Benefits and Deductions Report

This article reviews the 'Benefits and Deductions' report within Workforce Reports. This downloadable report is used to review deduction and contribution amounts per Employee for a selected period. 

To download the Benefits and Deductions report, navigate to the Workforce Reports page, locate the report in the 'People' section, then click 'Download'.

Select the desired date range, then click 'Download Report'. 

The report will be downloaded as a .xlxs file.

The Benefits and Deductions Report has two pages:

  • Total Benefits and Deductions - Contains deduction and contribution amounts for the selected period

  • Benefits and Deduction Settings - Lists all deduction configurations for active Employees

  • Full Name - Employee's full name

  • Last Name - Employee's last name

  • First Name - Employee's first name

  • Type - Deduction Type

  • Detailed Name - Custom name for the Deduction

  • Total Deductions - Total amount deducted from the Employee's pay for the selected period

  • Total Contributions - Total Employer contributions for the selected period

  • Payroll Employee ID - Employee's ID within R365 Payroll

  • Full Name - Employee's full name

  • Last Name - Employee's last name

  • First Name - Employee's first name

  • Type - Deduction Type

  • Detailed Name - Custom name for the Deduction

  • Effective Date - First date Deduction is active

  • Expiry Date - Date Deduction is deactivated

  • Method - Deduction Method (Fixed Amount, Percentage, Variable)

  • Distribution Method - The frequency that the Deduction is applied to the Employee's paycheck

  • Fixed Deduction (monthly) - Employee Deduction amount for a month, only applicable to Deductions with the 'Fixed Amount' method

  • Fixed Contribution (monthly) - Employer Contribution amount for a month, only applicable to Deductions with the 'Fixed Amount' method

  • Percent Deduction - Employee Deduction percentage amount for Deductions with the 'Percentage' method

  • Percentage Contribution - Employer Contribution percentage amount for Deductions with the 'Percentage' method

  • Payroll Employee ID - Employee's ID within R365 Payroll