This feature is part of Smart Ops.

The Operations Dashboard provides a deep dive into the Sales and Labor data each day or hour, depending on if Intraday Polling is enabled, by displaying the Forecasted Sales and Labor against the Actual Sales and Labor Data polled in from the Daily Sales Summary. 

When the Daily Sales Summary is polled in at the end of each day or hour, if Intraday Polling is enabled, the data will populate the Operations Dashboard to show the comparison between the Forecasted Labor and the Actual Sales and Labor for that day. Restaurant Managers can then analyze these metrics to provide more accurate predictions for the current day's Sales and Labor and then make staffing decisions to improve their restaurant's performance.

To ensure a more accurate prediction of Sales and to better plan your Schedule, ensure to complete the Daily Forecast for the upcoming week that you plan to schedule and then schedule Employees accordingly. If Smart Labor is enabled, follow these steps to best forecast your Sales and Labor:

  1.  Set up the Labor Matrix, which is the restaurant's Labor configuration based on a selected Sales range
  2.  Complete the Daily Sales Forecast for the upcoming week
  3.  Generate an Hourly Forecast and adjust Sales and/or Labor data as needed to reflect a predicted fluctuation (holiday, coupon drop, poor weather, ect.). Save and Approve this forecast when completed
  4.  Schedule Employees based on the Hourly Forecast, which will be displayed under each listed day. Switch to 'Day' view to see how many Employees are still needed per hour based on the Labor Forecast. When completed, publish the schedule

Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn more about how Smart Labor can enhance your R365 experience!

Article Topics:

Intraday Polling

Users with certain POS Systems have the option of using Intraday Polling, where Sales and Labor data is polled every 15, 30, or 60 minutes, depending on the POS. 

Activating this feature provides a real-time, accurate measure of Sales and Labor, enabling Restaurant Managers to make staffing decisions to optimize their Labor. Click here to learn more about Intraday Polling.


The Operations Dashboard is available to instances with at least one of the following features enabled:

  • Custom Labor Forecasting
  • Inventory & Purchasing

To view the Operations Dashboard, users must have at least one of the following permissions:

  • Administration → Dashboards → Ops Dashboard
  • Sales & Cash → Forecast Hourly Forecast  View Hourly Forecasting
  • Sales & Cash → Forecast Daily Forecast  View Daily Forecasting
  • Labor → Scheduling  → View/Edit Labor Matrix Setup
  • Labor → Scheduling → Schedule → View Schedule Page

First, navigate to Smart Ops. When the Home page loads, navigate to the left pane and click 'Operations Dashboard' under 'Dashboards' to open the dashboard.

Operations Dashboard

The Operations Dashboard includes five major sections: Dashboard Header, Item and Delivery Profitability Widgets, Hourly Labor Analysis Graph, Hourly Sales Summary Graph, and Order Summary Graph.

Dashboard Header

DateThe date in review. This will default to the previous day but can be adjusted by using the arrows to the right of the listed date or clicking the date listed to open a Calendar and select the desired date
Location SelectorThe Location under review. This can be updated by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting the correct Location  
 SettingsThe settings menu contains the 'Exclude Unpublished Shifts' setting. Turning this setting off will include unpublished shifts in Overtime Hours and Hourly Labor Analysis calculations. The 'Exclude Unpublished Shifts' setting is on by default

 Labor MetricsThis feature is only available when Smart Laboris enabled for your database. This contains two gauge-style graphs that will adjust the needle to visually match their listed metrics. These metrics are:
  • Optimal Labor Variance- The total Labor variance for the day. Future days will be grayed out with no results displayed while historical days will display the total Labor variance for the day. The gauge will initially be centered on a '0' variance but will be adjusted based on the Labor variance. This gauge will range between 0 and +/-10 in the following color-code: 
    • Green - Less than (+/-) 1 
    • Yellow - Between (+/-) 1.01 and (+/-) 5 
    • Red- More than (+/-) 5 
      • Note: If the variance exceeds the (+/-) 10 range, the needle will remain at the limit of the gauge and the numerical value will display the true variance
  • Labor % of Sales- This displays the Unburdened Labor percentage of Sales with the gauge centered on the Goal % for the Location and a range of (+/-) 10 from the center (Goal %). For future days, this will be grayed out with the Goal % displayed for the Location while the historical days will display the total Labor % of Sales for the entire day. This percentage will be color-coded as: 
    • Green - Less than (+/-) 2% 
    • Yellow - More than (+/-) 2% and less than (+/-) 5% 
    • Red- More than (+/-) 5% 
      • Note: If the Actual Labor % exceeds the (+/-) 10 range, the needle will remain at the limit of the gauge and the numerical value will display the true Labor % 
  • Important Note: This widget only includes the Labor that occurs between the opening and closing hours configured as the Restaurant Operating Hours on the Labor Matrix. This ensures that Labor totals are accurate based on business day instead of calendar day.

