Advantage to R365 Migration Best Practices
    • 08 Nov 2024
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    Advantage to R365 Migration Best Practices

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    Advantage to R365 Migration Best Practices

    We are excited that you have chosen to implement R365 Accounting and Operations! This Best Practices Guide will show you what to expect throughout the process and how to prepare. 


    Accounting and Ops Data Migration Process  

    The R365 Onboarding Team will assist in transferring data from Advantage to R365 and setting up R365 for success. This process consists of the following steps:

    1. The customer’s R365 database is created, based on initial setup documents

    2. The R365 Framework Coach works with the customer to define Fiscal Calendars, Legal Entities, and Locations 

    3. The R365 Ops Coach maps Advantage Units of Measure to R365 Units of Measure

    4. The customer reviews Advantage data and confirms that they are ready for import

    5. R365 Accounting and Ops Coaches import Advantage data to R365

    6. R365 Accounting and Ops Coaches provide customer with exception reports to review and make repairs in R365 as needed. 

    7. Onboarding training continues

    8. POS and EDI Vendors are connected

    9. Historical Accounting transaction data is imported

    Accounting and Ops Data Overview

    Start R365 Accounting and Ops with a clean database! Reviewing the data in Advantage will help reduce unnecessary records in R365 and ensure that the records that are imported are accurate. The following areas of Advantage should be reviewed before data is exported from Advantage and imported into R365:


    • Fiscal Calendars

    • Locations

    • Users 

    • User Locations 


    • GL Types

    • GL Accounts

    • Payment Terms

    • Vendors

    • Vendor Groups

    • Bank Accounts

    • Customers

    • Vendor 1099 Setup 

    • Vendor ACH Setup (If Applicable)


    • Item Categories

    • Inventory Items

    • Purchase Items

    • Recipes

    • Inventory Counts 

    Pre-Import Setup

    Fiscal Calendars  

    R365 has two separate calendars (Fiscal Calendar and Operational Calendar) that can be configured to be different if needed. This allows operational inventory counts to follow a different pattern than the fiscal/payroll calendars.  

    The Fiscal Calendar from Advantage will be imported as the Fiscal Calendar within R365. 

    If your Operational Calendar needs to be different from your Fiscal Calendar, please inform your Framework Coach.

    In R365, Legal Entities are companies that own Locations. Each Location must belong to a Legal Entity, and whenever a transaction occurs for a specific Location, it is automatically connected to the associated Legal Entity as well. Many reports in R365 can be run by Legal Entity, which will show results for all Locations that belong to that Legal Entity. 

    Your R365 Framework Coach will work with you to define your organization’s Legal Entities and map them to your Advantage Locations. Since the Advantage Location information will be used to match records to the correct Legal Entity, this mapping must be completed before Advantage data is imported.

    Units of Measure

    The Units of Measure used in R365 have a different structure than the Advantage Units of Measure. For this reason, they cannot be directly imported. 

    Your R365 Ops Coach will define Units of Measure in R365 and ensure that there are no duplicates. This is a great opportunity to start fresh with clean, consistent Units of Measure. The R365 Ops Coach will also map the existing Advantage Units of Measure to the new R365 Units of Measure so that they are replaced seamlessly on export. 

    Since Purchased Items, Vendor Items, and Recipes all use Units of Measure, this mapping process must be completed before these records are imported.

    Preparing for Import

    The following instructions will highlight the areas of Advantage that should be reviewed before they are imported to R365. 

    Since the import process pulls data from Advantage and directly imports it into R365, any adjustments to the imported data will need to be made in Advantage before the import is initiated. Your Accounting and Ops Coaches will guide you with recommendations and requirements that will ensure that the best data is being transferred and data cleanup after import is diminished. 

    Users and Entity Assignments

    All active Users and their Entity Assignments will be imported. 

    For Users with multiple User logins, only one User Record will be imported. 

    To prepare for import, the following steps are recommended:

    1. Consolidate Users with multiple logins to a single User Record that holds all of their security and Location accesses.

    2. Deactivate any inactive or duplicated Users

    3. Confirm Entity Assignments for each User are correct.

    GL Types

    The financial reporting structure in R365 is built differently than how it is built in Advantage. Advantage uses detailed Statement Categories to organize financial reports. R365 uses a combination of a ‘generic’ GL Type and ‘Parent Accounts’ to create the financial reporting structure.  


    Advantage Statement Categories 

    • Cash

    • Inventory

    • Accounts Receivable

    R365 GL Type

    • Current Asset

      1. Cash (Parent Account)

      2. Inventory (Parent Account)

      3. Accounts Receivable (Parent Account)

    All Statement Categories will be imported as ‘GL Types’ and are required to import GL Accounts. 

