Logbook Overview & Security

This is a part of the New Manager Log in Smart Ops.

As soon as Logbooks are enabled, Users can start creating Log Entries. No additional configuration is required. Admin Users can, however, refine the Log Entry creation and review experience by configuring custom Logbooks.

The Logbook portion of Manager Log is where Logbook settings, such as Logbook preferences and tags, can be set and managed. Default preferences help to provide some guidance as Admin Users define preferred options for Logbooks. While not all preferences need to be set, creating and updating tags are an important aspect of Logbook Settings. 

Once the necessary settings are chosen, new Logbooks can be created to reflect the needs of each Restaurant Location. This includes disabling unneeded categories, setting editing permissions and required fields, and choosing the tags available for a Category's Log Entry. All Logbooks are automatically saved as they are filled out.

The Permissions listed here are associated with Logbooks. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.

Logbook Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Manager Log Smart Ops

    • Logbook Settings

      • View Logbook Settings

      • Edit Logbook Settings

    • Logbooks

      • View Logbooks

      • Edit Logbooks

      • Create Logbooks

      • Delete Logbooks

The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.

Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

Users can open the smart ops logbook page from the classic manager log page or from Smart Ops. 

Click Logbook Entries NEW! in the Classic Manager Log module. This will open to a new Log Entry on the Log Entries page

First, navigate to Smart Ops. From the navigation menu, click Logbooks from under Manager Log.



+ Logbook

Click to create a new Logbook. Learn about creating a new logbook, here

Logbook Settings

This will open the Logbook Settings sidesheet where categories and tags can be set. Learn more about Logbook Settings, here

Search Bar

Click and type in keywords to search for filter the Logbooks list. 

Table Functions

Using the table functions, users can do the following:

  •  - Save/edit Table Views.

  •  - Filter Column information.

  •  - Rearrange table columns.

  •  - Export the table to a .csv file.

  •  Refresh the Logbooks list.

The Logbook Settings sidesheet is where default preferences and tags can be set for new Logbooks. Click here to learn more about Logbook Settings.

All Locations will be assigned to the Default Logbook initially until a custom Logbook is assigned to them. Click here to learn more about the Default Logbook.

Logbooks can be created and edited as needed to reflect the needs of each Restaurant Location. Click here to learn more about how to create and edit a Logbook.