 Overtime HoursThis shows the Overtime metrics for a given day, which will update either hourly, if Intraday Pollingis enabled, or at the end of the operational day. These metrics include:
  • Scheduled OT Variance- This shows the variance between Scheduled and Actual OT Hours. For future days, this will show a '0' in gray font while for historical days, the text will display the difference between the Actual OT Hours for the day and the Scheduled OT Hours for the day. For historical and current data, this number will be color-coded as:
    • Green - Less than or equal to 0 
    • Yellow - Greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5 
    • Red- Greater than 5 
  • Scheduled- The Overtime Hours that were scheduled. For example, if an Employee was scheduled to work 45 hours, the last 5 hours would be considered Scheduled OT Hours. On the Dashboard Header, these are color-coded as: 
    • Green - Equals 0 
    • Yellow- Greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5 
    • Red - Greater than 5 
  • Total- The total number of Actual OT Hours worked for the day. For future days, this will show a '0' in gray while for the present and historical days, this number will be color-coded as: 
    • Green - Less than or equal to the Scheduled OT Hours 
    • Red - More than the Scheduled OT Hours 
  • Employees in OT Today-  The number of Employees who have Projected OT (current day) or Actual OT (historical day). Projected OT includes any OT Hours that will occur if an Employee continues to work their shifts as scheduled; for example, if an Employee is scheduled for 40 hours but worked an extra 2 hours early in the week. They would then have 42 hours of projected OT that is unscheduled if this continue to work their shifts as normal. This amount will be color-coded as: 
    • Green - Equals 0 
    • Red - Greater than 0 
  • Important Note: This widget only includes the Labor that occurs between the opening and closing hours configured as the Restaurant Operating Hours on the Labor Matrix. This ensures that Labor totals are accurate based on business day instead of calendar day.

 Guest CountThis displays the Guest Count from the previous day or the most recent polling, if Intraday Polling  is enabled. This is rounded to the nearest whole number, along with:
  • The percentage increase or decrease from this same day Last Week
  • The percentage increase or decrease from this same day Last Year
    • Note: These amounts will display as either green, if increased, or red, if decreased

 Average CheckThis displays the Average Check for the previous day or the most recent polling, if Intraday Pollingis enabled. This is rounded to the nearest cent, along with:
  • The Average Check for this day Last Week
  • The Average Check for this day Last Year
    • Note: These amounts will display as either green or red depending on whether the Average Check is higher/the same or lower, respectively

Item and Delivery Profitability Widgets

Order ModeThe top 5 (by default) Service Types / Order Modes that come in from the POS, which are standardized to a R365 format. The Order Modes are listed in descending order from the highest to the lowest Sales amount within the selected Last XX Days (#5). Each Order Mode can be drilled intoto view the top 5 items that make up its highest Sales amount. Order Modes are automatically matched as much as possible when polled in from the POS, but if no match is made, Users can map these Order Modes via the Profitability Menu (#7). Order Mode options include:
  • Dine In
  • Delivery
  • Pick Up/To Go
  • Catering
  • Drive Thru
  • Other (includes unmapped Delivery Services / Order Modes)
    • Note: For Menu Items to appear in the drill-down, they must be flagged as 'Entree' on the Menu Item record

SalesThis is the Total Sales amount for the selected time frame (#6). This amount drives the organization of the Order Modes / Delivery Services, which are listed in descending order from highest to lowest Sales amount by default

Est. Service FeeThis is the Estimated Delivery Fee, which is entered only for Delivery. This displays both the fee percentage, entered in the POS Mapping Tool , and the total fee amount, derived from the Sales Amount  multiplied by the fee and listed as a percentage

MarginThis is based on the current cost/delivery fee only and is expressed as a percentage. The margin amount is derived from the difference of the item price, item cost, and delivery fee. A percentage is then displayed by dividing the margin amount by the Total Sales percentage
  • Note: These amounts will display as either green or red depending on whether the Margin is positive or negative, respectively

Delivery ServiceThe top 5 (by default) Delivery Services that bring the highest profitability, based on the total Sales amount. Each Delivery Service listed can be drilled into to view the top 5 items that make up its highest Sales amount. Delivery Service options include:
Last XX DaysThis is the time frame by which the Sales (#3), the Estimated Service Fee (#4), and the Margin (#5) are used. Options include:
  • Last 7 - The Total Sales from the previous seven days and the current day
  • Last 30 - The Total Sales from the previous thirty days and the current day

Profitability MenuThis menu provides the option to change the organization of the Order Modes / Delivery Services and update POS Mapping. This menu lists the following:
  • Top 5 - Organizes the listing in descending order from highest to lowest Sales amount to show the top 5 Order Modes/Items
  • Bottom 5 - Organizes the listing in ascending order from lowest to highest Sales amount to show the bottom 5 Order Modes/Items
  • Edit POS Mapping - Allows the User to map POS Order Modes that were not auto-matched during polling. POS Mapping can be updated at any point. To learn more about this, view the 'Edit POS Mapping Functionality' section below

Edit POS Mapping Functionality

The 'Edit POS Mapping' function in the Profitability Menu allows Users to map new or edit POS Service Types / Order Modes as needed. It is important to note that these will need to be reviewed and mapped regularly to ensure that the Sales data is reflected in the correct Order Mode. Otherwise, unmapped items will be included in the 'Other' Order Mode.