    To reduce unneeded GL Types, the following steps are recommended:

    1. Delete unneeded Statement Categories that are not assigned to any GL Accounts

    2. Deactivate any unneeded GL Accounts that you do want to assign a Statement Category to                                                                                               


    GL Accounts

    All active GL Accounts will be imported as one of the first steps of the import process. It is recommended that the GL Accounts are reviewed to confirm that all unused accounts are inactive and all GL Accounts associated with imported data are present and active, including GL Accounts used for Bank Accounts and Inventory.

    Deactivating Accounts

    Any unneeded GL Accounts should be deactivated. Create Journal Entries for any balances in a deactivated account to zero them out.

    Any accounts that you do not want to assign a Statement Category to should also be deactivated.

    Statistical Accounts

    Since R365 does not use Statistical Accounts, any data coded to a Statistical Account will not be imported. Areas coded to Statistical Accounts, such as Comps and Labor, should be recoded to a financial GL Account.

    This may require creating new financial GLs, and must be done before the GL Accounts are imported.

    Bank Accounts and Credit Cards

    Bank Accounts must have a unique ‘Cash’ or ‘Current Asset’ GL Account in R365. Credit cards need to be configured in Advantage as unique ‘Current Liability’ GL Accounts.

    This will most likely require creating new unique GLs, and must be done before the GL Accounts are imported.

    Inventory Level 1

    The Cost and Inventory Accounts associated with Inventory Level 1 are required for Inventory Items to import properly. Any GLs assigned to an Inventory Level 1 category must be active. It is recommended to review all Inventory Level 1 categories and ensure that all GL Accounts used are active.

    Updating existing GL Accounts or adding new GL Accounts must be done before the GL Accounts are imported.                                        


    Bank Accounts

    In order to import properly, each Bank Account must be configured with a unique ‘Cash’ or ‘Current Asset’ GL Account and each Credit Card must be configured with a unique ‘Current Liability’ GL Account.

    It is recommended to create new unique GLs and assign them to the appropriate Bank Accounts and Credit Cards. 

    Updating existing GL Accounts or adding new GL Accounts must be done before the GL Accounts are imported.                    


    Payment Terms

    All Payment Terms are imported. It is recommended to review Payment Terms and delete any that are unneeded.



    All active Vendors will be imported. To properly import, Vendors must have their ‘Payment Method’ and ‘Entry Method’ defined. If these fields are not provided, the Vendor will not be imported.

    To prepare for import, the following steps are recommended:

    1. Deactivate any unneeded Vendors

    2. Spot check Vendor information such as Address, Phone, etc.

    3. Confirm 1099 information

    ACH Vendors

    The ACH information for Vendors is not imported by default. However, this data can be imported on request. Contact your Accounting Coach for additional information.

    Vendor Groups

    All Vendor Groups will be imported. Vendor Groups are used as a reporting filter in R365 and are not required. It is recommended to review all Vendor Groups and delete those that do not have any Vendors assigned to them.  


    All Customers will be imported. Since R365 will send AR Invoices directly to Customers and third-party delivery services are mapped to AR through the POS-imported Daily Sales Summary, it is recommended to only import Customers who should receive an actual AR Invoice. 

    R365 Best Practice

    Prior to import, it is recommended to deactivate Customers who are not billed via AR Invoice, including third-party delivery services.


    Inventory Levels

    All three Inventory Levels in Advantage will be imported into R365 as ‘Item Categories’.

    In R365, ‘Receiving Cost Variance’ amounts are associated with Item Categories and are not stored at the item level. Each imported ‘Item Category’ will have a default ‘Acceptable Variance’ amount of ‘10’ and can be updated in R365 after import.

    Inventory Level 1

    The Cost and Inventory Accounts associated with Inventory Level 1 are required for Inventory Items to import properly. Any GLs assigned to an Inventory Level 1 category must be active. It is recommended to review all Inventory Level 1 categories and ensure that all GL Accounts used are active.

    Updating existing GL Accounts or adding new GL Accounts must be done before the GL Accounts are imported.

    Inventory Level 2

    Cost Accounts associated with Inventory Level 2 will be imported. It is recommended to review all Inventory Level 2 categories and ensure that all GL Accounts used are active.

    Inventory Level 3

    Inventory Items that have an Inventory Level 3 category with one of the following names will be considered inactive and will not be imported:

    • Archive

    • Delete

    • DNU

    • Do Not Use

    • ZZZ

    • Purge

    It is recommended to confirm that an Inventory Level 3 category with one of the above names is available for marking inactive Inventory Items that should not be imported.

    If a similar Inventory Level 3 category exists with an alternate name, it is recommended to rename that category to one of the listed names.

    If no Inventory Level 3 category for inactive Inventory Items exists, it is recommended to create one with one of the listed names.


