Generating a User Access Report
    • 03 Sep 2024
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    Generating a User Access Report

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    Article summary

    This article reviews the User Access Report on the Security and Permissions page. 

    The User Access Report can be run to export a list of users and which areas of the system they can access. This report can be used for high-level auditing of comprehensive user access with options to include the following information: 

    • User roles granted

    • Location access

    • Reporting access

    When generated, this report is automatically downloaded as an Excel file.  

    From the Security and Permissions page, click the Audit Access tab. From the Audit Access tab, click User Access Report.

    Generating a User Access Report

    To generate a User Access Report, follow these steps:

    1)  Click and select the user(s) to run the report on.

    These are the users that will be included in the report. Users can select one, multiple, or all users.

    2) Check the inclusion checkboxes.

    Select the information to include in the User Access Report. Users can select any or all of the following options:

    • User Roles

    • Locations

    • Report Roles

    • Reports

    3) Click Export to generate and export the report.

    4)  The excel file will appear in the user’s downloads.

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