Print Options

The Print Schedule page on the Schedule Calendar allows users to select which portions of the Schedule Calendar to print.




Location Selector

The location that will be printed.


Department / Jobs Selector

The department(s) or job(s) that will be printed on the schedule.


Sort Selector

The organization of the schedule when it is printed. Options include:

  • Start Time (Earliest - Latest) 

This option will only appear when printing in 'Day' view. If selected, when two or more employees start at the same time, those employees will be organized alphabetically.

  • Start Time (Latest - Earliest)

This option will only appear when printing in 'Day' view. If selected, when two or more employees start at the same time, those employees will be organized alphabetically.

  • Name (A-Z) 

  • Name (Z-A) 

  • Most Scheduled Hours


Week Selector

When selected, the schedule will be printed for the full week that starts on the selected date.


Day Selector

When selected, the schedule will be printed for a single day and can be limited to only selected day parts.


Show by Department

When selected, the schedule will be grouped by department. When printed from this view, each shift will display the employee's name, the shift times, and the job title.


Show by Job

When selected, the schedule will be grouped by job. When printed from this view, each shift will display the employee's name and the shift times.

When selected, additional options are displayed to determine if the shifts should be displayed chronologically by the shift start times or alphabetically by the employees name.


Show by Employee

When selected, the schedule will list each employee on their own line.



When enabled, the schedule will print in portrait orientation.


Home Store Only

When enabled, only employees who have the selected location as their primary location will be printed on the schedule.


Shift Notes

When enabled, shift notes are included on the printed schedule.

This option is disabled for Day view.


Scheduled Employees

When enabled, only employees with scheduled shifts will be included. 


Unassigned Shifts

When enabled, shifts that have been added to the schedule but are not yet assigned to employees will appear on the printed schedule in the Unassigned row at the top of the printed schedule.


Identify Minors

When enabled, employees who are under 18 years of age will be indicated with a red dot.

This option is only available when the schedule is shown by 'Employee'.

An employee's age is determined by the birthday set on their Employee Record.



When enabled, posted events will be printed on the schedule.


Catering Site

When enabled, any booked catering events that contain an assigned site will be printed on the schedule.



When enabled, job responsibilities will be printed on the schedule.


Out Times

When enabled, out times will be printed on the schedule.


Total Hours

When enabled, the employee's total hours will be included in shift information.


Advanced Metrics

When enabled, OT hours, fixed labor variance, sales, labor, labor variance, labor forecast, and total staff variance will be printed on the schedule. Read more about the Schedule Calendar advanced metrics here.

When enabled, users will be prompted to select the type of labor and sales displayed on the printed calendar.


  • Burdened – Labor estimates are calculated using (employee hours * pay rate) + employee benefit percentages (per the location record). Management estimates (including management benefits) are included.

  • Unburdened – Labor estimates are a straight calculation of hours * pay rate for all employees. No Management estimates or benefits are included.


  • Gross Sales - Gross sales, including discounts, is displayed for actual sales and forecasted sales.

  • Net Sales - Net sales, excluding discounts, is displayed for actual sales and forecasted sales.


Confirm Print Button

Click to print the schedule with the selected options.