Human Resources Console

The Human Resources (HR) Console includes the management of Employee benefits, documents, compensation, performance, and more through easy navigation of the 'HR Options' tile, the 'HR' menu in the top ribbon, or through listed alerts. The other three tiles displayed in this console include 'Upcoming Dates & Missing Data', 'Benefits Administration', and 'Performance Management'. 

The 'Upcoming Dates & Missing Data' tile displays any valuable date or data field that is missing within a selected time period (defaulted to 30 days). The 'Benefits Administration' tile provides alerts that need to be addressed as they relate to Employee benefits. Finally, the 'Performance Management' tile lists significant performance items that are due, overdue, or that need approval.

All information as it pertains to the Employee's health, benefits, training, and more, can be found and managed through this console.

Analytics Tiles can be added to this screen by clicking the large plus signnext to the 'HR Options' tile. Options include Incidents by Month, ACA Alerts, and Employee Events.

ACA Alerts display notifications that pertain to the Employee records of those who qualify for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Click here to learn more about ACA Alerts.

Asset Management tracks Company assets and the Employees who are assigned to them. Click here to learn more about Asset Management.

Benefits Administration is where all benefit plans and coverage information is stored and managed. Click here to learn more about Benefits Administration.

Employee benefits and coverage options are recorded individually and can be updated through the Manage Individual Enrollments window. Click here to learn more information about how to Manage Individual Enrollments.

Documents are recorded and stored in the Document Management window. Click here for more information on Document Management.

Company announcements, reminders, and posts can be sent directly to Employees via their email and / or eSELFSERVE accounts. Click here to learn more information about the Company Newsfeed.

All documents that require an eSignature can be viewed here along with their signature status. Click here to learn more about eSignatures.

Events, such as a promotion, disciplinary action, and paid leave, can be tracked and managed through the Event Tracking window. Click here to learn more about Event Tracking.

OSHA Tracking manages work-related incidents that have cause harm to Employees. These are then tracked in compliance with OSHA. Click here for more information on OSHA Tracking.

Employee performance can be tracked and managed by year through the Performance Management window. Click here to learn more about Performance Management.

The Total Compensation Reporting window displays the information corresponding to a selected Employee's wages for a chosen year. Click here to learn more information on Total Compensation Reporting.

Necessary Training Courses that need to be completed by any member of staff can be recorded and managed through this window. Click here for more information on Training Courses.

This is an add-on feature where restaurant Organizations can custom-design and track their Hiring Process from the point a Job is posted to when a New Hire has completed Onboarding. Click here to learn more about R365 Hire, and contact your CSM or Sales Rep to add this feature onto your APS Payroll plan.