Flash Report - Advanced

The Flash Report shows summary information based on a single day’s performance in one or multiple locations. All information from the Daily Sales Summary flows through this report as well as historical information and Labor numbers. This is a great report to run for a snapshot of the day (previous day) in terms of Sales, Labor, and other daily metrics. Most above-store Managers/Operators will find this report very useful for getting a high-level report of the day in each store.

The Advanced Version of the Flash Report provides Users additional metrics to run their reports. These can then allow Users to craft a more personalized version of the report in accordance with their restaurant needs.

If the New Manager Log is enabled for your database, this report will also include all Log Entries that are linked to the DSS. Click here to learn more about information about the New Manager Log.

  1. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, select My Reports.
    The My reports screen appears.

  2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select Op.Analysis.
    The screen generates a list of reports in alphabetical order.

  3. Locate the Flash Report - Advanced.

  4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters and run the report.




Filter By

A list of all filter categories. Filter categories will vary based by report.



A list of filter options, determined by the 'Filter By' category selected (#1).


Date Range

Allows the user to choose how to set the date range for the report.

  • If Date Range is set to Yes, the As Of parameter appears. When the As Of date is set, the report displays sales data ranging from the selected date to today's date.

  • If Date Range is set to No, the Start and End date parameters appear, allowing the user to configure a date range for which to display data in the report.


As Of / Start / End

Dates for which to run the report.

  • If Date Range is set to Yes, the As Of parameter appears. When the As Of date is set, the report displays sales data ranging from the selected date to today's date.

  • If Date Range is set to No, the Start and End date parameters appear, allowing the user to configure a date range for which to display data in the report.


Show Labor Burden

Include or exclude labor burden information.


Gross Sales

Include or exclude gross sales data.


Labor Based On

Choose whether labor data is based on net sales or gross sales.


Credit Cards

Show or hide credit card amounts.


YoY Comparison

This option compares the current year's values for the selected As Of date against the same date from the prior year (PY), the year before last (2YAGO), or three years ago (3YAGO).


Include Double OT

If set to Yes, the report displays data for hours worked at a double overtime rate.


View controls

This section provides options to select, save, edit, or delete a report view.



Generates the report. Click the down arrow to the right of the Run button to export, email, or print the report.

  1. Location - The Location name in Restaurant365

  2. Gross Sales - The Gross Sales of the Location. This will either be displayed or hidden based on the report parameters

  3. Sales - The sales for the Location

  4. Same Day Last Yr - Sales for the same calendar day from the PY/2YAgo. Click here for more information on Historical Sales

  5. Dollar Change - The dollar difference between 'Sales' and 'Same Day Last Yr/2YAgo'

  6. Percent Change - The percent change between 'Sales' and 'Same Day Last Yr/2YAgo'

  7. Avg Sales per Guest - The Sales divided by Guest Count

  8. Lunch Number of Guests - The Guest Count from the DSS for the Day Part with the name 'Lunch'. If no Day Part has the name 'Lunch', this column will be blank. 

  9. Dinner Number of Guests - The Guest Count from the DSS for the Day Part with the name 'Dinner'. If no Day Part has the name 'Dinner', this column will be blank.

  10. Total Counts - The total counts for the chosen day

  11. Same Day Last YR - The total counts for this day PY/2YAgo

  12. Count Change - The difference between this year's and PY/2YAgo's total day counts (for the chosen day)

  13. Percent Change - The percent of change from the PY/2YAgo's counts to this year's counts (for the chosen day)

  14. Labor Goal - The percent of the Labor Goal set on the Goals tab of the Location Record

  15. Labor Regular - Total cost for regular labor recorded through the POS system

  16. Regular Hrs - Regular labor hours recorded through the POS system

  17. Labor OT - Total cost for OT labor recorded through the POS system

  18. OT Hrs - OT labor hours recorded through the POS system

  19. Labor Other - Daily Manager Salary Estimate (this value can be manually adjusted on the Location Record)

  20. Other Hrs - This includes Double Time and Penalty Hours

  1. Hourly Pct - Labor % for Hourly Labor (labor Regular + Labor OT divided by Sales)

  2. Daily Salary - Manager Salary from the 'Daily Manager Salary' field configured on each Location

  3. Hourly and Salary - The total cost of Labor

  4. Payroll Tax Burden - Hourly Labor + Manager Salary + Declared Tips + Credit Card Tips multiplied by the Payroll Tax % Estimate field configured on each Location

  5. Payroll Benefit Burden - Hourly Labor + Manager Salary + Declared Tips + Credit Card Tips multiplied by the Payroll Benefit % Estimate field configured on each Location

  6. Payroll WC/Other Burden - Hourly Labor + Manager Salary multiplied by the Payroll Other % Estimate field configured on each Location

  7. Burden Total - Payroll Tax Burden, Payroll Benefit Burden, and Payroll WC/Other Burden combined

  8. Hourly Burdened Labor - Hourly Labor and Burden Total combined

  9. Hourly Burdened Labor % - Hourly Burdened Labor divided by Sales

  10. Labor Burden Total - Payroll Tax Burden, Payroll Benefit Burden, and Payroll WC/Other Burden combined

  11. Fully Burdened Labor - Hourly Burdened Labor and Manager Salary combined

  12. Fully Burdened Labor % - Fully Burdened Labor divided by Sales 

  13. Labor Goal - The percent of the Labor Goal set on the Goals tab of the Location Record 

  14. Credit Cards - Total dollar amount of Credit Card sales recorded in the POS system

  1. Coupons - Total dollar amount of Coupons recorded in the POS system

  2. Comps - Total dollar amount of Comps recorded in the POS system

  3. Discounts - Total dollar amount of Discounts recorded in the POS system

  4. Total Discounts - The total of Comps, Discounts, and Coupons from the DSS

  5. Discount Percent of Sales - The total of Comps, Discounts, and Coupons divided by the Net Sales from the DSS

  6. GCards Redeem - Total dollar amount of Gift Cards redeemed recorded in the POS system

  7. GCards Sold - The dollar amount of Gift Cards sold

  8. Declared Tips - The amount of cash tips declared by the Employee 

  9. Credit Card Tips - The amount of tips made on Credit Cards

  10. Deposit - The deposit amount from the DSS

  11. Over/Short - The over/short amount from the DSS

  12. Paid-ins - Total dollar amount of Paid Ins recorded on the POS system

  13. Paid-outs - Total dollar amount of Paid Outs recorded on the POS system

  14. House Accts - Total dollar amount of House Account Transactions recorded in the POS system

  15. Voids - Total dollar amount of Voids recorded in the POS system

  16. # of Voids - Quantity of Voids recorded in the POS System

  1. Location - The Location name in Restaurant365

  2. Type - The Type for the line item in the Exceptions/Paid Out list. This will be 'Exception' or 'Paid out'

  3. Ticket # - If the Type = Exception, the respective Ticket # will be displayed here

  4. Amount - The dollar of the Paid Out or Exception

  5. Comment - The comment entered in to the POS for the Paid Out (description) or the default Exception Comment from the Payment Type

  6. Server - The name of the Employee / Server that was associated with the Exception Sales Ticket (if relationship exists in the POS)

  7. For Employee - Employee name that recorded the Exception Payment Type

  1. Location Name - The name of the Location that the Logbook Entry has been entered for

  2. Category - The Category assigned to the Logbook Entry

  3. Comment - The text entered in the Logbook Entry 

  4. Priority - Whether this Logbook Entry has a Priority Status set

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window.