Routine is important, but when it comes to DSS approval, daily approvals are crucial to making sure all data in R365 is up-to-date and that your team has the tools needed to understand how their store is functioning. 

Below lists five reasons why staying on top of approving your Daily Sales Summaries will have a drastic impact on your Restaurant Organization as a whole:

  1.  Up-to-Date Reporting & Financials - With approved DSSs hitting your General Ledger, all reports and financial data will be current. This allows certain Users, especially Restaurant Managers, to run the Profit and Loss statement more frequently to see their store's financial standing.

  2.  Catch Errors Faster - In reviewing data polled in daily, you can find and resolve issues, such as missed time punches or discrepancies in paid outs, faster than if you were to wait and approve multiple DSSs at one time.

  3.  Easier Month-End - Making necessary updates and approving each day will reduce month-end procedures and allow more time for analyzing how your Restaurant Organization can function better.

  4.  Identifying Trends - Tagging outlier days as they come will allow you to see overall Sales trends that can assist in forecasting Sales.

  5.  Control Cash - You can have more control over your cash on hand by tracking daily deposits.