Classic Calendar View

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The Calendar View is the default view in Manager Log. On this screen, a User can see summary data for one Location or several Locations. Click on the Location selector to view more than your default Location.

The Calendar View displays the following data for each date in the selected date range.

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1) SLS - Sales for selected Locations

2) PY - Prior Year Sales with a percentage change calculation

3) SPLH - Sales per labor hour

4) Weather - A quick glance weather indicator icon

5) Event indicators - Calendar icon on the date an Event has been set up

6) Employee birthday Indicators - Birthday cake icon on the dates an Employee has a Birthday

7) Task List Completion Percentage - Displays the total completion percentage of all assigned Tasks

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If a Daily Sales Summary has not yet been imported (for current and past dates) the words ‘No DSS’ will be displayed.

Hover over a date to display additional details, including the details outlined on the Day view. All of this information can be viewed and analyzed immediately, without the need of opening records or DSSs. The Manager Log provides a true ‘Quick Glance’ at your Restaurant’s sales, tasks and notable events.

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1) Forecast - Forecasted sales with percent difference

2) Guests - Total daily Guest Count for the selected Locations

3) Tickets - Total daily Ticket Count for the selected Locations

4) Per Guest - per guest dollar amount

5) Avg Check - average check dollar amount

6) Event - list of Event names,

7) Birthday - Employee birthday names

8) Tasks - number of completed tasks vs the total number of tasks

9) Weather Details - additional weather details, including the High and Low for the date