The Workflows feature in R365 allows your organization to establish a chain of approvals for specific transaction types. Workflows can be configured for AP invoices, journal entries, and payment runs. If Workforce is enabled, Workflows can also be configured for Employee Record changes.
Workflows can be established for each location or location reporting category, as well as for specific vendors. Each workflow can have up to 10 approval levels and can include individual approvers and/or workflow group approvers.
The permissions listed here are associated with Workflows. These permissions can be added to custom user roles or to individual users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here.
Workflows permissions are found in the permission tree as follows:
Edit Workflows Setup
Access All Workflows Tab
Access Upcoming Tab
Approve/Deny any Workflow Trx
Workflow Groups
View Workflow Groups
Edit Workflow Groups
Create Workflow Groups
Delete Workflow Groups
The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned.
Learn more about User Setup and Security here.
It is important to note that users with the ability to approve any workflow transaction are still subject to follow a workflow if they are assigned to a workflow.
Users with Full Access or User Setup permissions can access the Workflow Setup page to configure and maintain workflows. Hover over the Administration option in the top ribbon and select Workflow Setup. ![]() | Users who have been assigned to a Level in an existing Workflow gain access to the My Workflows page. Hover over your name in the top right corner of the screen and select My Workflows. ![]()
Workflows Setup
Before workflows are available to use in R365, they must first be established on the Workflows Setup page.
Workflow Groups
Workflow groups enable multiple users to approve workflows for a specified workflow level. When a workflow is assigned to a workflow group, it is not restricted to just one user's approval or denial, meaning that approvals can happen faster.
My Workflows
A user can view their assigned workflows on the My Workflows page.
Approving Workflows
Workflow approvals follow approval hierarchy set by your organization. Approvals can occur on both the record being approved, as well as on the My Workflows page.
Workflows Example Flowchart
Walk through the approval hierarchy using an example workflow in this UML diagram. For more information, see Workflows Example Flowchart.