This article reviews the Certifications tab on the Labor Admin page. Here, users can view and edit certification types used in Certification Tracking.

Article Topics:

  1. Navigate to Smart Ops
  2. In the left navigation menu, click Admin under Labor.
  3. Select the Certifications tab.



Users with the following permission will be able to access the Certifications tab of the Labor Admin page:

  • Labor → Employees → Certifications Setup Certifications

Note: The Setup Certifications permission does not grant access to the Labor Admin page. To access the Labor Admin page, the user must have permissions for one of its other tabs. 

This permission can be added to custom user roles or single users. Learn more about managing permissions and custom user roles here. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have this permission assigned. Learn more about user setup and security here.

Certifications Grid

SearchFilters the certifications grid for the entered text.
Smart Grid Controls - Save/edit table views.
- Rearrange table columns.
- Export the table to a .csv file.
- Refresh table.

Learn more about working with Smart Grids here.
Certification TypeConfigured certification type that can be assigned on employee records. Click to open the Certification Type sidesheet.  

Note: The name of the certification type appears on reports and in expiration notifications.

Grid Columns

Certification TypeName of the certification. This name will appear on reports and in expiration notifications.
Active CertificationsNumber of certifications of this type assigned to employee records whose expiration dates have not passed.
Expired CertificationsNumber of certifications of this type assigned to employee records whose expiration dates have passed.
Last Updated ByUser who last updated the certification type.
Updated onDate the certification type was last updated.

Certification Type Sidesheet

Save ButtonSaves changes to the certification type. This button is disabled if no changes have been made.
Delete ButtonDeletes the certification type and all associated data, including certification details for all certifications of this type assigned on any employee records.

The delete button is only displayed when editing an existing certification type. 
Certification TypeName of the certification type. This name will appear on reports and in expiration notifications.

Note: Certification type names must be unique. 
Notify the Employee of ExpirationWhen enabled, employees are notified when certifications of this type are expiring.
Notify the Department Manager of ExpirationWhen enabled, department manager(s) associated with the employee's jobs are notified when certifications of this type are expiring.
Notify on the date of expirationEmployees and/or department managers are notified on the expiration date set on certifications of this type.
Notify before the date of expirationEmployees and department managers are notified a set number of days prior to the expiration date set on certifications of this type.

When enabled, the 'Notify user in advance of expiration in' field (#8) is required.  
Notify user in advance of expiration in (days)Number of days (1-90) prior to the expiration date that expiration notifications are sent.

Note: This field is disabled if the 'Notify before the date of expiration' option (#7) is disabled.