Franchisee Location Record
    • 12 Jul 2024
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    Franchisee Location Record

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    Article summary

    Franchisee Locations (also referred to as stores) are records for each restaurant store that your Franchisees own. They are stored as a special type of Customer in the system since you may want to send invoices to these stores.

    On the Franchisee Location record, you store the following details:

    • Franchisee Location (store) contact information (Name and Address etc.)

    • Upload and attach contracts and other pertinent documents for the location

    • Store ACH payment information

    • Create/view the different fees charged to the store ('Franchisee Additional Info' tab)

    • Record any Franchisee reviews you have conducted

    Create a Franchisee Location

    Create a new Franchisee Location by hovering over 'Franchising' in the top ribbon and then clicking 'New Store'. The 'Customer' form will open where Franchisee details can be entered.

    To view existing Franchisee Locations, click 'Franchising Locations' under 'Business Development' in the left pane of the Franchising module. The Franchise Locations list will then populate the screen where any record can be opened.

    Franchisee Location Form Details

    The 'Franchisee Location' checkbox must be checked on the 'Customer Additional Info' tab of the Customer Record in order for a Customer to be considered a Franchisee Location. It will be checked by default if you selected 'New Store' via the Franchising menu in the top ribbon.

    General tab

    The General tab is where the Franchise Location (Store) Name, Number, and Contact Information are entered and other Franchise Location (Store) settings can be managed.

    1) Name - The Franchise Location (Store) Name as it will be displayed in Restaurant365

    2) Number - The Franchise Location (Store) Number. This is an open text field that can be populated with an identifying Number, or any other value that could be used for sorting purposes

    3) Primary Contact - The Primary Contact for this Store, which can be selected or created from this selector. Click here for more information on Creating Contacts

    4) Comment - An optional Comment for the Franchise Location (Store)

    5) Phone - The Phone Number for the Franchise Location (Store)

    5) E-mail - The Email Address for the Franchise Location (Store)

    5) Fax - The Fax Number for the Franchise Location (Store)

    8) Payment Terms - If the Franchise Location (Store) has specific Payment Terms, select them from this selector. Click here for more information on Payment Terms

    9) Terms Discount Account - For Payment Terms that result in a discount, specify the GL Account where the discounts will post

    10) Inactive checkbox - In the event that your organization drops a Franchise Location (Store) after recording transactions with them, the Franchise Location (Store) record cannot be deleted. However, you can flag the Franchise Location (Store) as 'Inactive' by checking this checkbox, and the Franchise Location (Store) will no longer appear in any 'Select Customer' selector in the system

    11) Payment Hold - This is a placeholder for future enhancements

    12) Address - The Address for the Franchise Location (Store). Address information will be used when generating Invoices for the Franchise Location (Store)

    13) Upload File - Attach a file to the Franchise Location (Store) record

    Franchisee Additional Info Tab

    This tab contains special fields used throughout the Franchising Module. Additionally, the 'Franchisee Fee' and 'Franchisee Review' tabs are on this record and described in detail below.

    1) Franchisee Selector - The Parent Franchisee that owns this Store / Franchise Location

    2) Open Date - The date that the Store opened (Informational only)

    3) Contractual Open Date - The date of the Contractual Opening for the Store (Informational only)

    4) Payment Method - The Payment Method used for this Franchisee Store. If set to 'ACH', ACH Stubs can be generated when creating AR Invoices for this Franchisee. Bank Account Type, Routing Number and Bank Account Number must also be filled out when 'ACH' is selected

    5) Routing Number - This is only required when Payment Type is set to 'ACH'

    6) Bank Account Number - This is only required when Payment Type is set to 'ACH'

    7) Radius Protection - The physical radius surrounding the franchise location that is protected against intra-brand competition. This field allows both numbers and letters (ex. 2 miles). The information entered here is informational only and does not affect any other component of R365.

    8) Bank Account Type - This is only required when Payment Type is set to 'ACH'. Select the Bank Account Type that will be used with ACH Billing: Business Checking or Business Savings

    9) Franchisee Location Link - This field allows you to link a Franchise Store to a POS Integrated Location that is Polling POS Sales into R365. This list will be populated by all the Locations that exist in your R365 database. This link should only be used if your Franchisee Stores have been POS Integrated

    Franchisee Fee Sub-Tab

    This tab allows you to select Sales Items that will be billed as Franchisee Fees to this Franchisee. Fees selected and saved on Franchisee Location records can be seen in the 'Franchising Fees' list by navigating within the Franchising module and selecting 'Franchising Fees'.

    Fill out the following fields and then click 'Add' and 'Save' to add on Franchising Location Fees.

    1) Recur Checkbox - When checked, this fee should be repeated on multiple invoices. If this is a one time fee, then leave the box unchecked

    2) Select Item - The Item/Fee that will show on the invoice when this fee is billed. Franchising Fees will first need to be built out as Sales Items before being added onto a Franchising Location record. Click here for more information on setting up Sales Items

    3) Description - This is the description that will show on the invoice

    4) Charge Type - This provides a listing of how the Franchisee Location can be charged. Options include:

    • Flat Amount - When chosen, enter a flat amount which will be billed to the Franchisee in the 'Total' field (#6)

    • % of Sales - When chosen, enter a % value in the 'Total' field (#6). '% of Sales' means the amount billed to the Franchise Location (Store) will be based on a % of the Franchisee Daily Sales entered for this Franchisee. Click here for more information on Entering Franchisee Sales

    • % of Sales Minus Accounts - When chosen, enter in a % in the 'Total' field (#6) and select one or more GL Accounts from the 'Excluded Accounts' field. '% of Sales Minus Accounts' means the amount billed to the Franchise Location (Store) will be based on a % of the Franchise Daily Sales entered for this Franchisee minus the selected GL Account(s)

    5) Excluded Accounts - A listing of all GL Accounts with a GL Type of 'Sales'. This field is only enabled once '% of Sales Minus Accounts' is selected as the Charge Type (#4). If enabled, select one or more GL Accounts that will be used for its calculation

    6) Total - The value that is used to bill the Customer, either a flat amount or a % as selected in the Charge Type (#4) field above

    7) Start Date - This is only active if the Recur checkbox (#1) is checked. If this is a recurring fee then enter the date the fee should start being billed

    8) End Date - This is required for all fees. If the fee is recurring (#1), this will be the End Date after which the recurring fee will not be billed any longer. If the fee is not recurring, then this is the actual date when this fee will be billed

    9) Sales Type - This is active if the Charge Type is set to either '% of Sales' or '% of Sales Minus Accounts'. If active, then select whether the Sales Type is Gross Sales or Net Sales. These are pulled from the Franchisee Daily Sales

    10) Add/Clear Buttons - After completing each field, click the 'Add' button to add the Fee to the Franchisee record. Click 'Clear' to clear the fields without adding

    Franchisee Review Sub-Tab

    This tab allows you to record results of Franchisee Reviews. Reviews for all Franchisees can be reviewed in the 'Franchising Reviews' list located in the Franchising Module. Reviews contain the following fields:

    1) Date – The Date of the review

    2) Pass – The value that represents if the Franchisee passed their review. Options include:

    • Yes

    • No

    3) Score – The score that the Store received. This is a number field

    4) Frequency – The frequency of the review, such as Monthly or Annual

    5) Description – An open text field for additional information

    6) Comment – An open text field for additional information

    7) Add/Clear Buttons – After completing each field, click the 'Add' button to add the Review to the Franchisee record. Click 'Clear' to clear the fields without adding

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