R365 Mobile App

The R365 Red App is available for download on iOS and Android devices. From this app, users can access many R365 features. Downloading the App App Store Google Play The R365 App is available from the App Store for iOS and the Google Pl...

R365 App: Mobile Dashboard

The mobile dashboard is the home screen of the R365 app.  This dashboard features widgets that provide an app overview for the user. The widgets displayed will be dependent on user's permissions.  TABLE OF CONTENTS Daily Sales Summary A Look at ...

R365 Red App: Announcements

This article is part of the Announcements feature in Manager Tools. In addition to viewing Announcements, Users with the appropriate Announcement permissions can view, create, and edit Announcements in the R365 Red App. Creating and editing Announcemen...

R365 App: Intelligence

This article covers the R365 Intelligence capabilities for the R365 App. When R365 Intelligence is enabled, users with Intelligence access can view their dashboards from their R365 mobile app. With the app, users can access their created reports any ti...

Documents to Process: Uploading Files via the R365 Red App

Restaurant Managers can upload relevant documents to Documents to Process directly from the R365 Red App. For vendors that only provide physical copies of an invoice or credit memo, Users can simply take a photo of the document with their phone and directl...

R365 Red App: Notifications

Notifications alert Users of information that may need their attention. Users will be notified via the Notification Window, R365 Red App, email, and/or text message.   The R365 Red App Notification screen displays all of a User’s read and unread Notificat...

R365 Messaging

This article is part of R365 Scheduling and the R365 Red App. Through R365 Messaging, Users can send messages to each other about schedule updates, shift trades, and more without disclosing any personal phone numbers. R365 Messaging also supports R365 ...

R365 Red App: Group Messaging

This article is part of R365 Messaging and the R365 Red App.  R365 Red App Users can create group chats to group message other Users about schedule updates, shift trades, and more without disclosing any personal phone numbers. Users can create group ch...

R365 Messaging Audit Center

The R365 Messaging Audit Center is a part of the Scheduling Module. Click here to learn more about Scheduling. The R365 Messaging Audit Center works in conjunction with R365 Messaging and R365 Group Messaging, where Employees can communicate via t...

R365 Red App: Punch Edit Acknowledgements

This article is part of the Punch Edits feature in Smart Ops.  When a User edits an Employee's Time Punch, the Employee will receive a notification that the Time Punch was edited, and they will be prompted to acknowledge the changes made.  Once...

R365 App: Managing Employee Schedule Requests

This article is part of Scheduling and covers managing employee schedule requests in the R365 App.  Managers are able to answer employee schedule requests via the R365 App. Once a request is made, the manager will be automatically alerted by a push not...

R365 App: Manager Schedule View

The manager view of scheduling allows scheduling managers to view scheduled shifts for each location they manage.  Users with the following permission can view the manager view of the schedule: Labor → Scheduling → Schedule → View Schedule Page TABLE ...

R365 App: Review Time Off Requests Using Accruals

This article is part of Time Off Accruals and covers reviewing and approving time off requests made using time off accruals in the R365 App.  When Time Off Accruals is enabled, the Time Off Request details screen will have an additional section for rev...

R365 App: Scheduling for Employees Overview

This article overviews the employee scheduling feature in the R365 App.  R365 Scheduling and the R365 App is a one-stop mobile app for all things related to the employee schedule!  Using the R365 App employees can do the following: View the entire ...

Logging in to the R365 App

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training. Logging In to R365 Restaurant Managers will set up employee user profiles in R365 Schedul...

R365 App: Employee Schedule Requests Overview

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and overview employee schedule requests. From the R365 App, users can not only view their scheduled shifts but request time off, trade shifts, offer shifts, and claim unassigned or offer...

R365 App: Requesting Time Off

This article is part of the employee schedule requests feature on the R365 App and covers requesting time off.   Employees can submit time off requests from the R365 App. When an employee needs a certain time period blocked off their schedule, they can...

R365 App: Viewing the Schedule and Your Upcoming Shifts

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training. Users can view their work schedule from the R365 App. On the mobile dashboard, a Schedule widge...

R365 App: Updating Weekly Availability

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 Red App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training. Should an employee's availability change, they can edit their weekly availability from ...

R365 App: Offering and Claiming Shifts

This article is part of the employee schedule requests feature on the R365 App and covers how to offer and claim shifts.  From the R365 App, employees can both offer up shifts and claim offered or unassigned shifts. When a shift is offered, it can be c...

R365 App: Trading Shifts

This article is part of the employee schedule requests feature on the R365 App and covers how to trade shifts.  From the R365 App, employees can submit shift trade requests. To trade, users can select the shift they would like to swap out as well as th...

