This article is part of the User Record

The 'Email Settings' tab contains the Outgoing Email settings for the User. Providing R365 with the outgoing email settings for the User will enable the User Account to email various records and transaction links directly from R365. Learn more about the Email Settings tab here

Refer to the Email Settings Overview and Common Webmail Provider SMTP Settings articles to learn more about email settings within R365. 

  • Note: If an organization prefers not to enter personal login credentials for sending outgoing email, Outbound Emails can be sent using an R365 email address.

1) Email Password - The email account password for the email address specified on the 'General' tab of the User Record

2) Email Outgoing Mail Server - The outgoing (SMTP) mail server for the email address specified on the 'General' tab of the User Record

3) Email Port - The SMTP port for the email address specified on the 'General' tab of the User Record

4) Email SSL Checkbox - Check the box to signify 'Yes' for email SMTP services that require SSL/TLS