For your Bank Reconciliation, transactions would only be checked off if matched in the Bank Activity or if manually reconciled. It will not be checked off if manually un-reconciled or not matched in Bank Activity. 

If items were originally checked but display as not checked on the Bank Reconciliation, one or more of the following events might have occurred:

  1.  The transaction  was not an exact match in the Bank Activity. This can happen, for example, if the date of the recorded transaction is after the date that it cleared in the bank.
    • Solution: Review your reconciled transactions and update the date on the transaction to ensure a direct match.
  2.  The Bank Reconciliation and the Bank Activity of the same bank were open at the same time. When this occurs, the Bank Reconciliation will not update.
    • Solution: Close out the Bank Activity screen and refresh the Bank Reconciliation. 
  3.  The Bank Reconciliation is not updated. 
    • Solution: Simply refresh your Bank Reconciliation and click 'Save'.

For other issues, contact R365 Support.