R365 App: Updating User Passwords

This article is part of the Employee Training for R365 Scheduling and the R365 Red App. Click here for more information about R365 Scheduling Employee Training. Users can change their R365 login password from the employee profile screen of the R365 App...

R365 App: Employees With Time Off Accruals

This article is part of Time Off Accruals and covers mobile time off accruals.  When an organization has Time Off Accruals enabled, accrual policies can be assigned to employees. Employees with assigned accrual policies will earn time off hours based o...

R365 App: Barcode Scanning Overview

This article covers barcode scanning. Barcode scanning is a feature that links barcodes to purchased items in R365. Barcode scanning is compatible with inventory counts, waste logs, donation logs, and item transfers.  When conducting inventory coun...

R365 Red App: Inventory Counts Overview

This article is part of the Inventory Counts feature of the R365 Red App. To learn about Inventory Counts via web browser, click here.  Inventory Counts can now be created and entered directly from the R365 Red App. Users can view a listing of all in p...

R365 App: Item Transfers Overview and Security

This article is part of item transfers and overviews item transfers in the R365 App.  Item transfers can now be created and entered directly from the R365 App. Users can view a listing of all in-progress, pending, rejected, completed, and approved...

R365 Red App: Waste Logs

This article is part of the R365 Red App. To learn about creating Waste Logs via web browser, click here.  Waste Logs can be created and entered directly from the R365 Red App. Users can view a listing of all 'In Progress', 'Complete&#...

R365 Red App: Donation Logs Overview

This article is part of Donations and covers using Donation Logs in the R365 App. Users can create and manage donation logs from the R365 App.  Donations is a Smart Ops feature that allows for users to track and debit any donated items to an account sp...

R365 App: Create and Enter Inventory Counts

This is a part of the Mobile Inventory Counts feature. Click here to learn about Mobile Inventory Counts via the R365 Red App. Users with managerial access can create and enter Inventory Counts via the R365 Red App. While entering in item quantities, a...

R365 App: Orders Overview

This article is part of Purchase Orders and covers purchase orders in the R365 App. Users can create, edit, review, and submit purchase orders from within the R365 App. This allows users to create purchase orders from anywhere in the restaurant using t...

R365 App: Barcode Scanning - Barcode Not Found

This article is part of barcode scanning and covers linking an unlinked barcode when the 'Barcode Not Found' prompt appears.  When scanning items into an inventory count,  waste log, donation log, or item transfer, users may encounter a 'Ba...

R365 App: Barcode Scanning Inventory Counts

This article is part of barcode scanning and covers scanning in items into inventory when conducting inventory counts.  Barcode scanning links barcodes to purchased items in R365. When conducting inventory counts, users can save time by using the cam...

R365 Red App: Review and Approve Inventory Counts

This is a part of the Mobile Inventory Counts feature. Click here to learn about Mobile Inventory Counts via the R365 Red App. After Inventory Counts are created and/or entered on the R365 Red App, Users with approval abilities will need to review...

R365 App My Tasks

My Tasks is the mobile version of Task Management.  Users can access the same guide tasks that can be accessed from the Task Management My Tasks page on the R365 app. From their mobile device, users can view their list of tasks required for any given d...

R365 Red App: Manager Log Overview

This is a part of the New Manager Log feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. The Manager Log on the R365 Red App enables Users to create and view Log Entries for any given day. Users can easily navi...

R365 Red App: Create Log Entries

This is a part of the Mobile Manager Log feature of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release. Log Entries can be created directly from the Daily Logs page. When creating an entry, required fields will be listed based ...

R365 Red App: Log Entry Comments

This is a part of the Mobile Manager Log feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops. Admin Users can communicate about an entry by creating and viewing entry comments. Comments encourage collaboration by allowin...

R365 App: My Pay (Employee Self Service)

Users can access My Pay, the Employee Self Service Portal, on the R365 Red App. To read about downloading the R365 Red App, click here. R365 Red App My Pay allows Employees to view and edit their Pay information including their contact and personal inf...

R365 App: Paid Time Off

This article is part of the R365 Red App Employee Self Service Portal and covers the mobile Time Off screen.  The Time Off screen can be accessed by tapping 'Time Off' from the 'My Pay' dropdown in the mobile navigation menu.  ...

R365 App: Employee Onboarding

This article is part of the R365 Red App My Pay and covers employee onboarding New employees can complete their onboarding tasks from the R365 app.  From the mobile dashboard, users can see their onboarding status from the Onboarding widget. From this ...