day, and the same day for ...

Location Sales and Reg Labor

The Location Sales and Reg Labor Report runs the Sales and Labor as of a specified day compared to the same day last year. This report provides a little different format and a more robust Sales report than the Flash Report. It presents comments from ...

Location Vital Signs

The Location Vital Signs Report runs the Sales, Cost of Goods Sold, and Labor against the Budgets set for each of them in a bar graph.  This report allows a User to visualize how far along the Sales, COGS, and Labor are in regards to their respect...

Operations Overview

The Operations Overview report is another version of the Flash Report and provides all of the Sales, Labor, and Comps / Discounts details for a specific date compared to the current week, period, and year. This report provides a different format w...

Operations Scorecard

The Operations Scorecard is another version of the Flash Report and shows the Gross Sales by week for specified Locations. This report compares the Gross Sales, Net Sales, Guest Count, Current to Prior Year, Labor, COGS, and Promotions/Redemptions...

Sales and Labor Breakout

The Sales and Labor Breakout displays net sales and labor data from the POS integration, broken down by item category, day part, payments, labor, and job title. This report is similar to the Flash Report in the sense that it focuses on these areas and...

Purchased and Inventory Reports Overview

Purchased and Inventory Reports display a breakdown of item costs, cost percentages, and much more. These reports can help a user analyze cost variances to help minimize inconsistencies and maximize item usage.  Article Topics Navigation Securi...

Above-Store Actual vs Theoretical Analysis

The Above-Store Actual vs. Theoretical Analysis compares the theoretical cost of certain inventory items or categories against actual data. The report pulls data for selected dates to provide an overall view of the category or item's actual vs. th...

Actual vs Theoretical Analysis

The Actual vs Theoretical Analysis compares the theoretical cost of certain inventory items or categories against actual data, in terms of both quantities and dollar amounts. The user can drill down into the transactions that make up the numbers and v...

AP Invoice Distribution

The AP Invoice Distribution Report displays all purchases, which are sorted by vendor and marked as paid or unpaid, for the selected date range. This report will display the payment details made for each invoice, including the posting date, account na...

COGS Allotment

The COGS Allotment Report breaks down a Location's COGS by Operational Reports Category for the dates in a specified calendar period. This report is beneficial to analyze the details of one period's COGS in comparison to that Location's bu...

COGS Analysis by Location

The COGS Analysis by Location Report runs the amounts of specified COGS types for designated Locations over a selected period of time. This report compliments the COGS Allotment Report because it provides further analysis into the COGS Types and the c...

COGS Analysis by Vendor

The COGS Analysis by Vendor Report runs the amounts of specified COGS types for designated Vendors over a selected period of time. This report compliments the COGS Allotment Report because it provides further analysis into the COGS Types and the cost ...

Contract Violations

The Contract Violations Report will show any items outside of the Contract Price for the selected date range. Contract Prices can be maintained via the Vendor Item by either direct edit or import template. Vendors are listed separately and any item is...

Inventory Variance by Location

The Inventory Variance by Location report shows variances over time based on a variety of Inventory Transactions and entered Waste. Run this report to see if Inventory Variances are increasing or decreasing for one or more Locations. To view variances...

Item Cost Analysis by Location

The Item Cost Analysis by Location Report shows total purchases over the date range of the report that are broken out by COGS Category per Location. Hyperlinked items enable a User to drill into the report to review the current cost and recent transac...

Recipe and Theoretical Reports Overview

Recipe and Theoretical Reports scan the system to list ingredients used and create a historical database of the amount of food items prepped, which can help in forecasting how many items are needed for future orders. Article Topics Navigation Securi...

Prep History

The Prep History Report displays the history of all the food that was prepped. This report can be helpful in food counts and inventory and is great for establishing trends of Prep Item Production. Navigation To navigate to the Prep History Re...

Prep Sheet

This article covers the Prep Sheet report. The Prep Sheet is a report that gives restaurants suggestions for prep.  The Prep Sheet uses the average PMIX usage of the same business day for the last four weeks (excluding 0s) to calculate a sugge...

Labor Reports Overview

Labor reports provide users with data and forecasts that can help them make informed decisions about productivity and scheduling. Use these reports to track employee performance and determine how labor decisions impact sales.   Article Topics Na...

Academy Progress Report

The Academy Progress Report allows the user to track their employees' progress through the R365 Academy courses. This tool is an easy way for managers to track their employees' knowledge of R365. By selecting specific parameters, the manager c...

ADP Alternate Export

The ADP Alternate Export is similar to the ADP Workforce Export in that it runs R365's system to produce a listing of all Employee IDs, Pay Rates, Labor Hours, and more used for Payroll Processing. Rather than simply listing out these details, thi...

ADP Workforce Export

The ADP Workforce Export will run R365's system to produce a listing of all Employee IDs, Pay Rates, Labor Hours, and more for a specific date range that can be sent to ADP for payroll processing. This export is only beneficial for Users who have ...

Daily Roster Report

The Daily Roster displays a list of employees who are scheduled to work a chosen daypart or shift. Using this report, managers can easily see who is scheduled and their accumulated weekly and overtime hours. This can help guide managers on making the ...

F9 Segment Descriptions

The F9 Segment Descriptions Report is a resourceful tool for F9 Customers who want to transfer data into F9 for further Financial Reporting. GL Account, Legal Entity, and Location information is included in this report. Due to the required data fi...

Labor Actual vs Scheduled

The Labor Actual vs Scheduled report compares actual labor to scheduled labor for selected locations and jobs. This report provides an overview of labor variances, allowing users to analyze scheduling practices and make adjustments according to real h...

Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Detail

The Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Detail report displays a thorough review of the labor, including employee names connected to their job title and the actual date connected to each piece of data. Analyzing a more detailed report can help the user analyz...

Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Punch Details

The Labor Actual vs Scheduled - Punch Details report runs the numbers for each employee's labor punches in a specified date range. This report helps users understand and analyze labor variances, particularly in regards to the actual punch details ...

Labor Break and Split

The Labor Break and Split generates a list of break violations by location. This report helps users who oversee multiple locations, such as regional or district managers, track consistent violations and make sure employees are following break requirem...

Commissary Reports Overview

Commissary Reports allow users to view details about past commissary orders and forecasts for future orders based on historical data. Users can also drill down on certain items to determine how often those items are purchased and fulfilled in a sp...

Commissary Forecast

The Commissary Forecast Report forecasts how much food will be ordered. This is based on previous fulfilled ordered quantities for a set number of weeks compared to its Actual Net Sales, which is calculated from its Daily Sales Summaries. This creates...

Commissary Order History

The Commissary Order History by Location Report is able to assess previous commissary orders from a designated time frame. This acts as a memory bank for all commissary items ordered for specified locations, which can be used to track the amount o...

Commissary Order History by Category

The Commissary Order History by Category report will display the quantity and cost of all orders and the variance that lies between those that were ordered and those that have been received for all related Commissary Categories. Commissary Categories ...

Commissary Order History by Item

The Commissary Order History by Item report lists the items that were ordered and the amount that was received within the selected time range for the selected Locations. This report can be drilled into from the Commissary Order History by Category rep...

Commissary Order History by Location

The Commissary Order History by Location report is ran for a single item and displays all of the Locations that ordered that item within the set Report Parameters.  Navigation To navigate to the Commissary Order History by Location report, cl...

Consolidated Production

The Consolidated Production Report provides a breakdown of the food needed to make the orders. This report will be helpful in ordering the food necessary to fulfill the commissary forecasting. If the Commissary Manager wants to print a consolidat...

