GL Account Record
    • 29 Jul 2024
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    GL Account Record

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    Article summary

    The GL Account Record is where account-specific information for each GL Account resides in the system. This article reviews the fields listed on each tab of this record. To create a new GL Account, please see the Add a New GL Account training.

    Click the following link to download an example General Ledger populated with recommended Account Names, Account Numbers, Cash Flow Categories, Operational Reports Categories, and Parent Account from the National Restaurant Association (NRA):

    NRA Example General Ledger


    The General tab is where the Account Name and Number are entered, and where other Account settings can be managed.

    1. Account Name - Each Account must have a unique name in R365. The Account Name can be entered and managed in this field. If a duplicate name is entered, a warning will display notifying the User that the current name already exists in the system


    2. Account Number - Similarly to the Account Name, each account must have a unique number in R365. The Account Number can be entered and managed in this field. If a duplicate number is entered, a warning will display notifying the user that the current number already exists in the system


    3. Parent Account - In this selector, the User can choose the Parent Account of this GL Account. This is not a required field. Click here for more information on Parent Accounts & Child Accounts

    4. GL Type - In this selector, the User must choose the GL Type for this GL Account. This is a required field. GL Types can be customized and are used in sorting and displaying information on the Balance Sheet and P&L reports. GL Types in R365 are as follows:

      • Corporate Overhead & Other

      • Current Asset

      • Current Liability

      • Equity

      • Fixed Asset

      • Income Tax

      • Long Term Liability

      • Non Controllable Expense

      • Operating Expense

      • Other Asset

      • Prime Cost

      • Sales

    5. Operational Reports Category - In this selector, the User chooses the Operational Report Category for this GL Account. Operational Reports Categories are important as the Operational Reports in 'My Reports' utilize these category tags when calculating numbers on the various Operational Reports. It is recommended that all P&L Accounts have an Operational Report Category assigned to them. Click here for more information on Operational Reports Categories

      This selector will only appear when a GL Type with the Financial Report setting of 'Profit & Loss' is selected in the GL Type selector above (4). If the GL Account is a Balance Sheet Account (and therefor has a GL Type that has the Financial Report setting of 'Balance Sheet') this selector will not appear. Operational Reports Categories are not customizable. Click here for more information on Operational Reports Categories

      Operational Reports Categories in R365 are as follows:

      • Sales - Food

      • Sales - N/A Beverage

      • Sales - Liquor

      • Sales - Beer

      • Sales - Wine

      • Sales - Retail/Other

      • Sales - General

      • Discount (exclude from sales)

      • COGS - Food

      • COGS - N/A Beverage

      • COGS - Liquor

      • COGS - Beer

      • COGS - Wine

      • COGS - Retail/Other

      • COGS - General

      • Labor - FOH

      • Labor - BOH

      • Labor - Salaried

      • Labor - General

      • Other Key Controllable

    6. Description - This is an open text field that can be used to provide an account description or for other sorting needs

    7. Is Stat Account - This checkbox marks this account as a non-financial account, meaning that the account details will not post to the General Ledger. When checked, the 'Parent Account' and 'GL Type' fields will be replaced with the 'Stat Account Type' and 'Better/Worse Direction' fields. For more information on these fields, review the Stat Accounts training

    8. Is Bank Account - This checkbox is used to specify if the GL Account is a Bank Account, or an account that will be made available in the Bank Accounts list view as well as the Bank Activity / Reconciliation screens. When this is checked, the record can only be saved when a verified Routing Number and Bank Account number is entered

      This checkbox will only appear when a GL Type with the Financial Report setting of 'Balance Sheet' is selected in the GL Type selector above (4). If the GL Account is a Profit & Loss Account, and therefore has a GL Type that has the Financial Report setting of 'Profit & Loss', this checkbox will not appear. When selected, Bank Account details appear on the GL Account record. Click here for more information on Bank Accounts

    9. Disable Entry (Subtotal Only) - This checkbox will determine if this account is available when selecting accounts throughout the AP processes in the system. If an account is marked as 'Disable Entry', it will not appear as a selectable account on AP Invoices screens. Click here for more information on Disable Entry

    10. Restricted Access - usage - If checked, only Users with the following Permission will be able to select this GL Account, including when entering Invoices or recording Paid Outs on the Daily Sales Summary (DSS):

      • General Ledger → GL Accounts → Access Restricted GL Accounts

      • Cost (including COGS) and Expense Accounts should not be checked. Learn more about the Restricted Access - usage setting here.

    11. Control Account - Prevent Manual Journal Entries - This checkbox will mark this GL Account as a 'Control Account' and prevent it from appearing in the Account selector on the Journal Entry screen when a Journal Entry is manually created. Marking certain accounts as a 'Control Account' can help to reconcile accounts faster and reduce the time required to close a fiscal period

      System-generated entries, such as an AP Invoice, are not affected by this setting. A User can view a system-generated entry that is using a Controlled Account, but cannot make an update to the entry by adding a row using a Controlled Account or edit an existing row to use the Control Account.


    The Transactions tab will display all of the Transactions that have posted to this GL Account.

    Report Settings

    On the Report Settings tab, Users can specify additional report settings for the GL Account, including the option to Show Running Total, and assign the Cash Flow Category to Balance Sheet Accounts. Click here for more information on GL Accounts: Report Settings.

    Budget Defaults

    The GL Account can have a default budgeted dollar Amount set on the GL Account record. This value would then be pre-populated in the 'Set All to Same Amount' field on the Account Detail screen when the Budget is created. By default, 'Budget As' is set to 'Amount', signifying that the selected Account will be budgeted as a Dollar Amount. In addition to Amount, Accounts can be Budgeted As: 

    • Percent of GL Account

    • Percent of GL Type

    • Percent of Operational Report Category

    Click here for more information on GL Accounts: Budget Defaults.


    GL Accounts can have additional, Location-based security set on the GL Account record. This feature limits accounts from being seen and selected, GL Account Location Security can be set to limit accounts for use on only select Locations or Location Reporting Categories (groups of Locations). 

    GL Account Location Security can also be considered a form of 'white-listing' Locations for use on a specific GL Account. Click here for more information on GL Account: Location Security.

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