This article reviews the View & Template Options within the Scheduling Calendar

Article Topics:


The View/Templates Options sidesheet has a collection of functions that apply to the Scheduling Calendar as a whole. Here, Users can:

  • Show or hide the following on the Schedule Calendar:
    • Weather
    • Events
    • Advanced Metrics
    • Home Store Only
    • Scheduled Employees Only

  • Change the sort order of the Schedule Calendar

  • Create, update, load, and delete saved Views

  • Create, update, and delete Scheduler Templates

  • Populate Shifts via Scheduler Template or Prior Week

  • Delete Shifts for the current view or the entire Schedule

  • Navigate to the Print Options page

The View/Template Options sidesheet is opened by clicking on the 'Gear' icon in the Schedule Calendar header.

View Settings 

The 'Saved Views', 'View', and 'Sort' sections of the View/Template Options sidesheet are used to adjust, save, and load Views for the Schedule Calendar. 

Saved Views

1) Saved Views Selector - All saved Views made for the Schedule Calendar. Selecting a saved View will set View and Sort settings for the Schedule Calendar.

2) Saved Views Action Buttons:

  •  - When clicked, the selected View is set as the User's default View
  •   - Click to save any changes made to the View and Sort settings for the selected View
  •  - Click to create a new View with the current View and Sort settings selected
  •  - Click to delete the selected View
  • - Click to set the View and Sort settings to the saved default View. If no default View is saved, the system default View is used

View Options

3) Weather - When checked, the weather for the Location (based on the zip code on the Location Address on the Location Record) will be displayed in the date header. 

  • Note: Weather is only displayed when viewing the Schedule Calendar by week. 

4) Events - When checked, any posted Events will be displayed in an additional Events row.

If there is one event occurring on a single day, the name of the even will appear in the row. If there is more than one event occurring on a single day and the row is collapsed, users will see the number of events. To view the events occurring on that day, the row must be expanded.

5) Advanced Metrics - When checked, the Advanced Labor Metrics will be displayed on the Schedule Calendar. Options include the following:

  • Burdened – Labor Estimates are calculated using (Employee Hours * Pay Rate) + Employee Benefit percentages (per the Location Record). Management Estimates (including Management Benefits) are included.

  • Unburdened – Labor Estimates are a straight calculation of Hours * Pay Rate for all Employees. No Management Estimates or Benefits are included.

6) Home Store Only - When checked, only Employees who have the selected Location set as their default Location will be displayed, regardless of if they have an assigned Shift during the selected week or day.

7) Scheduled Employees - When checked, only Employees that are currently scheduled with at least one Shift during the selected week or day will be displayed.


8) Sort Selector - The sort order of rows on the Schedule. Options include:

  • Start Time (Earliest - Latest)
    • Note: This option will only appear when viewing the Schedule by 'Day'. If two or more Employees start at the same time, those Employees will be listed alphabetically by first name.

  • Start Time (Latest - Earliest) 
    • Note: This option will only appear when viewing the Schedule by 'Day'. If two or more Employees start at the same time, those Employees will be organized alphabetically by first name.

  • Name (A-Z) 
  • Name (Z-A) 
  • Most Scheduled Hours 
  • Least Scheduled Hours

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Start With Section

The 'Start With' section is used to populate the selected Schedule with Shifts from a saved Scheduler Template or Prior Week, or to save the selected Schedule as a Scheduler Template. Learn more about saving, updating, and using Scheduler Templates here.  

Scheduler Templates

1) Scheduler Template Selector - The Schedule Template to be updated, copied, deleted, or used. 

  • Note: Each time a Scheulder Template is used, the system will compare any availability changes and Employee requests to listed Shifts. If a Shift is in conflict, it will be moved to the 'Unassigned' section of the Schedule.

2) Template Action Buttons:

  •  - Click to populate the selected Schedule with the Shifts from the selected Scheduler Template
  •   - Click to update the selected Scheduler Template with the Shifts from the selected Schedule
  •  - Click to copy the selected Scheduler Template
  •  - Click to create a new Scheduler Template with the Shifts from the selected Schedule
  • - Click to delete the selected Scheduler Template

Prior Week

1) Date Selector - The first day of the week that will be referenced for updating the selected Schedule. Selecting a date will open the 'Prior Week Use' window.

a) Departments/Jobs - Select the desired Departments or Jobs for the Schedule update

b) Add To - Click to add Shifts associated with the selected Departments or Jobs to the selected Schedule

c) Overwrite - Click to overwrite the selected Schedule with Shifts associated with the selected Departments or Jobs

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Action Buttons


The 'Delete' and 'Print' action buttons are located at the bottom of the sidesheet


The 'Delete' button will open the 'Delete Schedule' confirmation window, which contains the following options:

  • Current View - When clicked, all Shifts displayed in the current view will be deleted. This includes assigned and unassigned Shifts.

  • Entire Schedule - When clicked, all Shifts for the entire Schedule will be deleted. This includes assigned and unassigned shifts, even if they are not currently displayed.


The 'Print' button will open the 'Print Schedule' page in a new tab.

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This article was rewritten in June of 2023. View the new documentation for Schedule Templates here.

A PDF version of the original documentation is available here