R365 Intelligence: Visualization Types

This article covers the various Visualization Types and is part of R365 Intelligence, an R365 add-on feature. 

Users can create Visualizations for their R365 Intelligence Dashboards. Visualizations are visual representations of Data that the Users selects to add to their Dashboard. Visualizations allow for Users to display their Data in a variety of different ways. Users can display their Data in visuals like grids, line charts, pie charts, heat maps, and many others, selecting the Visualization that best works for their datasets. 

R365 Intelligence allows Users to change Visualization types as necessary and offers a variety of Visualization Types to select from.

This visualization type displays Data as bars, which can be arranged either horizontally or vertically. Users can choose to display single Data items or multiple series of Data on the same chart or use different colors to represent different categories.

This Visualization type displays Data as a series of pie slices, with each slice representing a different category. Users can use different colors to differentiate between categories and also choose to display the Data as a 3D pie chart.

This Visualization type displays Data as a series of connected points, with each point representing a different Data value. Line charts are useful for displaying trends over time or showing the relationship between two variables.

This Visualization type is similar to a line chart, but the area below the line is filled with color, making it easier to see the distribution of Data values. Users can also use multiple series of Data to create Stacked Area Charts.

This Visualization type displays Data as individual points, with each point representing a different Data value. Users can choose to display multiple series of Data on the same plot or use different symbols or colors to represent different categories.

This Visualization type is used to display project schedules or timelines. Users can choose to display Data as a series of horizontal bars, with each bar representing a different task or project.

This Visualization type is used to display Data on a map. Users can choose to display Data as points, polylines, or polygons. Different colors can be used to represent different Data values.

This Visualization type displays Data as a matrix of cells, with each cell colored to represent a different Data value. Heat maps are useful for displaying Data in a two-dimensional matrix, such as the relationship between two variables.

This Visualization type displays Data as nested rectangles, with each rectangle representing a different Data value. Treemaps are useful for displaying hierarchical Data , such as the relationship between categories and subcategories.

This Visualization type displays Data in a tabular format, with rows and columns representing different data values. Pivot tables are useful for displaying large amounts of Data , and Users can also use them to create aggregate calculations or filter Data .

This Visualization type displays Data as a single value or a range of values on a circular or linear scale. Users can use gauges to display Data such as progress towards a goal, or to display Data relative to a set of ranges.

This Visualization type allows Users to display multiple metrics on a single chart. Users can choose from a variety of chart types, or they can also choose to display Data as a combination of lines, bars, or areas.