Employee records and the Employees page in Smart Ops are being updated throughout Q3 and Q4 of 2024. This article is for the legacy version of employee records. If Workforce Payroll or the updated employee record for Smart Ops is enabled, please refer to the updated Employee Record article.

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The Employee Record will open as a sidesheet of the 'Employees' page. The Employee Record holds all Employee information and communication settings for an Employee. 


Once a new Employee is entered in the POS, an Employee Record will be automatically created for them when the DSS is polled that night. Employee Records can be updated at any time to reflect a promotion or limit Employee access to the system. All Employee Records can be accessed and managed in the Employee List of the Smart Ops Release. 


The Employee Record sidesheet consists of a header and the following tabs:


The Permissions listed here are associated with Employee Records. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.


Employee Record Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

  • Labor
    • Employees
      • View Employees
      • Edit Employees
      • Can Grant/Remove Employee's Access to R365
      • Create Employees
      • Merge Employees
      • Approve Employee Changes
      • Delete Employee Changes
      • Delete Employees
      • Basic Info
        • Contact Information
          • View Contact Information
          • Edit Contact Information
        • Identification Information
          • View Identification Information
          • Edit Identification Information
      • Employment
        • Employment Settings

          • View Employment Settings

          • Edit Employment Settings

        • Hourly Job Info

          • View Hourly Job Info

          • Edit Hourly Job Info

        • Hourly Pay Rates

          • View Hourly Pay Rates

          • Edit Hourly Pay Rates

      • Integrations
        • View Integrations
      • Notes
        • View Notes
      • POS Employees
        • View POS Employees
        • Map Employee Records
      • Schedule
        • View Schedule Availability
        • Edit Schedule Availability
      • Time
        • View Punches


The Permission Access report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.


Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

Important Notes


Creating New Employees


Once a new Employee is entered into the POS, their information will be polled into R365 at the end of the night with the Daily Sales Summary. Therefore, there are only rare circumstances when an Employee Record would need to be manually created. Consult with your Coach/CSM or R365 Support before manually creating an Employee Record.


To learn more about manually creating a new Employee Record, please refer to the Creating a New Employee Record article.

Employee Master


If 'POS' was set as your organization's Employee Master, keep in mind that certain fields will be updated nightly, based on your POS system. Contact your Coach/CSM or R365 Support for more information.



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1) Photo - The Employee image that will show in various places in R365, including the Scheduling screen. Click to change or upload an Employee photo. 

  • Note: If no image is uploaded, the Employee's initials will be displayed instead


2) Employee Information - Includes Employee Name, Primary Job, and Primary Location

3) - This will merge the Employee with another existing Employee


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4)  - This will save the Employee Record

5) - This will delete the Employee Record

6) Upload Files - Click to view uploaded files or upload additional files to the Employee Record

7) Help - This will open the Help menu, which includes resources that can assist in managing Employee Records

8) Full Screen- This will expand the sidesheet to fullscreen. Clicking the minimizing icon that appears in its place will return it back to its original size.


9) Close - This will close the sidesheet without saving any changes made.

Basic Info Tab 


The Basic Info tab contains identification information, contact information, and app access settings, organized into the following sections:

  • Identification - The Employee's name and birthday

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  • Contact Info - Information on how the Employee can be contacted, as well as the setting for R365 Messaging.

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  • Access - Settings for App Access and Inactive Status

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Employment Tab


The Employment tab contains employment information, Job and Responsibility information, and Labor settings, organized into the following sections:

  • Employment Info - Employee's hire date, work-provided email and phone, Primary Location, and Payroll ID

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  • Jobs- All Jobs associated with the Employee. For each Job, the Employee's Pay Rate can be added. To assist in scheduling, the Responsibilities and Employee Rating can be defined for each Job listed.
    • Note: This section will only appear once the Employee Record is saved.
    • Note: If no Jobs are added, the Employee will be hidden from the Schedule Calendar.

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  • Settings- Includes the following employment-related settings: 
    • Break Waver
    • Exclude Overtime
    • Exclude Labor Hours
    • Exclude Labor $

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Time Tab


The Time tab contains the Punches section, which shows all the detailed Labor Punches (when this Employee has clocked in and out of the POS and at which Location(s)).


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 Schedule Tab


The Schedule tab contains the Availability section, which lists the Employee's weekly availability. This information is then used in the Scheduling module as a visual flag to assist the scheduler in assigning shifts.

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Notes Tab


The Notes tab contains the Log Entries section, which lists all Log Entries where the Employee was tagged. Employee Notes can be for a variety of reasons, such as 'No Show', 'Late for Shift', 'Exceptional Service', and more. Learn more about adding Employee Notes here

  • Note: When the New Manager Log is enabled and a Log Entry is created and tied to an Employee who is also a Manager, that Log Entry will be hidden from their view when reviewing this tab. 



Integrations Tab


The Integrations tab contains the Integration IDs section, which that displays all the Locations where this Employee Record has been linked to a POS Employee.



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