Post Fulfillment On Hand Report

The Post Fulfillment On Hand Report provides a listing of all items that are in Inventory after all of the Commissary Orders are completed. Review this report to view and drill down into the items on hand before the order was sent and how much is avai...

My Reports: Workforce Overview

Workforce Reports allow a User to view data that is specific to the Workforce Module.    Navigation   To access My Reports, click on 'My Reports' from the 'Reports' section in the left navigation menu. When the main Reports screen...

Workforce Reports: Overview

Workforce Reports allow users to analyze R365 Payroll and HR data from within Workforce. Additional Workforce Reports can be found on the Workforce tab of My Reports.  Security The Permissions listed here are associated with the Workforce Reports p...

Workforce Reports: Unverified TIN Report

This article reviews the Unverified TIN Report. Here, Users can view failed TIN verifications, update Employee information for failed TIN verifications, and resubmit the verification request.  Article Topics TIN Verification Overview Failed ...

Workforce R365 Payroll: Unpayable Employees Report

This article reviews the Unpayable Employees report accessible from the Payments Overview page. Here, users can view the reasons why employees are unpayable.  Article Topics: Overview Navigation Filters Download Unpayable Employees Grid R...

Workforce Payroll Preview Report

This article reviews the Workforce Payroll Preview Report, which is located on the Workforce tab of 'My Reports'. The Workforce Payroll Preview Report displays payroll information based on DSS data for a selected date range. Here, punches, reg...

Workforce Reports: Payroll by Pay Period & Payroll by Pay Date Reports

This article reviews the 'Payroll by Pay Period' and 'Payroll by Pay Date' reports within Workforce Reports.  The 'Payroll by Pay Period' and 'Payroll By Pay Date' reports are downloadable reports that contain payroll pa...

Workforce Reports: Employee Census

This article reviews the 'Employee Census' report within Workforce Reports. This downloadable report contains Employee Record information, such as phone number, address, hourly rate, emergency contact information, and onboarding status.  A...

Workforce Reports: Funding Page & Funding Details Report

This article reviews the Funding page and Funding Details report. Here, Users can view all processed funding transactions and download the associated Funding Details report. The Funding page is a web-based report that provides an overview of funding tr...

Workforce Reports: Benefits and Deductions

This article reviews the 'Benefits and Deductions' report within Workforce Reports. This downloadable report is used to review deduction and contribution amounts per Employee for a selected period.  Article Topics: Navigation Report Pag...

Workforce Reports: Payroll Accrual

This article reviews the 'Payroll Accrual' report within Workforce Reports.  The Payroll Accrual report contains payroll payment information for a specified calendar month that has been carried forward to the next calendar month, including earn...

POS Integration Overview

Restaurant365 integrates with many POS systems. This article provides an overview of how integrating these systems allows data to flow freely between your POS system and the R365 platform. Click here to learn more about POS Integration Settings. Articl...

Sales Accounts Overview

A Sales Account's purpose is to tell Restaurant365 what GL Account to credit when accounting for individual sales tickets imported from the POS. It is a 'mapping' of POS Sales Categories and POS Service Types to a Restaurant365 General Leger Ac...

Payment Type Accounts Overview

A Payment Type Account's purpose is to tell Restaurant365 what GL Account to debit when accounting for individual sales tickets imported from the POS. It is a 'mapping' of tenders, discounts, and other offsets/reductions to the sale of goods in...

POS Integration Whitelisted URLs & IP Addresses

In order for the R365 POS Integration to function properly, the following 1) URL or 2) IP Addresses need to be whitelisted by your IT Department or your POS Reseller. Traffic is sent over port 443 using HTTPS/SSL protocols and that port will need to be all...

Menu Items & Menu Item Links

The Menu Item record is automatically created once the POS Integration has been completed. R365 will automatically import each Menu Item that appears in your POS. Similar to the relationship between Employees and POS Employees, a Menu Item and a Menu ...

Menu Item Separation

The Menu Item Separation selector gives the User the option to customize how Menu Items are polled and grouped from the POS. While this is unnecessary for most Organizations, Customers with multiple concepts may find this useful. The options that are ...

Gift Cards and Certificates

Gift Card Sales Gift card sales are imported from the POS each night on their respective Sales Tickets. This is imported as a Sales Item on that ticket with the corresponding category you have assigned in the POS.  On the DSS Journal Entry th...

Day Parts

Day Parts, or Dayparting, is the practice of breaking up an Operations Day into segments that can then be reported on individually. Restaurant365 gives Users the ability to create Day Parts with their corresponding names and start/end times.  Day Parts...

Credit Card Tip Reduction

Certain POS systems will calculate the increased Credit Card fee for the portion of the bill that is related to the tip. The system will also allow the user to retain that amount from the tips payable to pay for the Credit Card fee. If this approach is...

POS Integration Settings Overview

The POS Integration is governed by several settings in Restaurant365. These settings reside on various screens. The following articles detail the screens where POS Integration Settings can be accessed and updated as needed: Preferences Screen Location ...

POS Data Export – File Guide

Through the R365 POS Integration, the following Export Files are obtained from a POS System. The bolded sections below represent each Export File type. You will find additional information, such as the file name, and Column Names / Headers that will be inc...

POS New Build Request Form

Refer to the Form for instructions on R365 POS Integration Requirements. Please download the form, review it and complete it. Return completed forms, along with a sample Daily Sales report, to your R365 Sales Representative or POS Team Member.

POS Integrations List

Restaurant365 integrates with many POS systems. This article lists the POS systems and available Integration Types.  Learn more about the communication between the POS and the R365 platform here. Learn how to integrate a Location’s POS system with your...

EDI Vendor Integration Overview

Electronic Data Interchange allows Vendors to push transaction details directly in to Restaurant365.  The two supported transaction types that can be uploaded and imported in to Restaurant365 are AP Invoice and AP Credit Memo.  The upload process can be ac...

Vendor Integrations List

Restaurant365 supports the EDI Integration of several Vendors to make AP Transaction entry and Order submission easy for your organization. Each Vendor follows a unique process when integrating with R365.  Learn how to integrate a Vendor with your data...

EDI Vendor: US Foods

US Foods invoices are delivered via FTP to a dedicated US Foods FTP site hosted by Restaurant365. From this site, the invoices are routed to the destination FTP site (specific to the customer) and ultimately imported into Restaurant365.  As US Foods ha...

EDI - AP Invoice Tax Inclusion

AP Transactions can be manually imported in to Restaurant365. Manually importing AP Transactions requires the use of specific import templates. Transactions can be imported by Item, or by Account. Click here for information on EDI Vendor Integrations and R...

Troubleshooting EDI Imports

The following errors may occur when importing data in to Restaurant365. Click here for an Overview of EDI Vendor Integrations. Review error types for troubleshooting tips and steps to error resolution. Closed Period Cause: Journal Ent...

Fintech Integration

Restaurant365 and Fintech have teamed up to create a seamless invoice integration for mutual clients. To take advantage of this integration, you must meet the following criteria:  You have an active account set up with both Fintech & R365  You h...

Receiving Fintech Files

Fintech provides Vendor statements via FTP to Restaurant365. These service statements, which include both charges and refunds, are recognized as invoices in Restaurant365. Below, review the steps of integration, the mapping of a Fintech file to an AP Invoi...

Craftable Integration

Restaurant365 and Craftable have teamed up to create a seamless invoice integration for mutual clients. To take advantage of this integration, the following conditions must be met:  You have an active account set up with both Craftable and R365  You...

FTP Site Overview

Restaurant365 provides a hosted FTP site for each Customer Database. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and allows Vendors, Customers, and R365 Users to Upload acceptable files in to their instance. The FTP Site serves three purposes for Customers:...