    Inventory Items

    Only Inventory Items that have been received in the last 2 years will be imported as ‘Purchased Items’ in R365. 

    Important Notes

    1. If Inventory Items share identical names, only one entry will be imported.

    2. Inventory Items that have an Inventory Level 3 category with one of the following names will be considered inactive and will notbe imported:

      • Archive

      • Delete

      • DNU

      • Do Not Use

      • ZZZ

      • Purge


    Review the ‘Master Inventory Item List’ looking for Inventory Items with identical names. If Inventory Items with identical names are discovered, change the names of the Inventory Items so that each one is unique.

    Inactive Items

    Review the Inventory Item Grid Entry page and review the Inventory Level 3 category assigned to each Inventory Item.

    Confirm that one of the inactive Inventory Level 3 categories listed above is assigned to inactive Inventory Items that should not be imported.


    Purchase Items

    Purchase Items that have been received on AP Invoices in the last 2 years will imported as ‘Vendor Items’ in R365. When Purchase Items are imported, only the ‘Default’ Unit of Measure for each Purchase Item will be imported. 

    Default Purchase Unit of Measure

    It is recommended to review the ‘Inventory Counts Worksheet’ and confirm that each Inventory Item has the correct ‘Default Purchase Unit’ assigned. 

    If the ‘Default Purchase Unit’ for an Inventory Item needs to be changed:

    1. Open the Inventory Item

    2. Tag the desired Purchase Unit as ‘Default’

    3. Unlock the Purchase Unit


    All Menu Item and Prep Recipes will be imported to R365. 

    Steps and Images are not imported, and can be entered into R365 after import. 

    Any Recipes that have an Inventory Level 3 category with one of the following names will be considered inactive and will not be imported:

    • Archive

    • Delete

    • DNU

    • Do Not Use

    • ZZZ

    • Purge                    

    It is recommended to review the ‘Menu Item Grid’ and assign one of the inactive Inventory Level 3 categories listed above to any inactive Menu Item Recipe.

    Prep Recipes

    It is recommended to review the ‘Prep Item Grid Entry’ page and assign one of the inactive Inventory Level 3 categories listed above to any inactive Prep Recipes.

    The ‘Prep Item Grid Entry’ page is only accessible via the Advantage 2.0 portal. Learn more about the Prep Item Grid Entry page here.


    Inventory Counts

    One ‘Full Inventory’ Inventory Count Template will be created for each Location in R365. This template will contain ‘Storage Locations’ that are equivalent to the Inventory Location Positions in Advantage. Each ‘Storage Location’ on the template will contain all of the Inventory Items that have the corresponding Inventory Location Position assigned.

    Hot Counts and Daily Counts are not imported.

    Any Inventory Items or Recipes that were not imported during the import process will not be included in the generated Inventory Count Template. These Items can be added manually if needed.  

    It is recommended to review the ‘Count Worksheet’ and confirm that each Inventory Location Position has been assigned to the correct Items.

    If an Inventory Item or Recipe is missing from an Inventory Location Position or has been assigned to the incorrect Inventory Location Position:

    1. Open the Inventory Item or Recipe

    2. Assign the appropriate Inventory Location Position

    3. Remove unneeded Inventory Location Positions



    After your Advantage data has been imported into R365, your Accounting and Ops Coaches will provide additional import templates to repair any records that were not importable and to upload additional information. 


    Your Accounting and Ops Coaches will provide lists of records that that failed to import and indicate which field needs to be repaired, including:

    • Vendor Items that did not import due to an error

    • Recipes that did not import due to an error

    • Missing Equivalencies (called ‘Conversions’ in Advantage)

    • Items not included in Inventory Counts due to the Item not being present in R365


    Your Accounting Coach will provide a list of Vendors that have been imported. For each Vendor, the ‘Payment Method’ and ‘Entry Method’ will need to be updated from the default value that was set when they were imported. 

    Bank Accounts

    Your Accounting Coach will provide a list of GL Accounts that have been imported. For each Bank Account GL, the GL Account will need to be tagged as a Bank Account. 

    Item Categories

    R365 has the ability to export and re-import Purchased Items. Your Ops Coach will provide a list of Purchased Items that have been imported so that Item Categories can be reassigned if needed. 

    Purchased Items and Vendor Items

    R365 has the ability to import Purchased Items and Vendor Items via a template. Your Ops Coach will provide a template that can be filled out with active Inventory Items that have not been received in the previous 12 months. 


    After Accounting Cutover

    After the Accounting Cutover has been completed, the following beginning balance data can be imported on request:  

    • Beginning Balances (On Request)

    • AP Invoices

    • AP Credit Memos

    • AP Payments

    • Bank Deposits

    • Bank Withdrawal/Expense


    For more information, contact your Accounting Coach.

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