Reporting Console

The Reporting console includes necessary data exports and reports that can help a restaurant analyze Employee information and payroll data. Users can even create their own reports through the Report Builder if additional reports are desired.

Analytics Tiles can be added to this screen by clicking the large plus sign next to the 'Reporting Options' tile. While not many options are available for Reporting Analytics, items from other consoles can be added here as well.

The Report Manager stores all preconfigured system reports. Click here to learn more information about the Report Manager.

Reports can be built, customized, and stored in the Report Builder. Once a User creates a report, it can be ran and emailed at pre-selected times and even shared with other Users. Click here for more information on the Report Builder.

The Analytics Dashboard allows additional space for Analytics Tiles to be stored. A customized space is unique only to that User. Click here to learn more information about the Analytics Dashboard

The DocVault lists all generated payroll reports, quarterly filings, and annual filings. Click here for more information about the DocVault.

The R365 GL export, used as an imported Payroll Journal Entry file in Restaurant365, and the Fidelity 401k export, used to show the Employee and Employer contributions to 401k plans, can be downloaded from this window. Click here to learn more about Data Exports.

Necessary tax forms can be found through the W-2 / 1099 / 1095 Forms window. Click here to learn more about W-2 / 1099 / 1095 Forms.