FTP Site: Setup

This article is part of the FTP Site documentation. Click here for more information on the FTP Site. Restaurant365 provides each Customer with a Hosted FTP Site for file imports, which will enable AP/AR Invoices and Credit Memos to automatically be imp...

FTP Site: Uploading Files for Import

This article explains how to use the R365 FTP Site to upload AP Invoice, AP Credit Memo and Documents to Process files. Step 1: Add Files When you are ready to import files via FTP, open the FTP folder (or use your preferred FTP Client) and copy/pa...

How do I log in to my FTP account?

We offer access to an FTP site as an optional way to help you manage various aspects of your database: AP invoices bank activity data AR invoices journal entries POS data (for qualifying POS systems) Currently, R365 stores your FTP site credenti...

R365 API Connector

Restaurant365 offers an API (Application Programming Interface) service. Through the R365 API, Third Party Services, such as Vendors, can connect to R365 to retrieve data as well as create and push data in to Customer databases. In order to access the R36...

Restaurant365 OData Connector

  Restaurant365 provides an OData connector that you can use to access your Restaurant365 data from within your OData reporting provider. These endpoints provide near real time data (within seconds) on transactions rather, than previous day data. No...

Connecting to the OData Connector via Excel

Users can connect to OData via Excel so that data can be pulled from R365, stored locally, and then ran in reports. Data can then be refreshed in Excel as needed through each saved query. This article reviews the following: Connect to the OData Conne...

PAR Brink POS Integration Overview

Note: This integration is currently available only to select Early Adopters.   PAR's Brink POS is a cloud-based system that can be integrated with R365, allowing data to flow seamlessly between both systems. Data mapped on the Connection Mapping page...

Sorting and Filtering the Mapping Tables

Note: This integration is currently available only to select Early Adopters.   PAR's Brink POS is a cloud-based system that can be integrated with R365, allowing data to flow seamlessly between both systems. Data mapped on the Connection Mapping page...

Working With Locations

Note: This integration is currently available only to select Early Adopters. This article describes actions taken on the Locations tab of the Connection Mapping page for the Brink POS integration.  Article Topics Mapping locations Mapping Loc...

Working With Jobs

Note: This integration is currently available only to select Early Adopters. This article describes actions taken on the Jobs tab of the Connection Mapping page for the Brink POS integration.  Article Topics Mapping a Job Creating a New Job Rec...

Working With Employees

Note: This integration is currently available only to select Early Adopters. This article describes actions taken on the Jobs tab of the Connection Mapping page for the Brink POS integration. Article Topics Requirements For Automatic Creation of ...

Frequently Asked Questions

Note: This integration is currently available only to select Early Adopters. This article provides responses to frequently asked questions regarding the Brink POS integration. Article Topics General Questions About the Integration How is the int...

Paycom Payroll Integration Instructions

R365 and Paycom have teamed up to create a payroll integration that will automate the following processes: R365 will electronically deliver Employee Punch Data, which has imported from your POS systems to Paycom with a single click When payroll pro...

APS Payroll Overview

APS Payroll enables your Restaurant Organization to manage and create payroll directly through Restaurant365! The Labor data pulled in from your POS and used to create Payroll Batches in APS Payroll. These Payroll Batches can then be printed or sent electr...

APS Payroll: Single Sign On

APS Payroll is a standalone feature, so when it is added to your current R365 plan, your Organization will receive an additional link specifically for APS Payroll. While having a separate link is advantageous to provide to your Human Resources team, it may...

Updating a User Record and Password

A User record can be updated easily in APS Payroll by simply double-clicking the desired User record and editing the User's title, phone number, or permissions.  From this User record, the User can also have their password updated by clicking the &...

User Setup for Payroll

User records must be created only for those who work in Human Resources or Payroll, as they have the responsibility to safely and securely enter and manage Employee information in APS Payroll. From the Admin Console, Employees can gain access to eSELFSERVE...

Print and Void Prepay Checks

A Prepay Check can be both printed and voided through the unposted Items screen. This screen can be opened by clicking 'Unposted Items' in the 'Recent Payroll Activity' tile of the Payroll console. When the 'Unposted Items...

Admin Console

The Admin Console is where system settings are stored and can be updated to reflect current management, benefits, and even Employee eSELFSERVE settings. A brief explanation of each setting is seen below along with the recommendation to view additional reso...


Employees can be invited to eSELFSERVE through the 'Employee Self Service' window accessed from the Admin Console. Once invited, an email will be sent to the Employee's listed email address that includes a link to eSELFSERVE and his/her User in...


After a Manager is set through the 'Manager Self Service' option under 'eSELFSERVE.com Settings' in the Admin Console, he/she will receive an email with a link to eSELFSERVE. This Manager can then log in using the listed link and their prev...

APS Payroll: GL Account Mapping

The General Ledger in APS Payroll must match the General Ledger uploaded into your Restaurant365 instance. In doing so, it will include the correct account when importing Payroll Journal Entries into your Restaurant365 instance. Navigation To...

APS Payroll: Departments and Department Groups

Departments are the Job Titles assigned to Employees, which can be structured into Department Groups if desired for Reporting purposes. Both Departments and Department Groups can be easily created and maintained to reflect the structure of Departments with...

Employee Console

The Employee Console displays a quick view into Employee Statistics, including errors on payroll, number of active Employees, and any updated Employee information. Alerts for Manager Approval of new hires or Employee record updates will be listed in y...

APS Payroll: Add Employee

Creating Employee records allow for confidential information to be filed individually. These records can be accessed through the Employee List as well as the listed navigation below. Learn more about the Employee Console here. Navigation Crea...

Employee List

The Employee List displays all saved Employee records in the system. From this list, the desired Employee record can be opened so that necessary updates can be made. Learn more about the Employee Console here. Navigation To navigate to the Em...

APS Payroll: Employee Records

Employee records live in the Employee List where they can be edited and updated after creation. Any update to an Employee's address, federal or state information, and even their employment status should be entered into that Employee's record in APS...

APS Payroll: Notifications

Employees can have a notification sent to them from the Employee List, their Employee record, or the Notifications page through the Notify button. These messages can be sent via the Employee's listed email address or phone number. The Notifications pa...

Payroll Console

The Payroll Console includes important payroll functions, such as the creation and approval of Payroll Batches and Prepay Checks and remotely print checks. All payroll navigation can occur from this screen. This screen lists two defaulted tiles: '...

Create Payroll Batch

Payroll Batches can be created and saved before submission, allowing for a User to return and edit at a later time. Before a Payroll Batch can be submitted, missed time punches need to be corrected, time cards need to be approved, and all time off requests...

Create Prepay Check

A Prepay Check allows Employees to be paid outside of a regular payroll run, which can occur due to an Employee's termination or receiving a bonus. Click here for more information about the Payroll Console. It is important to note that ACH payments...

APS Payroll: Remote Check Printing

Remote Check Printing enables Users to select the desired Payroll Batch and print individual checks. It is important to note that this option is only available for Users who have elected to print their checks remotely. View the "Remote Check Printing&...

Human Resources Console

The Human Resources (HR) Console includes the management of Employee benefits, documents, compensation, performance, and more through easy navigation of the 'HR Options' tile, the 'HR' menu in the top ribbon, or through listed alerts. ...

ACA Alerts

ACA Alerts is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. The ACA Alerts dashboard lists all topics related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and your company, if it is considered an Applicable Large Employer. This dashb...

Asset Management

Asset Management is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. Asset Management provides the ability to document and track the Employees who have company property assigned to them, such as a cell phone or computer. ...

