This article covers the Payroll tab, which is part of employee records

  • Note: This tab is only displayed if Workforce Payroll is enabled and the employee has already been onboarded to payroll.

The Payroll tab contains payroll-related information and configurations. This tab is only displayed after the employee has been onboarded to payroll

Here, users can edit the employee's direct deposit information and deductions. Employees are able to view and edit their direct deposit information through the 'My Pay' section of the R365 Mobile App.

Article Topics:

Pay History

The Pay History section displays summary information for historical paystubs and the employee's 'Paperless Tax Statements' selection. Paystubs and W2s can be downloaded in this section. 

Paperless Tax StatementsIndicates whether or not the employee has selected to receive paperless tax statements. Learn more about paperless tax statements here
Recent PaystubLists the employee's historical paystubs with the following information:

Date - Pay date for the paystub.

Company - Payroll company associated with the paystub.

Net Earnings - Net earnings paid for that paystub only.

YTD Net Earnings - Total net earnings paid in the year up to the date of the paystub.

Click to download a printable copy of the paystub.
Show/Hide  Click to show or hide paystub earnings.
W2Link to download the employee's W2 for a single year.

All W2s for completed years since the employee's hire date will be listed.

Learn more about W2s here

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Legal Work Location

Payroll CompanyPayroll company that the employee has been onboarded to.
Legal Work LocationLocation used to determine the employee's tax forms for the payroll company.  

Any location associated with the payroll company or the employee's home address can be selected.
AddressAddress of the selected location. This address is used to determine the employee's tax forms for the payroll company. 
UpdateSaves changes to the legal work location selections.

Note: This button is disabled if no changes have been made. 

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Pay Preferences

The 'Pay Preferences' section contains the setting for how the employee has chosen to be paid; either by direct deposit or check. If direct deposit is chosen, the direct deposit account information can be viewed and edited here. Learn more about editing direct deposit account information here

Payment PreferenceThe employee's selected payment preference:

Direct Deposit - The employee will be paid via direct deposit. 

Check - The employee will be paid via printed check. Learn more about paycheck runs here
  • Note: Employees who elect to by paid by check cannot be paid daily.
View Button Displays or hides full direct deposit account numbers.

Only users with the following permission will be able to view account numbers:
  • Labor → Employees → Payroll → View Account Number

Edit Button Click to open the Direct Deposit Accounts sidesheet to view and/or edit the payment preference selection or direct deposit account information.

All direct deposit accounts configured for the employee, including the following information:

Account Name - User-entered account name.

Institution - Name of the financial institution for the account.

Acct Type - 'Checking' or 'Savings'.

Distribution - Amount of pay distributed to the account.
  • Note: 'All Pay' indicates that this account will receive all remaining funds after distribution to other accounts, if present.

Acct Number - Last four digits of the account number.
  • Note: For security purposes, the full account number is not displayed after being entered.

Note: Accounts are not listed if 'Check' is selected.

Direct Deposit Distribution Order

Direct deposit distribution percentages and fixed amounts are always based on the remaining funds after funds have been distributed to each account, in order. Funds are distributed to accounts in the reverse of the order that they are listed in. 


With the configuration shown here, funds are distributed as follows:

  1. 15% of total pay is distributed to the last account listed, 'My Primary Savings'; 85% of total pay remains.
  2. 10% of remaining pay (8.5% of total pay) is then distributed to the second account listed, 'My Secondary Savings'.
  3. All remaining pay (76.5% of total pay) is then distributed to the first account listed, 'My Checking'.

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The Deductions section displays employee deduction and garnishment withholdings. Each legal entity associated with a location where the employee works will have a 'Pre-tax Deductions' and a 'Post-tax Deductions' section. 

Deductions are configured per payroll company, and only apply to earnings from locations associated with that payroll company. When an employee's earnings are calculated for a pay run, deductions are applied in the order that they are listed.

Click the pencil icon associated with the legal entity to view and/or edit deduction details.

Legal EntityLegal entity associated with the payroll company associated with the deduction.
Edit  Click to view and/or edit the employee's deduction details for the associated payroll company.
Pre-tax DeductionDeductions that are withheld prior to taxes, including the following information:

Type - Type of the deduction.

EE Deduction - Amount deducted from the employee's earnings.

ER Contribution - Employer contribution for the deduction.
Post-tax DeductionDeductions that are withheld after taxes, including the following information:

Type - Type of the deduction.

EE Deduction - Amount deducted from the employee's earnings.

ER Contribution - Employer contribution for the deduction.

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