To map Service Types / Order Modes, click 'Edit POS Mapping in the Profitability Menu. It will open the 'Edit POS Service Type Mapping' modal.

Any unmapped item will be listed in the 'Uncategorized Service Types' column in the left portion of the modal. Select the desired Service Type / Order Mode and either click the 'Add Selected' button, located at the bottom of that column, or the plus signnext to the selected Service Type to choose the desired Categorized Service Type for that item. This will then remove the item from the 'Uncategorized Services Types' column to the 'Categorized Services Types' column.

To edit Service Types / Order Modes, navigate to and click the desired Service Type in the 'Categorized Services Types' column. When clicking the 'Edit Selected' button, located at the bottom of that column, choose one of the following options:

  • Service Type - This will display a listing of all Service Types that the selected item can be mapped under rather than the current mapping. Once clicked, the selected item will then be listed under the newly designated Categorized Service Type
  • Unassign - This will remove the selected item from the 'Categorized Service Types' column and list it back into the 'Uncategorized Service Types' column for reassignment

Hourly Labor Analysis Graph

This feature is only available when Smart Labor is enabled for your database.

The Hourly Labor Analysis graph displays the Labor by hour. Each hour includes the variance in Actual versus Optimal Labor at the bottom of each hourly bar. When hovering over a point on the graph, a User will be able to view each of the four sets of data: 

This widget includes all Labor Hours that occur during the Location's Business Day. This includes Labor Hours outside of the Restaurant Operating Hours configured as part of the Labor Matrix. By default, the start time and end time of the graph are determined by the Restaurant Operating Hours. If Labor Hours fall outside of the Operating Hours, the graph will be extended to include them.

  • Optimal Labor- If Intraday Polling is enabled, this blue line graph will display the best possible Labor Hours based on the actual Sales applied to your Labor Matrix. If Intraday Polling is not enabled, this blue line will appear for the previous day once its DSS is polled
  • Suggested Labor- This gray line displays the total amount of Employees suggested to work based the forecasted Sales and the Labor Matrix. The amount of Employees scheduled to work is listed just below this amount for an easy comparison. This line graph can be easily displayed by clicking the menu barand checking 'Show Suggested'
    • Note: This will not be displayed by default. When displayed, a '0' will be listed if no forecast exists 
  • Overtime Hours- The striped section of an hour's bar graph, if any, displays the total amount of overtime hours worked that hour 
  • Actual Labor Hours- The solid color bars display the actual Labor for each hour. This will be listed as '0' if no forecast exists. These hours will be color-coded based on their variance with Forecasted Labor for the hour: 
    • Green - Less than 1 hour 
    • Yellow - Between Greater than or equal to 1 and less than 3 hours 
    • Red - More than 3 hours

Hourly Sales Summary Graph

The Hourly Sales Summary Chart displays the Actual Sales of the day against the same day prior week's Actual Sales by Day Part or Hour, which can be adjusted in the top, right corner next to the total Gross Sales. 

  • Note: Sales that fall outside of the configured Day Parts will be displayed as an untitled segment

The Hourly view will display the Total Sales for each individual hour against either the Sales from the Prior Week or the Forecasted Day, which is selected from the graph menuicon.

These options can also be used in comparison against the Total Sales per Day Part view, which can be selected next to the 'Hourly' view. 

Both the Hourly view and the Day Part view color-code the data presented as the following: 

  • Purple - Sales at 100.01%+ of last week in a given hour/Day Part
  • Green - Sales at 75.01% to 100% of last week or higher in a given hour/Day Part
  • Yellow - Sales from 50.01% to 75% of last week in a given hour/Day Part
  • Red- Sales below 50% of last week in a given hour/Day Part
    • Note: A trophy displayed on the Hourly view notes the hour(s) that exceeded 100% of last week's Sales for that same hour(s)

Order Summary Graph

The Order Summary Chart displays a donut graph by Day Part that includes each Order Mode / Delivery Service and the part of Total Sales each makes up. Underneath each graph is the list of each Order Mode / Delivery Service, their individual Total Sales, and the percentage of that Total Sales against the Total Sales amount for all Order Modes / Delivery Services within that Day Part. A 'Summary' graph is also listed to show the Total Sales for the entire day.

  • Note: Sales that fall outside of the configured Day Parts will be displayed as an untitled segment

Delivery Services and Order Modes are organized in two different views, which can be selected from the top right corner of the Order Summary Graph.