Benefits Administration

Benefits Administration is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. The Benefits Administration provides all necessary benefits and coverage information in three distinct views. The Dashboard is the defaulted view, b...

Manage Individual Enrollments

The Manage Individual Enrollment window is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. Employee benefits can be easily viewed and updated through the Manage Individual Enrollments window, where a listing of Employee rec...

Document Management

Document Management is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. The Document Management window is where all company documents are managed and stored. While multiple file types can be uploaded, only PDF documents can ...

Company Newsfeed

Company Newsfeed is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. The Company Newsfeed Dashboard displays a record of all announcements, reminders, and postings made to Employees. Posts can be created from this screen as ...


eSignatures is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. The eSignatures screen lists all documents that require a signature by the Employee. The listing displays the Employee name, Department, Hire Date, the Docume...

Event Tracking

Event Tracking is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. Event Tracking allows events during an Employee's career, such as a promotion, disciplinary action, and paid leave, to be added and managed in APS Payrol...

OSHA Tracking

OSHA Tracking is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console. OSHA Tracking allows incidents to be recorded and tracked in compliance with OSHA. When the OSHA Tracking window is opened, a listing of all incidents wi...

Reporting Console

The Reporting console includes necessary data exports and reports that can help a restaurant analyze Employee information and payroll data. Users can even create their own reports through the Report Builder if additional reports are desired. Addi...

Report Manager

The Report Manager is a part of the Reporting Console. Click here for more information on the Reporting Console. The Report Manager houses all preconfigured reports, which are grouped by Console. Once a report is selected, the Report Parameters can be ...

Report Builder

The Report Builder is a part of the Reporting Console. Click here for more information on the Reporting Console. The Report Builder uses Report Templates based on Employee information to create the foundation of a customized report in APS Payroll. Once...

Analytics Dashboard

The Analytics Dashboard is a part of the Reporting Console. Click here for more information on the Reporting Console. The Analytics Dashboard can be custom-designed by each User and include an unlimited amount of Analytics Tiles, or data sources, ...


DocVault is a part of the Reporting Console. Click here for more information on the Reporting Console. The DocVault lists all copies of generated payroll reports in the 'Payroll Documents' section and quarterly and annual filings in the '...

Data Exports

Data Exports is a part of the Reporting console. Click here for more information on the Reporting console. The Data Exports set up in APS Payroll include Fidelity 401k and R365 GL. The Fidelity 401k export downloads a CSV file of all 401K contributions...

W-2 / 1099 / 1095 Forms

W-2 / 1099 / 1095 Forms are a part of the Reporting console. Click here for more information on the Reporting console. W-2 / 1099 / 1095 Forms can be easily created, viewed, and downloaded as a PDF for one or all Employees through this page. Only Pay...

APS Payroll: Custom Fields

Custom Fields can be created in APS Payroll to house additional Employee information beyond the current standard fields. When a Custom Field is created by an Admin User, that field will be housed on the Employee record and can be included on any User-built...

APS Payroll: Report Subscriptions

Set up Report Subscriptions for Payroll Reports to ensure that the right reports are being sent automatically to certain Users. This cuts out the manual process of running a report alongside Payroll Batches or other key busy times each month. Set Repo...

Restaurant365 Certifications Overview

Tired of the same old grind with CPEs?  Tired of the same questions that pose no challenge when you renew that Food Handler's permit?  Tired of seeing your friends and peers brag about their accomplishments on LinkedIn?  Well tire no more amigo!  Resta...

Franchising Overview & Security

The Franchising Module assists restaurant groups in tracking Franchisees, each Franchisee Location, Contracts, Franchisee Daily Sales, and automates Franchisee Billing/ACH Payment Collection.  To activate the Franchising Module, please contact your Sa...

Franchisee Setup

 This article is part of the Franchising module training. Click here for more information on Franchising. Franchisees are the top level group in the Franchising module that may own one or more Franchise Location (Stores). On this record you store ...

Franchisee Locations (Stores)

This article is part of the Franchising Module training.  Click here for more information on Franchising. Franchisee Locations (also referred to as stores) are records for each restaurant store that your Franchisees own. They are stored as a special ty...

Franchisee Daily Sales

This article is part of the Franchising Module training.  Click here for more information on Franchising Franchisee Daily Sales are individual records for each Franchisee Location each day with the sum total of sales for the day at each Location. ...

Franchisee Billing Process

This article is part of the Franchising Module training. Click here for more information on Franchising. Franchisee Billing is the process ran to auto-create AR Invoices to bill each of your Franchisees for fees incurred in a specific date range. ...

AP Invoice: Franchising

This article is part of the Franchising Module training. Click here for more information on Franchising.   Franchisors have the option of recording and paying AP Invoices on behalf of their Franchisees. The expense can then be passed on and billed t...

Catering Overview & Security

The Catering module in Restaurant365 is a complete, integrated, catering solution for you and your organization. Catering Managers will be able to track events and their associated payments and tasks, catering representatives and their customer relati...

Catering: Catering Settings

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module. On the 'Catering Settings' screen, Item Types, Commission Rates, Event Times, Event Types, Sources, and Catering Contracts c...

Catering: Contract - Subtotal By

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module. Catering Contracts have the ability to be Subtotaled in one of four ways. This option is set in the Catering Settings. Click here for mor...

Catering: Items

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module. Catering Items exist in the Catering module and are the items that will make up the contents of the Catering Menus and Catering Contracts...

Catering: Catering Menus

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module. Catering Menus can be created to quickly and easily add Catering Items to Catering Events as well as to produce a formatted Catering Menu...

Catering: Sites and Rooms

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module. Catering Sites are event sites that are used in Catering Events. Sites also exist within the Scheduling module. Click here for more infor...

Catering: Catering Events

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module. Catering Events are what drives all activity in the Catering module. Events are where your Catering Representatives will track catering o...

Catering: Catering Event Status

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module and Catering Events. The Status of a Catering Event is broken down in to six levels:  Prospect  Proposal  Signed  Event Complete  Bi...

Catering: Catering Event Actions

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module and Catering Events. The 'Action' menu on the Catering Event record allows a User to perform numerous actions in preparing and fin...

Catering: Segments

This article is part of the Catering module documentation. Click here for more information on the Catering module. Catering Events have Catering Segments to separate multiple meals/Segments throughout the event. These are customizable fields that the U...

Catering Reports Overview

Catering Reports focus in on the details of selected Catering Events to show the Status, Cost, Profit, and Invoices associated with each Event. Certain reports will also display the event information associated with a specific Catering Representative ...

Catering Commissions

The Catering Commissions Report pulls all of the Catering Event Information from the system to view the Total Amount, the percentage of Commissions, and the dollar amount of Commissions for each event. A listing of all events are displayed first indiv...

Catering Event Profitability

The Catering Events Profitability Report shows the Cost and Revenue of each event. Expanding the details of each event shows a further breakdown by Expense Category and how each category played a factor in the total profit of the event. Navigatio...

Catering Menu

The Catering Menu Report allows the User to select any or all Catering Menus to view the items that make up each menu, including their U of M, Quantity, Price, and Total Cost. The report parameters will even enable menus to display Location logos if s...

Catering Receivables Aging

The Catering Receivables Aging Report lists all Catering Customers who are past due on a payment. When each Customer row is expanded, a listing of all AR transaction numbers are hyperlinked to their AR transaction, allowing the User to view event tran...

Classic Manager Log Overview

The Classic Manager Log module in Restaurant365 is a fully integrated Log application. Within the Manager Log, DSS data can be viewed and updated at a glance, recurring Task Lists can be utilized and tracked, and Document Libraries can sort and store ...

