This article reviews the GL Account Mapping page for Workforce. Here, users can map R365 Payroll expenses and liabilities to existing GL accounts.

When a pay run is approved, payroll journal entries are automatically created in R365 Accounting. The GL Account Mapping page determines which GL account is used for each payroll account. Each payroll account in R365 Payroll is associated with a specific earning, benefit, or deduction. Only payroll accounts that are actively being used by your organization are required to be mapped. 

Important Note: If an unmapped payroll account is present in a pay run, payroll journal entries and paycheck runs will not be automatically created. An error message where issues can be viewed will be present at the top of the Paycheck Runs page

This article reviews the following topics:


The Permissions listed here are associated with the GL Account Mapping page. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles as well as single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.

GL Account Mapping Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Payroll
    • Workforce Payroll
      • GL Mapping
        • View Payroll GL Mapping 
        • Edit Payroll GL Mapping

The Permission Access Report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.

Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

First, navigate to Workforce. In the left navigation menu, click 'GL Account Mappings' under 'Settings' to open the GL Account Mappings page.

Once the page loads, select a Legal Entity to display its GL Account Mappings.

Note: Only Legal Entities that have a Payroll Company ID configured on their Legal Entity Record appear in this drop-down list.

GL Account Mapping

1) Legal Entity - Legal Entity being displayed

  • Note: A Legal Entity must be selected before the mapping tool will be displayed

2) Payroll Account - The earning, benefit, or deduction associated with Workforce Pay Runs

3) Type - The account type for the Payroll Account; Expense, Liability, or Asset

4) GL Account - Assigned GL Account for the Payroll Account. 

  • Note: Changes made to GL Account Mapping will only be applied to future Journal Entries

Copy Selections

The 'Copy Selections' button is used to copy the mappings from one Legal Entity to other Legal Entitles. This process will overwrite any existing mappings for Legal Entities being copied to.  

Follow these steps to Copy GL Account mappings:

  1. Select the Legal Entity that mappings will be copied from.
  2. Confirm that all GL Account mappings are mapped correctly.

  3. Click Copy Selections.
  4. Select the desired Legal Entities to which mappings should be copied.
  5. Select Copy.

  6. Confirm that any existing mappings for the selected Legal Entities will be overwritten.

General Payroll Accounts

General Payroll Accounts are catch-all mappings for any earning, benefit, or deduction not captured by any other Payroll Account. Since General Payroll Accounts are used as 'default' mappings for unmapped Payroll Accounts, they are required to be mapped. 

  • General Earnings Expense- Earnings expenses not in any other classification

  • General Payroll Tax Expense - Expenses related to taxes not defined in any other category

  • General Benefits Contribution Expense - Employer expenses for benefits not in any other category

  • General Benefits Liability - Liability for benefit costs to be paid

Payroll Accounts

All of the possible Payroll Accounts for R365 Payroll are listed on the GL Account Mapping page. Only Payroll Accounts used by your organization need to be mapped. Review the full list of Payroll Accounts here.

Hovering over the 'i' icon next to each Payroll Account will provide additional information.

Commonly Used Payroll Accounts

The following Payroll Accounts are commonly used, and it is recommended to include them in the GL Account Mapping for all Legal Entities

  • Bank Default Funding
  • Salary Expense
  • Hourly Expense
  • Tips Payable Liability Account
  • Employee Tax Expense
  • Garnishment Deduction
  • Wages Payable
  • Employer Federal Unemployment Tax Expense
  • Employer Medicare Tax Expense
  • Employer Social Security Tax Expense
  • Employer State Unemployment Tax Expense
  • Hourly Overtime Expense

Using the Job GL Account for Payroll Journal Entries

When the 'Use Job GL Account for Payroll Journal Entry' setting is enabled within System Preferences, the GL Account Mapping for 'Salary Expense', 'Hourly Expense', and 'Hourly Overtime Expense' will not be used. Instead, Journal Entries will look to the Job associated with these earnings to determine the GL Account.

Learn more about Jobs Records here

The 'Use Job GL Account for Payroll Journal Entry' is found on the 'Miscellaneous' tab within System Preferences.