The Miscellaneous tab of the System Preferences screen contains various system settings that effect how users view, create, and update data throughout R365. Click here for more information on System Preferences.

Due to the large number of settings available on the Miscellaneous tab, this article breaks the tab down into three major sections. To view the definition for a particular setting, refer to the section that contains that setting.

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Fields in Section A

Sales Tax RateSets the default sales tax rate for Accounts Receivable transactions.
To configure sales tax rates by location, see Location record.
PL Report Percent OfSets the default Percent Of option on all GL Accounts that have GL Types on the Profit and Loss statement. Options include: 
  • Net Sales (default)
  • Net Sales with COGS Detail
Employee MasterDetermines where employee information is maintained. Options include:
  • Restaurant365
  • POS
  • Payroll System

For more information, see Employee Master.

Bank Connect Customer IDCustomer identification number assigned for banking connections. If an issue occurs that is related to banking connections, reference this ID number on the Support ticket.
Discount Combined in JEA POS setting that combines sales and discounts on the Daily Sales Summary Journal Entry. For more information, see Discount Combined in JE.
Advance CloseEnables Advanced Fiscal Close for all fiscal years.

This default for this setting is ON/checked. 
To Do Alert EmailsAccounting users can receive one email a day that lists of all flagged items from the To Do Checklist. Enter up to 10 email addresses to receive the email, each separated by a semicolon ( ; ). To complete set up, enter the Alert Time and the Time Zone.

Tip: If you are using more than one instance, set up alert emails in those instances as well to view all pending tasks without needing to log in to each instance.
Email Alert TimeTime of day when the To Do Alert Emails are sent.
Time ZoneTime zone for the Email Alert Time.
Use Restaurant365 to Send EmailsIf selected, emails are sent from [email protected] and the Email Settings tab on User records is hidden. For more information, see Outbound Emails.
Apply labor rules across locationsIf selected, labor rules configured on the Smart Ops Labor Admin page combine all punches and scheduled shifts from all locations associated with an employee. Otherwise, labor rules separate punches and scheduled shifts by location.

Important Note: If the employee’s locations are assigned to more than one Rule Group for a given rule, the Rule Group for their primary location is used when calculating that labor rule across locations.

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Fields in Section B

Print AR Invoice FromSets the From value to either the Location or Legal Entity on AR Invoices.
Print Checks FromSets the From or origin payer information value to either the Location or Legal Entity on printed checks. Checks printed both locally and through R365 Payments are affected by this field.
Payment Type SeparationA POS setting that determines how Payment Types are separated and assigned to GL Accounts. 
Menu Item SeparationA POS setting that determines how menu items are separated and assigned to Recipe records. Most users leave this drop-down set to None. For users with multiple concepts and menu item crossover, this drop-down can be set to the option that best suits their unique business needs. Options include:
  • None (default)
  • Location
  • Legal Entity
  • Any custom location reporting category
For more information, see Menu Item Separation.
Sales Account SeparationA POS setting that determines how sales accounts are separated and assigned to GL Accounts. For more information, see Sales Account Separation.
Duplicate AP Invoice Number

Set the system permissions for invoices that use a previously entered invoice number (from the same vendor). Options include:

  • Allowed
  • Allowed With Warning
  • Not Allowed
Vendor Same Amount

Set the system permissions for same-day identical invoice totals from the same vendor. Options include:

  • No Warning
  • Warning
  • Prevent Same Amount

For Example: 










Default Cost MethodSet the default Cost Method for purchased items.
R365 Hire Account IDIdentification number for the account in the Hire module.

Note: This setting appears only if Hire is enabled.
Enable Automatic Journal Entries
If selected, payroll journal entries and funding journal entries will be automatically created when paycheck runs are created.

Note: This setting appears only if Workforce is enabled.
Enable Auto Paycheck Runs
If selected, paycheck runs will be automatically created when pay runs are approved.

Note: This setting appears only if Workforce is enabled.
Use Job GL Account for Payroll Journal EntryIf selected, Payroll Journal Entries created by the Workforce module look to the employee's worked job for GL mapping of regular, salary, and overtime earnings.

Note: This setting appears only if Workforce is enabled.