Classic Manager Log: Calendar View

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log Module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module. The Calendar View is the default view in Manager Log. On this screen, a User can see summary data for one Location ...

Classic Manager Log: Create Log Entries

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log Module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module. Manager Logs can be entered in R365 to note any important notes for a specific day. These logs can be managed on bo...

Classic Manager Log: Daily Overview

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module. The Daily Overview screen provides all the detail that cannot be displayed on the Calendar View. A User can load th...

Classic Manager Log: Document Library

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module. The Document Library is a place where Managers can store important forms, PDFs, and/or Employee handbooks. When doc...

Classic Manager Log: Flagged Entries View

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module. Flagged Entries are Tasks and Log Entries that require additional follow up. The Flagged Entries View provides an i...

Manager Log: Link To Types

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module. Link To Types allow Manager Log entries to be directly linked to another record through R365.  For example, a 'Task&...

Classic Manager Log: Log Categories

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module. Log Categories allow Users to separate Log entries by a specific category for easy sorting and follow up. Log Categories...

Classic Manager Log: Logs View

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log Module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module. The Logs View allows you to view and filter all Log Entries by Location and Log Category. This article will describ...

Classic Manager Log: Task List Setup

This article is part of the Classic Manager Log module training. Click here for more information on the Classic Manager Log module Task Lists are User-created lists that can be put to use manually or scheduled for regular reoccurring use. Task Lists ca...

Partner Channel Users - Multi-Instance Login

With the introduction of the Multi-Instance Switching feature, Partner Channel Users will be able to switch between instances with a single login. Users who are added to a multi-instance account will have modified User records to reflect the updated login ...

Multi-Instance Switching

Multi-Instance Switching enables Users who oversee multiple R365 instances the ability to switch between them using the same User ID. The Multi-Instance Switching menu provides this easy transition by listing all favorited instances as well as the five mos...

Multi-Instance Nicknames

Channel Partner Users have the ability to create nicknames for the instances that they oversee. These nicknames can be viewed from the Multi-Instance Switching menu and the Multi-Instance Switching page, which is where these nicknames can also be managed. ...

Client Record

Client records and Client options are only available to Partner Channel Users who are managing multiple Client instances. The Client record stores information about each Client, including their name, address, contact information, and more. Once a record is...

R365 Custom Financial Reports Writer: Sharing Across Instances

The R365 Financial Report Writer enables Users to share their created Report Templates and Report Packages across the multiple instances that they oversee. When Templates are shared, the Column Layout undergoes a Validation Process to ensure that all insta...

Financial Dashboard: Sharing Saved Views Across Instances

This article is part of Financial Dashboards. Learn more about Customizing Financial Dashboards here.  Users that manage multiple Instances can share Financial Dashboard saved views across all instances.  This allows for a customized Financial Dashboar...

MFA: Across Instances

This article reviews MFA configurations for Multi-Instance organizations.  For Multi-Instance organizations, MFA configurations are designed to provide consistency with the following: MFA Methods are controlled at the organization level, and all asso...

Custom User Roles: Sharing Across Instances

This article reviews sharing Custom User Roles across Instances for Multi-Instance organizations.  On the User Roles tab of the Security & Permissions page, Users who manage multiple Instances can share Custom User Roles across the Instances that t...

Workforce: Year End Tasks and Timeline

This article reviews the tasks for end-of-year payroll processing within Workforce. Article Topics End-of-Year Timeline November - Mid-December December: Final Pay Run of 2023 (Dec 16th - 27th) December: After the Final Pay Run of 2023 (Dec 17th -...

Workforce: Year End Checklist

This article reviews the Year End Checklist page within Workforce. Here, users can track tasks related to end-of-year payroll processing and employee W-2s.  Article Topics: Navigation & Security Navigation Security Year End Checkl...

Workforce: Employee W2s

This article is an overview of managing employee W2s within Workforce. Article Topics: Paperless W2s W2s in the Employee Self-Service Portal W2s on the Employee Record W2 EOY Process Paperless W2s Instead of a paper copy, employees may choo...

Workforce Employee Records: Completing or Updating an I-9 Form

This article reviews the editable I-9 form in the Signed Documents folder on the Documents tab of Employee Records.  Note: Editable I-9 forms are only available when Onboarding I-9s is enabled on the Workforce Onboarding page.  Article Topics Nav...

Workforce: Onboarding I-9s

This article is an overview of I-9s within the Workforce payroll onboarding process. Article Topics Enabling Onboarding Form I-9 I-9s in the Onboarding Process I-9s in Shared Documents Completing an I-9 Form I-9 Report Form I-9 USCIS Update 20...

Smart Ops Release: Employees List

This article reviews the Employees page within Smart Ops. If Workforce is enabled, please refer to the Workforce Employees page.  The Employees list in the Smart Ops Release stores all Employee forms and provides a quick view into Employee details...

Employee Setup

The Employee Record allows you to manage Employee details such as Employee Name, Contact Information, Employee Photo, and Scheduling Availability. This record is created automatically for each Employee after the POS Integration has been completed. Eac...

Smart Ops Employee Records: Overview

This article is part of the Employees page in Smart Ops.  For more information on the layout and features of the Employee Record within Workforce, please refer to the Workforce Employee Record article. For more information on the layout and features o...

Employee Records: Basic Info Tab

This article covers the Basic Info tab, which is part of the Employee Records in Smart Ops.  For more information on the layout and features for the Basic Info tab for the Employee Record within Workforce, please refer to the Workforce Employee Record: B...

Employee Records: Employment Tab

This article covers the Employment tab, which is part of Employee Records in Smart Ops.  For more information on the layout and features for the Employment tab within Workforce, please refer to the Workforce Employee Record: Employment tab article.  ...

Employee Records: Time Tab

This article covers the Time tab, which is part of Employee Records in Smart Ops.  For more information on the layout and features of the Time tab within Workforce, please refer to the Workforce Employee Record: Time Tab article   The Time tab consists...

Employee Records: Schedule Tab

This article covers the Schedule tab, which is part of Smart Ops Employee Records, as well as Workforce Employee Records. The Schedule tab consists of the 'Availability' section, which lists the employee's weekly availability. This informat...

Employee Records: Notes Tab

This article covers the 'Notes' tab, which is part of Smart Ops Employee Records, as well as Workforce Employee Records. The 'Notes' tab consists of the 'Log Entries' section, which lists all Log Entries where the employee wa...

Employee Record: Creating Employee Notes

The Notes tab of the Employee Record lists all Log Entries where the Employee was tagged. Employee Notes can be for a variety of reasons, such as 'No Show', 'Late for Shift', 'Exceptional Service', and more.  Note: When the New Ma...

Employee Records: Integrations Tab

This article covers the Integrations tab, which is part of Smart Ops employee records, as well as Workforce employee records. The Integrations tab consists of the 'Integration IDs' section, which displays all the locations where this employee r...

APS Payroll: Year-End Procedures

In order to help with a smooth Year End, APS Payroll has you covered! The following documents provide valuable information to ensure final Payroll Batches are completed and submitted on time and all Tax Forms are reviewed, edited, and approved before their...

APS Payroll: Final Payroll Submission Dates 2022

The following are Holiday Processing and Final Payroll Submission dates for 2022 to ensure that your Employees are paid on time. Click here for a printable pdf of R365 Key Dates for 2022 Year-End Processing. Christmas Processing Schedule Pay...

