Add 1099 Historical Data to a Vendor
    • 26 Jul 2024
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    Add 1099 Historical Data to a Vendor

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    Article summary

    To add 1099 history (payments from your old system for the current year) to a Vendor, you need to create a Beginning Balance AP Invoice and Payment for the YTD 1099 amount from your old system. Before following the steps below, please ensure that the period is open; if it is currently closed, please reopen it before creating any Beginning Balance transactions. 

     To create the Beginning Balance Invoice and Payments:

    1. Hover over ‘Administration’, then ‘Beginning Balance’, and select ‘AP Invoice’

      • Add the invoice number as '1099BegBal2019', add the Vendor, update the invoice date to a date prior to your Go-Live date in R365, add the amount into the amount field, and then select the Location to set the Legal Entity

      •  Once entered, approve and close

    2.  Create the Beginning Balance Payment by hovering over ‘Administration’, then ‘Beginning Balance’, and clicking ‘AP Payment’. Apply the payment to the invoice, and then approve and close.

    3.  Repeat these steps for each Vendor that you need 1099 YTD history.

      • These transactions may remain on the AP Aging report. Although they will clear each other out, they will still show unless 'Hide $0 Balances' is toggled to 'Yes' in the Report Parameters.


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