Vendor Items: Link Items Sidesheet
    • 02 Jul 2024
    • 4 Minutes to read
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    Vendor Items: Link Items Sidesheet

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    Article summary

    This article is part of vendor items and covers the Link Items form and linking unlinked items. 

    Users can link unlinked vendor items to purchased items from the vendor items grid. This can be done from the Link Items sidesheet. If needed, users can also create new purchased items as part of the linking process.

    The vendor items tab is currently only available to early adopters. 

    Vendor Items and Purchased Items

    Purchased Items are Items that are counted during the Inventory Count process and used as Ingredients in Recipe Costing. Purchased Items are not Vendor-specific.

    Vendor Items are vendor-specific Items associated directly with a single Purchased Item for the purposes of AP Invoicing and Purchase Orders.

    Because a Purchased Item might be supplied by multiple Vendors or in varied case sizes, multiple Vendor Items can be associated with a single Purchased Item. Vendor Items may not be associated with more than one Purchased Item. 

    Users with access to the vendor items tab should locate the unlinked item and click the link item button to open the Link Item sidesheet.

    The Link Items sidesheet can be broken down into two sections:

    • Header

    • Form

    The Link Items sidesheet allows Users to link multiple Vendor Items to Purchased Items without closing the sidesheet.

    1. Unlinked Items - Total number of unlinked Vendor Items

    2. Link & Close - Saves the linking of all unlinked Vendor Items that had Purchased Items assigned to them while the sidesheet was open and closes the sidesheet

    3. Close - Close the sidesheet without linking any of the unlinked Vendor Items

    4. Prev Item / Next Item - Click to display the previous or next unlinked Vendor Item. 

      Changes made to unlinked Vendor Items will only be saved when 'Link & Close' is clicked

    5. Vendor Item - Name of the unlinked Vendor Item to be linked.


    1. Link Item Name - Purchased Item linked to the Vendor Item. When blank, click to select an existing Purchased Item to link.

    2. + Create New Item - Click to create a New Purchased Item.

      The new Purchased Item form within the Link Item sidesheet is a simplified version of the 'New Item' form used to manually create Purchased Items from the Items grid.

    3. Order Guide Item Column - The details in this column reflect the values brought in through an Order Guide Vendor Integration (if applicable)

    4. Assigned Details Column - The details in this column reflect the current values on the Vendor Item Record. 

    5. Vendor Item Number - Number of the Vendor Item (for reference only)

    6. Purchasing U of M - Unit of Measure for the Vendor Item. 

      If blank, this field must be assigned before the Vendor Item can be linked. 

    7. Contract Price - The current expected Vendor Price used for Purchase Orders and Vendor Contract Price Verification.

    8. Split U of M - The Split U of M for the Vendor Item used with EDI Integrations.

    9. Split Price - The Split Contract Price for the Vendor Item that is used in Vendor Contract Price Verification

    Follow these steps to link the Vendor Item to an existing Purchased Item:

    1. Click the 'Linked Item Name' filed


    2. Enter two or more characters to search for existing Purchased Items whose names contain the entered text

    3. Select the appropriate Purchased Item

    4. Select the appropriate Purchasing U of M. The recommended UofM will be listed at the top of the drop-down list, based on the selected Linked Purchased Item.

    5. Complete the link and close the sidesheet, or navigate to the next unlinked Vendor Item

      • Click 'Link & Close' to link the Purchased Item and close the sidesheet

      • Click 'Previous Item' or 'Next Item' to navigate to other unlinked Vendor Items

    Creating a New Purchased Item

    If needed, new Purchased Items can be created directly from the Link Item form. Click '+ Create New Item' to open the simplified New Purchased Item form. 

    The full 'New Purchased Item' form can be accessed on the Items page

    Once the new Purchased Item is created, additional edits to it must be completed on the Purchased Item Record

    New Item Form

    Completing the New Item form will create a new Purchased Item and automatically assign it as the 'Linked Item' on the Link Item form.

    1. Back - Click to return to the Link Item form without creating the Purchased Item

    2. Create Item - Click to create the Purchased Item. This button is disabled until the following required fields are completed:

      1. Name

      2. Inventory U of M

      3. Reporting U of M

      4. Cost Account

      5. Inventory Account

    3. Name - Name of the Purchased Item

      This name will default to the name of the Vendor Item being linked. It is recommended to update this name to follow the Purchased Item naming conventions for your organization.

    4. Measure Type - The Measurement Type that identifies the manner in which this item is measured throughout the system; Weight, Each, or Volume.

      This field is not able to be edited after the Item is created. 

    5. Inventory U of M - The first UofM used when inventorying the Purchased Item. Learn more about U of Ms here

    6. Reporting U of M - This UofM provides a consistent UofM for comparing prices and usage across multiple Locations.

    7. Item Categories 1,2, & 3 - The Item Categories associated with the Purchased Item. Learn more about Item Categories here

    8. Cost Account - The GL Account where the costs associated with this Purchased Item will be recorded (on AP Invoices, Inventory Counts, Inventory Adjustments, etc.)

    9. Inventory Account - The GL Account where the Inventory Asset Value associated with this Purchased Item will be recorded (on AP Invoices, Inventory Counts, Inventory Adjustments, etc.)

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