Most banks require one log in to access multiple accounts, but some institutions enable Users to add multiple accounts using multiple sets of credentials. An issue arises, however, when security updates or password changes are made, causing the integration in R365 to no longer work. Users would then need to re-establish the connection, but with multiple logins for one bank, this becomes a challenge.

To resolve this issue, you can either:

  1.  Create One Login. If multiple sets of credentials are used, contact the bank and request that they change the view of your Account Summary page, where transactions are pulled from, so that all accounts (even if they have multiple login credentials) appear under a Master Account Summary page.

  2.  Create a Master Account. If you cannot/prefer not to use one login, as multiple accounts fall under different Legal Entities, you can opt to add a Master Account with your most important accounts visible in one Account Summary screen. From this screen, you then will need to download the QFX/QBO files from your bank's website to manually import into R365.

  3.  Create a Read-Only Account. Some banks allow Read-Only access to certain bank accounts. Contact your bank to see if a Read-Only account is viable, thus allowing lower level Managers the access needed to re-authenticate the necessary bank accounts in R365. 

For additional solutions, please contact R365 Support.