Create and Enter a Purchase Order

This is a part of the Purchase Orders feature in the Smart Ops Release. Click here to learn more about the Smart Ops.

A Purchase Order can be created either manually or from a template with a pre-defined set of terms arranged in a specific order. Once created, the quantities to order from a Vendor can either be suggested by R365 or manually entered as needed.

Click here for a printable guide on Purchase Orders.

To create a new Purchase Order, navigate to the Orders page, click the + Create button in the top right corner above the listing, and select Purchase Order.

Users can also create a new Purchase Order from the Home page by clicking the plus icon and then selecting the desired Template or Shopping List or creating a new Purchase Order from scratch.

Either option will open the New Purchase Order sidesheet. 

A Purchase Order can be entered from either a newly-created Purchase Order form or by clicking into a scheduled Purchase Order Template displayed on the Orders' tab of the Orders page.

From this New Purchase Order sidesheet, enter in the necessary details and then ensure to save the sidesheet.




General Information Tab

This tab contains all Purchase Order details.


Attachments Tab

Once a PO has been saved, users can upload and add attachments to the Purchase Order from this tab.


Template Selector

Users can select a Purchase Order Template from this selector, which will autofill the PO fields based on the template.


PO Number

This number is auto-generated based on the settings in the Autonumbering section of the administration menu in the Accounting module. For each new PO, the previous PO Number is aggregated by 1 and can be edited as needed. Duplicate PO numbers are not allowed.



The location that will receive the order. This field is set to list the default location but can be easily updated as needed. Click the source linknext to the selected location to open its Location Record.



A listing of all Vendors, where the user selects the vendor that will receive an email with the purchase order. Click the source linknext to the selected vendor to open its Vendor Record.


Order Date

The date that the order is placed. This is defaulted to today's date but can be updated by clicking the calendar icon.


Delivery Date

The date the order is expected to arrive at the selected Location. This is defaulted to tomorrow's date but can be updated by clicking the calendar icon.

The Delivery Date may be preset when Mclane is the selected vendor. To learn more about Mclane's Purchase Order Due Dates and Scheduled Delivery Dates, click here.



The status of the Purchase Order: In Progress, Sent, or Completed.



This field provides the space for any notes about the Purchase Order. These comments will appear on the purchase order when it is sent to the vendor. 



This is auto-filled based on the location's address entered on its Location record. This can be easily updated if needed by clicking the edit icon.



Click to collapse or expand the general information section, if needed. 


Details Tab

This tab is where all vendor items for this order can be selected and quantities can be entered for review.


Review Tab

This tab is where the reviewer will be able to see any discrepancy in quantities and finalize the order. Click here to learn how to review a purchase order.


Search Bar

This will search the Item and Vendor Item columns for the string of characters entered.


Add Items

Adds items in bulk. Users will be able to select between All Primary Items or All Vendor Items.

Click Add All Primary Items to add all vendor items associated with this vendor that have been marked as Primary on the Vendor Item Record.

Click Add All Vendor Items to add all vendor items associated with the selected vendor.


Suggest Qty

This button will run a built-in algorithm using usage per $1000 and forecasted sales to determine the quantity of each item in the order below it. The suggested quantity amounts will be added to the Suggested Quantity column. Users can then add these quantities to the Order Quantity column field.

When selected, a modal will first be displayed asking the user to select the Consumption and Buffer Days before recommending the Suggested Quantity.

Consumption Days are the days that the product arriving on weekday will be used. Buffer Days add extra days of sales to the Suggest Qty calculation to account for unforeseen spikes in sales or longer preparation (i.e. a frozen product that must be thawed, then marinated).

Users must select at least one consumption day. The Confirm button will remain disabled until a consumption day or days are selected.

Once calculated, hover over over the Suggested Quantity value to view the details tooltip. Users will see the following additional information:

  • Total Forecasted Sales

  • Usage Per $1000

  • Order Date On Hand

  • On Order Qty

  • Est. On Hand

  • Suggestion

Suggestions require the following before giving an accurate quantity:

  • Forecasted Sales for all Consumption/Buffer Days chosen

  • Approved invoices and transfers between counts

  • At least 2 Inventory Counts*

    • *The system will be as accurate as possible to get 90 days of usage between the 2 Inventory Counts, so the 2 Inventory Counts used will be the most recent Count and the Count closest to 90 days before the most recent Count. The system will only look for Counts that have occurred over the past 365 days


+Add Item

Adds an individual item to the order. 



The total price of the order. This updates as items are added to the order. 


Qty Total

The total quantity of Items on the Purchase Order. This field allows Users to be aware of Order quantities in case there are vendor quantity thresholds.


Order Minimum

This is the minimum dollar amount or minimum item quantity threshold that the order must meet before it can be submitted.

When vendor order minimums are enabled, this is applicable to purchase orders that use a vendor with an assigned order minimum requirement. Read about vendor order minimums.

In Beta
This feature is in beta. Contact your CSM to learn more.

The details grid has the following columns:




The name of the purchased item. Click to open the associated Purchased Item Record in a new tab. 

Vendor Item

The vendor item number. 

Unit of Measure

The purchase unit of measure associated with the vendor item.


The amount of the item to order. 

