ACA Alerts is a part of the HR Console. Click here for more information on the HR Console.
The ACA Alerts dashboard lists all topics related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and your company, if it is considered an Applicable Large Employer. This dashboard will be configured during Implementation and will house all information in regards to the Employees who qualify for ACA.

To open this dashboard, click 'ACA Alerts' either under the 'HR' menu in the top ribbon or in the 'HR Options' tile in the HR Console.
ACA Alerts Dashboard
Company Periods - This section lists the company's current measurement, administrative, and stability periods
Eligible Employees - This section lists the variable hour Employees who are eligible for benefits. This is decided from the information gathered during the measurement period
Allow Benefit Enrollment for Selected Employees - This button authorizes the selected Employees to enroll in benefits through
Dismiss Alerts for Selected Employees - This button removes the Employee from the 'Eligible Employees' list
Alerts - The notifications in regards to ACA will be listed here. These notifications include:
Employee is not eligible for coverage
Employee is in the initial measurement period
Employees are in the standard measurement period
Eligible employees were not offered coverage
Part-time employees are not marked as ACA Variable Hour
ACA Variable Hour employees are not marked as Part-time