Consolidate Payroll JE lines - Bank AccountIf selected, all lines posted to a bank account are grouped to appear as a single line for each account on the Payroll Journal Entry created by Workforce Payroll.

Note: This setting appears only if Workforce is enabled.
Deduct Petty Cash from DepositIf selected, petty cash is deducted from the Deposit 1 value, as well as the total deposit calculations on the DSS.
If cleared, the Deposit 1 value is unaffected, and petty cash is only deducted from the total deposit amount.

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Fields in Section C

Account LookupDetermines how accounts appear in reports and in drop-downs throughout the system. Where accounts are listed, they appear either with the account name only (Name Only) or with the account number and the account name (Number first then Name).
Location LookupDetermines how locations appear in reports and in drop-downs throughout the system. Where locations are listed, they appear either with the location name only (Name Only) or with the location number and the location name (Number first then Name).

When using AP Automation to upload files to Documents to Process, select Number first then Name. Doing this allows the system to recognize the location number in the Subject of an email or in the file name. For more information, see Documents to Process: Uploading Files with AP Automation.
Asset LookupDetermines how assets appear in reports and in drop-downs throughout the system. Where assets are listed, they appear either with the asset name only (Name Only) or with the asset number and the asset name (Number first then Name).
Employee Full NameDetermines how employee names appear throughout the system. Where employees are listed, they appear as first name then last name (First, Last) or last name then first name (Last, First).
Payroll ClearingSet the method for Payroll Clearing in the system. This setting also determines how Paycheck Runsare grouped within Workforce. Options include:
  • Per Location - Payroll clearing only occurs for the location specified in the Payroll Journal Entry.
  • Per Legal Entity - Payroll clearing occurs for all locations that pertain to the specified legal entity.
  • Per Common Payer - Payroll clearing will occur for all locations for all child legal entities that are listed under the specified parent legal entity, or Payroll Common Payer.

Note: If this setting is in place and multiple Payroll Journal Entries (for the same period) are entered representing different locations that are part of the same legal entity, the Payroll Clearing Process will run as many times (for all locations) as there are Journal Entries that are entered.
SmartOps Landing PageChoose whether the first page that appears when users open SmartOps is the default Home page or the My Workday page. 
POS Track PaidoutIf selected, users can designate GL Accounts for specific Paid Outs. These Paid Out Types can be mapped to pre-assign the GL Account to the Paid Out on the Daily Sales Summary. Paid Out Types reside in the Paid Out Types list view in the Administration section of Accounting. Click here for more information about assigning Cost Accounts to Paid Out Types customers.
Enable Balancing AccountIf selected, the system automatically creates a Journal Entry to balance out Daily Sales Summaries. The system-generated Journal Entry can be manually assigned to the correct sales account. 
Manager Log Visible to All EmployeesIf selected, the Manager Logis visible to all employees. Otherwise, users must have the following permission enabled to access the Manager Log:
  • Manager Log Classic → Daily Overview → View Calendar & Daily Overview

The default for this setting is OFF

Display Accrual During AP EntryIf selected, the Dates of Service appear on the AP Invoice and AP Credit Memo so that users can record expenses in the correct period, even though Dates of Service might extend over multiple periods.
Enable Document LockingIf selected, documents are automatically locked when entered into Documents to Process to avoid duplicate entries. 
Rule VaultIf selected, the Rule Vault, where users can view and manage rules on transactions, is enabled.

The default for this setting is ON/checked. 
Require Count Variance ReviewIf selected, users must review actual and theoretical variances on the Variances Review tab of the Inventory Counts Sheet before completing the count.
Always Require OCR VerificationIf selected, documents processed by OCR must be reviewed by a user with appropriate permissions before the transaction is created.
Default: On.
Display Record Count on Grids If selected, the record count appears on the following Accounting grids:
  • All Transactions

  • AP Transactions

  • AR Transactions

  • Daily Sales Summary

This count can be found at the bottom of the grid:

The default for this setting is OFF. 

Automatch PO to APWhen enabled, purchase orders and AP invoices may automatch or autolink to one another if they each meet certain matching criteria.

The default for this setting is ON. 

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