Each Amt

The cost per unit of the item. This field is read-only unless the user has edit permission.

To edit the item cost, users must have the following permission:

Food → Purchasing → Purchase Orders → Edit Item Cost


The total cost of the item based on the quantity and each amt.

On Hand

The amount of the item on hand as of the order date.

Upon creation, this field will display the theoretical on hand value based on the item's usage per $1000 of sales. When needed, this field can be edited to include the actual on hand value.

The theoretical on hand value is the theoretical number of the item available based on the usage per 1000 and calculated using the item’s historical usage.

Theoretical on hand values will appear in grey font.
When the on hand value is edited, the number will change to black font. Hovering over a manually updated field will show the original theo on hand value.

Par Qty

The minimum amount needed in inventory. The par amount from Shopping Lists is used to generate the order. If the order was not created from a Shopping List, par amount will default to 0.

Item Category 1, 2, 3

The optional Item Category columns display the Item Categories 1, 2, or 3 that the item belongs to.

These columns are hidden by default and can be added to the grid from the column editor, which can be opened by clicking theColumns icon.

Last Order Amt

The average amount ordered on the previous order.

When the item is added using a template, this value will reference the last order amount from the last time the same template was used.

When the item is added without using a template, this value will reference the last date that the item was ordered. 

Last 4 Avg Qty

The average amount of the item ordered on the last 4 orders.

When the item is added using a template, this value will reference the last order amounts from the previous 4 times the same template was used.

When the item is added without using a template, this value will reference the last 4 times that this item was ordered. 

In Transit Qty

The item quantity of any orders that are currently in progress (in transit). This field will have a value when the delivery date on any previous order is after the date of the current order.

If the deliver date of any previous order is equal to or before the date of the current order, this field will show 0.

Storage Location 

The storage location for the purchased item.

Once a Vendor is selected, the + Add Item button will be enabled.

To add Items to the Purchase Order, follow these steps:

  1.  Navigate to the Items grid.

  2.  Click the + Add Item button. A line will appear where details can be entered about the item.

  3.  Enter the name of the purchase item or the identifying number assigned to the purchase item in the Item selector field or the vendor item number in the Vendor Item field. 

  4.  Select the desired Item from the drop-down listing that appears.

  5.  Once an item is added, details about the Item will auto-populate the boxes in the line. The majority of these fields can be updated if needed.

    Each Amt costs reference the Unit of Measure and Vendor based on the pricing information available. The 'Each Amt' will populate the first available cost as follows:

    1. Contract Price on the Vendor Item Record

    2. Price of the Vendor Item from the last Invoice

    3. Vendor Item Price for the selected Location

  6.  Enter the quantity of the item, then add more Items if needed.

Users can navigate between boxes by pressing Tab on their keyboard. If all items are added and the Quantity fields are updated, users can enter a quantity and then press Enter to navigate down the quantity row. This functionality will work on other columns as well.

If submitting Purchase Orders via EDI, ensure that all Units of Measure are set to Case or Each.

Once the Purchase Order is complete, click Save

For greater efficiency, when an additional item is added to an order that was created using an order template, users with the appropriate permission may elect to add the item to the order as well as the purchase order template.

Once an item is added to the order that is using an order template, the system will prompt the user with options of where the item should be added.

When Order Only is clicked, the item will be added to the current order for this one order only. When Order and Template is clicked, the item will be added to the current order as well as the selected purchase order template.

The purchase order template will be updated and will now feature the selected item.

To utilize this feature, users must have the Edit Purchase Order Templates permission.

Orders that have been initially saved will have a Submit button present, as shown below. Users with the correct security access can then submit the order without review, unless told otherwise by your restaurant management team. Click here to view the security access needed for this feature.

If submitting orders via EDI, all Units of Measure must be set to Case or have a Split UofM correlated to a Case. If not, the Vendor will assume the quantity entered is per case, causing a larger shipment than expected.

It is extremely valuable to have two sets of eyes on a Purchase Order before submitting it to a Vendor, but Purchase Orders can be submitted after they are initially saved. A Purchase Order can be submitted either with or without sending the Vender the Purchase Order via email:

Submitting the Order and Sending the PO

To send an email with the PO to the email address entered on the Vendor record, click the Submit button in the header.

Submitting the Order Without Sending the PO

To update the PO's status without sending the PO via email to the Vendor, click the Status drop-down selector in the header and select Submit.

Users whose permissions include the Require Template When Creating Purchase Orders permission are required to use a purchase order template to complete a purchase order. 

When a new purchase order is created, users with this permission will be unable to select a vendor. Instead, they will be prompted to 'Choose a Purchase Order Template to continue.'

After selecting the template, users will be able to edit item quantities. However, users will be unable to add or delete items from the order. This permission also restricts users from editing consumption or buffer days

For a full screen view of the purchase order form, users can click the expand button in the purchase order header. To collapse the form back to half-screen, the same button can be clicked to collapse the view.

R365 uses cookies to save a user's last view of a purchase order. This ensures that the purchase form will open into the user's preferred view.

When a purchase order form is in full screen and closed in full screen, the next time a purchase order is opened, it will also open in full screen. This also applies to the collapsed view of the purchased order.