Labor Matrix

The Labor Matrix is the foundation for configuring a Smart Labor Forecast, enabling Admin Users to detail the Hours of Operation, Job Types, and Labor needed, as well as other aspects.

Once the Labor Matrix is set up, Users can begin using Forecasting to determine the amount of Employees needed per Job per hour. This provides a more accurate Labor Forecast that will then guide the Scheduler in scheduling the upcoming week.

Users can be prevented from making additional edits to the Hourly Forecasting page when the following option is enabled, which is located at the bottom of the Variable Labor subtab:

Description automatically generated with low confidence

If Scheduling is not enabled, this feature is only available when Smart Labor is enabled for your database. Contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn more about how this feature can enhance your R365 experience.

Users with the following Permission will be able to access the Labor Matrix:

  • Labor → Scheduling → View/Edit Labor Matrix Setup

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

The Labor Matrix tab can be found on the Labor Rules page within Smart Ops. 

The settings for the Labor Matrix are organized in the following subtabs:

The settings displayed on each subtab only apply to the selected Location.

The Location being viewed/configured can be changed by selecting a different Location from the drop-down menu.

The General Subtab is where Restaurant Operating Hours and Scheduled Jobs are selected. 

The Restaurant Operating Hours are used for Hourly Forecasting, Scheduling, and the Operations Dashboard to focus attention on the hours within the Business Day that Labor should fall. 

Hourly Forecasts will only be applied to hours within the defined Operating Hours for a Location, while Labor reporting will include all scheduled and actual shifts, even if they fall outside of the defined Operating Hours.

The Labor Type for each Job being scheduled is set on this subtab. The Labor Type will determine if the settings on the 'Fixed Labor' subtab or the 'Variable Labor' subtab are applied when forecasting Labor. 

  • Fixed - Non-Service related Jobs that are not directly dependent on Sales volume, such as salaried managers. 

  • Variable - Service-related Jobs that are directly dependent on Sales volume, such as the number of servers and cooks. 

The Fixed Labor subtab displays all Jobs that have been tagged as 'Fixed Labor' on the 'General' subtab. 

The required hours per week for each Job are defined here.

The Variable Labor subtab contains the settings for all Jobs that have been tagged as 'Variable Labor' on the 'General' subtab. 

Using a Variable Labor Matrix for forecasting Labor will generate suggested hours based on either the amount of Sales per Hour or Entrees per Hour forecasted.

To utilize the 'By Entree' method, Menu Item Categories will need to be configured as Entree Categories. Learn more about setting up Entree Forecasting.

A Variable Labor Matrix can be customized with the following options to meet each Location's scheduling needs:

  • Matrix Style

    • General - Combines all Jobs for Employees needed per Dollar/Entree Threshold

    • Custom - Lists each Job separately for Employees needed per Dollar/Entree Threshold

  • Suggested Hours

  • Day Part

    • Single - Dollar/Entree Thresholds are defined for the entire day 

    • Each Day Part - Dollar/Entree Thresholds are defined for each Day Part separately

  • Schedule Labor Period Timeframe

    • Week - Labor Minimums are defined for the entire week

    • Day - Labor Minimums are defined for each day of the week separately

Only one Variable Labor Matrix can be configured per Location. 

The Day Parts subtab is where Day Parts can be defined for both the Variable Labor subtab and the Schedule

Any number of Day Parts can be created, as long as each name is unique and Start and End Times do not overlap.

Day parts should include all open hours where sales are expected. Otherwise, if using the Day Part option for Variable Labor, the Forecasting Page minwill not generate suggested labor outside of day parts.

Day Parts can be set up either on this tab or in the Schedule Calendar