This feature is a part of the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops Release.

The New Purchase Orders feature enables Users the ability to view and create Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Templates, and Shopping Lists from the Orders page. Each tab listed on this page displays its corresponding form type to keep track of built out templates and Shopping Lists and all created Purchased Orders.

A Purchase Order can be created manually or from a template or Shopping List. Once created, the quantities to order from a Vendor can either be suggested by R365 or manually entered as needed. Items with quantities that extend beyond the normal amount will have an Alert Flag listed next to the item to assist Reviewers in finding and assessing potential discrepancies before submitting an order. Once orders are finalized, they can be marked as 'Submitted', and the Purchase Order will then be sent directly to the Vendor via email.

The New Purchase Orders feature allows for easier navigation and functionality when creating Purchase Orders. Future Enhancements allow for the use of direct PO Invoicing. Contact your Coach or CSM if you are interested in this new feature.

Click here for a printable guide on Purchase Orders.



The Permissions listed here are associated with Purchase Orders. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.


Purchase Order Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Food
    • Purchasing
      • Purchase Order Templates
        • View Purchase Order Templates
        • Edit Purchase Order Templates
        • Create Purchase Order Templates
        • Delete Purchase Order Templates
      • Purchase Orders
        • View Purchase Orders
        • Send/Submit Purchase Orders
        • Undo Send/Submit
        • Edit Purchase Orders
        • Edit Item Cost
        • Create Purchase Orders
        • Delete Purchase Orders
        • Require Template when creating Purchase Orders
          • Note: The default setting for this permission for all Users and User Roles is OFF 
      • Shopping Lists
        • View Shopping Lists
        • Edit Shopping Lists
        • Create Shopping Lists
        • Use Shopping Lists
        • Delete Shopping Lists


The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.


Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

To access this page, first navigate to Smart Ops. In the left navigation pane, click 'Orders' under 'Food' to open the Orders page. From this page, Users can create a new Purchase Order, Purchase Order Template, or Shopping List and view a listing of each by clicking their respective tab.


To get started with Purchase Orders, please proceed with the following steps:

  1. Contact R365 Support to enable Purchasing Orders (if it is not already enabled)
  2. Set User Security Access using the 'Security' section above as a guide
  3. Set up (or review) your Vendor Items. A Vendor Item must exist for all Items/Vendors that will be ordered via Purchase Orders. In addition to this, check the 'Primary' box for larger Vendor Items that might send multiple sub-items and set up Contract Pricing in order to have a locked in price per PO

  4. Add Vendor Account Number to the Vendor Records in order to submit Purchased Orders from R365. If all Locations share a single Vendor representative, enter in the Vendor Number on the 'General' tab of the Vendor record. If all Locations have different Vendor representatives, enter in the Vendor Account Number per Location on the 'Location' tab of the Vendor record

  5.  Begin building out Purchase Order Templates!

List Functions

In addition to the list functions explained below, lists can also be filtered to display in ascending or descending order by clicking the column title. The list can then be further filtered after the initial sort by holding down the 'Shift' key on your keyboard and clicking any other column header.

1) 'Orders' Tab - On this tab, all Open, Submitted, and Invoiced Purchase Orders are listed in reverse chronological order for all Locations. From this list, Users can get a quick-view into the Purchase Orders' details, filter for a specific order, and even navigate to the Purchase Order's corresponding AP Invoice, if already processed

2) 'Templates' Tab - On this tab, all User-created Purchase Order Templates will be listed along with a quick-view into their template details. From this list, Users can filter for a specific template and view which templates were most recently used

3) Order Suggestions - On this tab, all Order Suggestion forms created by putting a Shopping List in use will be listed. From this list, Users can view general details about an Order Suggestion, such as who created the Order Suggestion and its current status

4) Shopping Lists - On this tab, all User-created Shopping Lists will be listed. Users can view the Shopping List name, associated Vendors, and the number of items included on the lists. Lists can be updated and put in use as needed

5) Search Bar - This will filter the listing for the characters entered

6) + Create - This button allows the User to create either a Purchase Order, Purchase Order Template, or Shopping List

7) Table Views - This enables the User to create and edit saved views of this list. Simply click this icon and then either 'Save Current View' to save the new view or 'Edit Table Views' to edit the selected saved view. All saved views are listed above these two action buttons

8) Filter - This allows the User to create a filter for the table. Click the filter icon to open the 'Filter Columns' modal. Once open, click '+ Add Filter' to select the Column and Filter Type and then enter the Value that should be filtered. Select the 'Apply' button to filter the table for the information entered or click the trash can icon to remove a filter

9) Columns - This lists all of the columns available to display in the Orders list. Check or uncheck a column name to include or exclude it, respectively, in the list. Columns can also be reorganized by dragging and dropping the desired column's rearrange iconwhere needed

  • Note: Columns will vary depending on tab

10) Excel - This will download the listed information into an Excel file

11) Refresh - This will refresh the listing

Bulk Edit

Bulk Edit is available on the 'Orders' and 'Templates' tabs. 


The Bulk Edit menu can be used to delete or apply changes to one or more Orders at the same time, without opening the sidesheet. 

Check the checkbox in line with an Order to open the Bulk Edit menu. 

Check the checkboxes for any other Orders that should be edited or deleted.

To delete the selected Orders, click the trashcan icon .

  • Note: Submitted and invoiced Purchase Orders cannot be deleted.

To edit the selected Orders, click the pencil icon , then choose 'Unsubmit' or 'Mark as Submitted'.



The Bulk Edit menu can be used to delete one or more Templates at the same time, without opening the sidesheet. 

Check the checkbox in line with a Template to open the Bulk Edit menu. 

Check the checkboxes for any other Templates that should be deleted.

To delete the selected Templates, click the trashcan icon .

Purchase Orders: Create a Purchase Order Template

Purchased Order Templates are memorized Purchase Orders that can be scheduled to automatically recreate on a specific day each week, if needed. Click here to learn more about Purchase Order Templates.

Purchase Orders: Create and Enter an Order

Purchase Orders can be easily created as needed to reflect the immediate needs of your Restaurant Organization. Click here to learn how to create and enter a Purchase Order.  

Purchase Orders: Review and Submit an Order

It is always best practice to review a Purchase Order before submitting it to your Vendor. Alert Icons, which appear when the variance between a previous and current item quantity extends outside a normal variance, provides the Reviewer guidance on any potential discrepancy. Click here to learn how to review a Purchase Order.

Purchase Orders: Submit Orders via EDI

Send Purchase Orders directly to the Vendor's system for processing via EDI. Click here to learn how to submit orders via EDI.

Purchase Orders: Cancel an Order

If a Purchase Order needs to be canceled, it can be done so at any time by following these guidelines. Click here to learn how to cancel an Order.

Purchase Orders: Set Up Shopping Lists

Shopping Lists can be created to combine multiple Purchased Items from multiple Vendors into a single Order Guide, or Order Suggestion form. Click here to learn how to create and edit Shopping Lists.

Purchase Orders: Use Shopping Lists

A Shopping List can be put in use to open the Order Suggestion form and initiate the ordering process. Users can then enter in the necessary quantities, review the corresponding created Purchase Orders, and then save or submit those Purchase Orders to their Vendors. Click here to learn more about using a Shopping List.