APS Payroll: Tax Form Deadlines

W2 and 1099 Tax Forms will be available to review beginning Saturday, January 1, 2022. W2s must be approved by 12 pm CST on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. If your W2s or 1099s are not available for review by January 5, then they are still in Internal Revie...

APS Payroll: Year-End Dashboard

The Year-End Dashboard is where all Tax Forms can be accessed, reviewed, edited, and approved before the Key 2021 Deadlines. Status updates will display when forms are ready to be reviewed, printed, and more to ensure your Organization is on track for the ...

APS Payroll Year-End Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have questions, and we're here to help. This page contains many of the commonly asked questions regarding year-end procedures, deadlines, and W-2s. What are final payroll submission dates for 2022? Payroll Type Submission Date(s...

APS Payroll: Tax Form Edits and Distribution

All Tax Forms can be accessed, reviewed, edited, and approved before the Key 2021 Deadlines from the Year-End Dashboard. If an issue is found while reviewing Tax Forms, they should be rejected and the issue should be documented.  Note: Rejecting forms ...

APS Payroll: Import Box 12 Health Amounts

If your Organization is not withholding Employee amounts and tracking the Employer amount on the applicable deduction, then the information for Box 12 should be manually uploaded. This information is required for ACA reporting. Ensure to review all Emp...

APS Payroll: Paperless W2s

When W2s are approved, they are automatically made available to Employees via eSELFSERVE as long as an Admin User has not prohibited Employee access to receiving their W2s electronically. Employees can opt into only receiving Paperless W2s through thei...

APS Payroll: Print & Ship W2s

When W2s are approved, R365 can either print and send them to your Organization or your Organization can skip this step and save money by directly printing W2s and then shipping them to your Employees. If your Organization decides to remotely print, W2...

APS Payroll: Year-End ACA Reporting

Insurers, small Employers with self-insured health plans, and all Applicable Large Employers (50+ full-time or full-time equivalent Employees) are required to report health insurance information as a part of the Affordable Care Act. ACA Reporting is a ...

Forecasting: Customizing a Daily Forecast

This article is a part of the Smart Ops Forecasting feature. Click here for more information and training on Daily Forecasting Some times a day's Sales outcomes are affected by certain events that occur, such as poor weather conditions, coupon dr...

Forecasting: Tagging Outlier Days

Important Note About Forecast Tags  Forecast tags are being replaced by Enhanced Events in 2024! Enhanced Events will support event categories, descriptions, and more.  In the meantime, the +New Tag and Edit Tags buttons will be disabled to prepare f...

Labor Forecasting Overview

Custom Labor Forecasting enables organizations to predict the amount of staff needed at a Location on a given day and hour based on the Forecasted Sales. In order to have this forecast represent the most accurate data, the Labor Configuration must ...

Entree Forecasting

Entree Forecasting is primarily used in Labor Forecasting. Forecasting by Entrée (rather than sales dollar) provides a productivity measure (Entrees Per Labor Hour - EPLH) that can be used across Locations regardless of differences in sales volume, seasona...

Forecasting Overview & Security

This article reviews Forecasting within Smart Ops. The Forecasting page provides all forecasting features in one place. Users with an Operational Year set up as 13-4 week periods, 4/4/5 periods, 4/5/4 periods, or 5/4/4 periods will find the Monthl...

Forecasting: Monthly Forecasting

This is a part of the Forecasting List in the Smart Ops Release. Learn more about the Smart Ops Release.   Monthly Forecasting enables Users to set a Sales Forecast by Location by Period by entering in daily values, spreading a Weekly Total value ev...

Forecasting: Daily Forecasting

This is a part of the Forecasting List in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Daily Forecast allows for a more customizable forecast that can drive predictive behavior throughout the software and plan a...

Forecasting: Hourly Forecasting

This is a part of the Forecasting List in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Hourly Forecasting tool enables Users to generate a forecast based on the likely distribution of Sales Ticket data throughou...

The Cut Over Process

The Cut Over Process Cut Over is the process of closing out the previous period in your Legacy Software and starting the new period in Restaurant365 from the Cut Over date moving forward. When you close the previous period, all Legacy Ending Balances will ...

Entering in Beginning Balance Transactions

When implementing Restaurant365, you will need to input beginning balance transactions for GL Balances, Open AP Transactions, Open AR Transactions, and Unreconciled Bank Transactions.  The majority of beginning balance items will be imported during the imp...

DSS Mapping

POS Accounts must be mapped in Restaurant365 to account for the Sales and Payment Type Accounts that are imported from your POS. These records were created based on your separation settings in System Preferences, and now that they have been separated in R3...

Recording Delivery Services in R365

As Delivery becomes utilized more in the Restaurant Industry, it is important to note the best practices surrounding how to record Delivery Services in R365. When Delivery Services are imported from your POS, they can be mapped to one of the following acco...

Accounting Day-to-Day Processes

As an Accountant, it is important to follow certain daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to ensure your books tie out. Review the lists and resources provided below on these processes. Additional resources are recommended throughout via the R365 Acade...

1099 Setup and Management

R365 offers the ability to track 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, and 1099-INT transactions by Vendor and organize 1099 processing by Legal Entity or Common Payer. The advanced setup and functionality of 1099 information in R365 allows more accurate tracking of Vendor...

Retained Earnings and Year-End Close Procedures

Year-End Checklist To help provide a smooth, holiday season transition, view this Year-End Checklist to ensure that all tasks are completed before beginning the New Year. Click here for a downloadable copy of this checklist. Fiscal Years Make sur...

Updating 1099 Vendor Type

1099 Vendors must have one of the following 1099 Types selected on their Vendor record: Individual or Company. When selected, additional information, such as Name and Tax ID, is needed to better classify the Vendor. When the '1099' tab was adde...

ASC 842 Federal Accounting Mandate

Starting December 2021, Real Estate leases classified as an operating expense will need to be documented as a liability instead. Due to this change, the Rent GL Account listed in R365 will need to be adjusted by following the process below.  If you hav...

Beginning Balances: Stock Count

The first Stock Count that is performed in Restaurant365 is considered a Beginning Balance Stock Count and must be initiated in a manner slightly different than all future Stock Counts.  When a Beginning Balance is entered, your company's Balance S...

Mapping Vendor Items

Vendor item records are essential if you plan on automating the AP Process through EDI, where vendors can send AP Invoices directly to R365. If you are planning not to utilize this service, vendor item records are not required. A vendor item record tie...

Classic Daily Sales Summary: Review

If within the Smart Ops Release window, click here to learn about Daily Sale Summaries. In this training, the steps to review the Daily Sales Summary (DSS) will be covered: 1. Close out the POS System 2. Upload Daily POS Data to Restaurant365 &...

Mass DSS Review

The Mass DSS Review makes it easy to review and approve several Daily Sales Summaries at once.  Hover over the 'Account' menu and select 'Mass DSS' to open the Mass DSS Review screen in a new tab. Once the screen loads, set each Ma...

DSS Re-Import

Restaurant365 Customers can have their Daily Sales Summaries re-imported easily, regardless of whether their POS Systems are Cloud or non-Cloud-Based. It is important to note that an existing DSS must be deleted before re-import. To delete a DSS, selec...

Manually Delete a DSS

To manually delete a DSS file, a User must have the following Permission: Sales & Cash → Daily Sales → Delete Daily Sales Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which...

Troubleshooting Missing and Out of Balance Daily Sales Summary

Daily Sales Summaries are imported automatically via the R365 Connect Tool. A Daily Sales Summary (DSS) file will be imported each day for the prior day's Sales and Labor. If a DSS is missing, the R365 Connect Tool will continually scan the POS every 1...

