APS Payroll: Single Sign On

APS Payroll is a standalone feature, so when it is added to your current R365 plan, your Organization will receive an additional link specifically for APS Payroll. While having a separate link is advantageous to provide to your Human Resources team, it may not be ideal for Users who navigate between their R365 database and APS Payroll on a consistent basis.

Your Organization has the option to set up Single Sign On (SSO) between your R365 database and APS Payroll so that it is easier and faster to navigate to APS Payroll from your R365 database.

Users with the following Permission will be able to grant access to and use the listed SSO features for APS Payroll, when enabled:

  • Payroll → Payroll Management → Payroll System Access

Ensure that all Payroll Admins have the same email address entered on their User records in both APS Payroll and your Organization's R365 database before requesting Payroll SSO. After setup is complete, Users will be unable to update the email address on their User record.

The Payroll SSO Setup Process is as follows:

  1. A member from your Organization contacts R365 Support about setting up Payroll SSO

    When SSO is setup for your Organization, all Users with the Permission listed above will be able to access APS Payroll SSO via the portal listed below. Therefore, ensure that all Users who have access to APS Payroll are notified and have matching email addresses in your R365 database

  2.  R365 Support will enable Payroll SSO for your Organization and confirm the update with the Organization member

  3.  Each User will have to complete a one-time link between their R365 database and APS Payroll. After logging into their R365 database, the User will need to enter their APS Payroll credentials after navigating to the Payroll portal. A Login Authentication will occur and will provide the User direct access to APS Payroll after this initial connection

Once this process is complete, all APS Payroll Users will be able to easily navigate to APS Payroll from their R365 database.

When Payroll Single Sign On is enabled, navigate to the module selector in your R365 database and select 'Payroll' from the listing. During the User's first navigation to APS Payroll, the User will need to enter their login credentials for APS Payroll and complete a Login Authentication.

The User will see the above modal and then will receive and need to enter a Validation Code sent to their phone or email. 

Once validated during the initial navigation, the User will be directed to APS Payroll's Main Menu when 'Payroll' is selected in the module selector each time.

A 'Payroll' menu and a Payroll Journal Entries listing will be added when Payroll SSO is enabled for your Organization's R365 database.

Users will have a 'Payroll' menu enabled in the top ribbon. From this menu, the following options are provided:

  • Payroll Journal Entry - This will open a new Payroll Journal Entry 

  • Payroll Connect - This will electronically send punch details. Click here to learn more about Payroll Connect 

  • Payroll Export - This will enable the User to run the APS Payroll Export report, which will produce Payroll data that can be imported into APS Payroll to process Payroll Batches

    User with the above listed Security Access will be able to view and run this report without updating their Report Role

Users can view a listing of all Payroll Journal Entries in R365 by simply clicking 'Payroll Journal Entries' under 'Payroll' in the Scheduling module.