DSS Journal Entries

For POS Integrated Locations, a Daily Sales Summary (DSS) file will be imported each day for the prior day's Sales and Labor. In addition to the DSS file being imported each day, three DSS Journal Entries are created from the data on the DSS: Sa...

DSS: Paid Outs

The 'Paid Out' tab on the DSS is where designated Paid Outs from your POS are displayed. Paid Outs are automatically imported with your Daily Sales from the POS. If a description was entered in at the time the Paid Out was recorded, the descri...

Paid Out Types

All Paid Out Types will be automatically imported from your POS into 'Paid Out Type' records. This feature allows you to pre-assign a Cost Account for a specific Paid Out Type. Then, in the future, as that Paid Out Type is used in your Restaur...

Currency Conversion for DSS Data

Some franchise owners have franchisees that use non-USD currency and need their Sales and Labor data reported on the DSS in USD. To aid in this conversion, an owner has the option to convert this current and historical data into USD Currency on each D...

Balancing Journal Entries

Daily Sales Summaries may be out of balance at times due to many reasons, including an incorrect or duplicate transaction entry or payments not processed at the time the DSS was polled. While not all POS Systems require that the Daily Sales balance wi...

Daily Sales Overview & Security

This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Daily Sales page lists all Daily Sales Summaries (DSS) for your Restaurant Location(s). Users can create saved Table Views of this list at a...

Daily Sales: Review a DSS

This is a part of the Daily Sales feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Daily Sales Summary's (DSS) new layout provides the previous day's Sales and Labor data broken down into more com...

Daily Sales: Approve a DSS

This is a part of the Daily Sales feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Once a Daily Sales Summary (DSS) has been marked as 'Completed' by a Restaurant Manger, it should be reviewed and approved...

Daily Sales Summary: Labor Review

This article reviews the Labor Review step for the Daily Sales Summary in Smart Ops.     When working through the Review Summary section of the DSS, the first step is Labor. In this step, users can review the names and total hours of the employees who...

Daily Sales: Review Summary Deposits

This is a part of the Daily Sales feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. After reviewing the Labor step of the 'Review Summary' section of the Daily Sales, open the Deposits step where you w...

Daily Sales: Review Summary Transactions

This is a part of the Daily Sales feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The final step in the 'Review Summary' section of the Daily Sales is the Transactions step, where all Sales Tickets t...

Punch Edits

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn about Smart Ops. Admin Users have the ability to add, edit, and remove punches for their Employees directly from the Daily Sales form. To help determine which punches need to be added or ed...

Tip Management

This article is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Tip Management in R365 allows for adjustment to the existing Tips that have been imported from the POS. Through Tip Import, Admin Users have the ability to indicate Tip totals that were already paid in c...

Till Management Overview & Security

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Till Management enables Users to view the tills that are currently open as well as enter in actual cash amounts and compare those to their expected cash...

Till Management: Variance Thresholds

This is a part of the Till Management feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Till Management Settings can be updated at any point from the Till Management page. These settings help to distinguish al...

New Commissary Overview & Security

This is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The New Commissary module in the Smart Ops Release provides all of the administrative tools needed for Commissary Locations to have more control over th...

New Commissary Catalog: Add and Manage Items

This is a part of Commissary Catalog portion of the New Commissary module in the Smart Ops Release. Click here for more information about the Smart Ops Release. Commissary items can be easily added from the Catalog page of the new commissary module. Af...

New Commissary: Order Guides

This is a part of the New Commissary module of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Commissary Order Guides are the pre-built guides that Ordering Locations are given access to when they need to enter orders...

New Commissary: Ordering Locations Page

This is a part of the New Commissary module in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Ordering Locations page lists all ordering locations created for commissary orders. Ordering Locations are Locations or...

New Commissary: Ordering Location Form

This article is part of commissary ordering locations and covers the ordering location form. Users must create ordering locations before creating commissary orders. Ordering locations can be created from the Ordering Locations page.  TABLE OF CONTE...

New Commissary Catalog: Page and List Functions

This is a part of the New Commissary module in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Commissary Catalog houses all items marked as Commissary Items in the New Commissary module. Once Items are added to th...

New Commissary: Auto-Generated Orders

This is a part of the New Commissary module in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Auto-generated Commissary Orders are orders that are automatically created for Ordering Locations at a set day and time. Orderin...

Commissary: Mass Fulfillment

This article is part of the Commissary Module documentation. Click here for more information on the Classic Commissary Module. Users' Commissary can manage all orders at the same time from the Mass Fulfillment screen. This is the main window used b...

Commissary AR Invoices

The Commissary AR Invoices page lists all AR Invoices created by Customers through the Commissary Customer Portal.  1) View Actions - The following actions allow the User to change the List View: View Dropdown - Click to switch between the cu...

Commissary Orders List

The Commissary Orders page lists all Commissary Order Records. Learn more about Commissar Order Records here.  1) +Create - Click to Create a new Commissary Order   2) View Actions - The following actions allow the User to change the List Vie...

ComData Export Report

The ComData Export Report is located in My Reports and allows you to export a CSV file that contains a list of any unpaid AP Invoices for your specific ComData Vendors.  The CSV file can then be provided to ComData for payment processing. Vendor ...

Key Accounting Reports

The following graph shows each of the Operational Reports that are covered in this article. Review a bit more about each report and when to use it. Jump to Section: Profit and Loss GL Account Detail Balance Sheet AP Aging AR Aging Bank...

R365 Red App: Review and Approve Payment Runs

Payment Runs can be managed using the R365 Red App. Users can view, modify, and approve Payment Runs to generate payments. To access this feature, Payment Run Approvals must be enabled. To learn about managing Payment Runs via web browser, click here. ...

R365 Red App: AP Transactions

This article is a part of the R365 Red App.  To learn about how to manage AP Transactions via web browser, click here. Admin Users have the ability to view and approve/unapprove AP Transactions directly from the R365 Red App. Open an AP Transaction f...

R365 Red App: AP Approvals

Users can make AP Approvals from the R365 Red App. From AP Approvals, Users can complete necessary approvals for Invoice and/or Payment Runs. To learn about how to review and approve AP Invoices and/or Payment Runs via web browser, click here.  T...

Prep Log

Prep Logs are beneficial in tracking both the cost of individual ingredients and entire Recipe batches. Once a Prep Log is Approved, this will physically update the Usage Per $1000, the Theo On Hand, and the Cost of the Recipe Item.  Learn how Prep L...

Prep Station

Prep Stations are where items are physically prepped in a Restaurant. Creating definitive stations can help organize Prep sheets, and as Prep reports are ran and Ingredient Lists are pulled, they will be organized by station to assess variances and easily ...

Memorized Prep Log

Memorized Prep Logs allow Users to create templates for inputting Prep Logs. While a User can create a single Prep Log, a Memorized Prep Log enables a User to log Prep without having to recreate a new log each time. Create a Memorized Prep Log ...

Prep Stations List

The Prep Stations page lists all the Prep Station records. To learn more about Prep Stations, click here. 1) +Create - Click to Create a new Prep Station record   2) View Actions - The following actions allow the User to change the List View: ...

Prep Categories

This article is part of Prep and covers Prep Categories.  When the Prep toggle on the Purchased Item Record is toggled on, or the Prep Sheet checkbox is checked on the Recipe Record, the item will be available on the Prep Sheet Report. The Prep Sheet g...

Tip Automation: Overview & Setup

This article is an overview of Tip Automation. Tip Automation creates tip distributions for receiving employees based on tips declared in the POS by contributing employees.   Note: Tip Automation is an add-on feature. Contact your CSM or R365 Support t...

Tip Automation Page

This article reviews the Tip Automation page, which is the main page for Tip Automation.  The Tip Automation page is where pending and approved tip distributions can be viewed. This page displays a tip distribution for each tip automation rule per date...

Tip Automation Rules Sidesheet

This article reviews the Tip Automation Rules sidesheet within Tip Automation. Here, Users can view and edit tip automation rules. Note: Tip Automation is only available for early adopters. Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how Tip Automat...

Tip Automation: Creating a Tip Automation Rule

This article reviews creating a tip automation rule for the Tip Automation feature. Article Topics: Create A Tip Automation Rule Locations With No Tip Automation Rules Create A Tip Automation Rule First, navigate to the Tip Automation page...

Tip Automation: Approving and Unapproving Tip Distributions

This article reviews approving and unapproving tip distributions within the Tip Automation feature. Article Topics: Security Approving Tip Distributions Unapproving Tip Distributions Editing Tip Distributions Security Only users with the...

Tip Automation: Exporting Tip Distributions

This article reviews the process for exporting tip distributions within the Tip Automation feature.  Article Topics Exporting Contributors and Receivers In a Single File Exporting Contributors and Receivers Separately Exporting Tip Earnings to W...

Tip Automation: Tip Distribution Details

This article reviews the Tip Distribution Details page within Tip Automation. Here, users can view tip distribution totals by employee, and approve or unapprove the displayed tip distribution.  Article Topics: Navigation & Security Security Nav...

Tip Automation: Tip Distribution Export

This article reviews the tip distribution export within the Tip Automation feature.  Article Topics: Downloading the Tip Distribution Export Tip Distribution Export Contributors  Receivers Downloading the Tip Distribution Export For payro...

Tip Automation: Withholding Credit Card Tips for CC Processing Fees

This article reviews the 'Withhold % of POS Credit Card Tips' setting within Tip Automation rules.  Note: The 'Withhold % of POS Credit Card Tips' setting is in beta. Please contact your CSM to learn more. Article Topics: Overview...

Advantage to R365 Migration Best Practices

We are excited that you have chosen to implement R365 Accounting and Operations! This Best Practices Guide will show you what to expect throughout the process and how to prepare.    Accounting and Ops Data Migration Process   The R365 Onboarding Team wi...

Advantage & R365 Report Comparison

  We are excited that you have chosen to implement R365 Accounting and Operations! This reference guide contains a collection of Advantage reports that you may be familiar with and a comparable R365 report so that you don’t miss a beat.     Get started ...

Introduction to R365 for Advantage Users

We are excited that you have chosen to implement R365 Accounting and Operations! To help you get the most out of your transition to R365, this guide highlights areas within R365 that are the same or similar to Advantage. This guide also points out a few ar...

Reference Only: Smart Ops Release Announcement

What is the Smart Ops Release? The Smart Ops release is one of the most important upgrades to the R365 Operations modules. Built based on YOUR feedback, we're making R365 smarter, simpler, and more mobile friendly. Although timing can change, we ...

Reference Only - Classic Location Groups

This article is for reference only.  In Q4 of 2022, Location Groups were updated with new functionality. This article reviews the Classic Location Groups. Please refer to the 'Location Groups' article to learn more about new Location Groups. ...

Reference Only: Labor Record - Breaks & Splits Tab

This article is for reference only. The Breaks & Split tab for Location Records was deprecated in May of 2023.  Break and Split Shift Rules are now configured on the Smart Ops Admin page.     1) Break After (no waiver) - Enter the maximum number...

Classic Manual Payment Form

The Manual Payment form was updated in Q4 of 2022 with a new look. This article reviews the layout and features of the Classic Manual Payment form.  The new layout can be accessed by clicking on 'Try New Version' from the 'Action' menu ...

Reference Only: Scheduling: Break and Split Shift Violation Tracking

This article is for reference only. In Q2 of 2023, the Break and Splits tab on Location Records was deprecated. Learn about the current Labor Rules available for Scheduling here.  This article is part of the Scheduling Module training. Click here ...

Workforce: Employee Terminations Layout and Process Change Q4 2023

In Q4 of 2023, the process for terminating employees within Workforce was changed. This article is an overview of the new separation process and changes to the 'Employment' tab of Workforce Employee Records.  Article Topics: Process Change N...

Reference Only: Classic Unit of Measure

This article is for reference only. The Classic Unit of Measure Form was deprecated in October 2023.  To learn about the Smart Ops Unit of Measure form, click here.  Units of Measure are used throughout Restaurant365 for Inventory, Purchased/Vend...

Reference Only: Classic Item Category Form

This article is for reference only. The Classic Item Category Form was deprecated in October 2023. To learn about the New Smart Ops Item Category Form, click here.  Up to three separate Item Categories can be assigned to each Purchased Item record...

Reference Only: Classic Item Category Variance Caps

This article is for reference only. The Classic Item Category Form was deprecated in October 2023. To learn about Item Category Variance Caps in the New Item Category form, click here.  Item Category variance caps are set acceptable variances for item ...

Reference Only: Classic Item Categories List

This article is for reference only.  The Classic Item Categories List, was deprecated in October 2023.  To read about the Smart Ops Item Category List, click here.  1) +Create - Click to create a new Item Category record Note: Users will be prom...

Scheduled Maintenance

Restaurant365 performs regular maintenance to upgrade technology and services to ensure that your R365 experience is as smooth and secure as possible. Maintenance will also occur when new features are released to your database.  Maintenance notificatio...

Updating Bank Activity Provider Connection

Restaurant365 is integrating a new Bank Activity Service Provider to help strengthen bank connections, decrease processing times, and enhance User experience!  To prepare for this transition, it is crucial to remove your current bank connections throug...

Purchased Item Record: Layout Change Q1 2023

The Item Record will receive a new layout in Q1 2023 to provide Users the option to create Items within Smart Ops. The New Smart Ops Purchased Item Record will open in a sidesheet rather than a new window.  The Purchased Item Record information is sort...

Unit of Measure: Layout Change Q1 2023

The Unit of Measure grid and form will receive a new layout in Q1 2023 to provide Users the option to create and edit Unit of Measures in Smart Ops.  The New Unit of Measure form will maintain the same functionality, but the form will be updated for Sm...

Item Category: Layout Changes Q1 2023

The Item Category form and grid will receive a new layout in Q1 2023 to provide Users the option to create and edit Item Categories in Smart Ops. The Item Category form now opens in sidesheet rather than a new window, and the form has five new informat...

Workforce 'Add To Payroll' Process Change: July 2023

In July of 2023, the 'Add to Payroll' button within Workforce is being renamed 'Onboard'.  The new 'Onboard' process uses the 'Onboarding' wizard to walk the User through the information required to send an Onboarding In...

Workforce Employee Record 'Summary' Tab - Onboarding Summary Layout Change

In July of 2023, the Onboarding Summary section of the Workforce Employee Record 'Summary' tab was redesigned. This article reviews the layout changes to this section. Learn more about all features of the new Onboarding Summary here.  New Onbo...

Workforce Payment Details: Layout Change Q3 2023

In Q3 of 2023, the 'Payment Details' page for R365 Payroll is being updated. This article reviews the layout differences between the new and legacy versions of this page.   Learn more about the Payment Details page here.  Learn more about add...

R365 Coaching Session: Auditing Data to Ensure Accuracy

When it comes to data, we say it all the time: 'Garbage in, garbage out.' But what does that really mean, how can you avoid allowing “garbage in” to pollute the data you trust to run your business, and how do you take the 'garbage out?' ...