Users Page
    • 01 Jul 2024
    • 5 Minutes to read
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    Users Page

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    Article summary

    The Users page lists all of the active and inactive User Records. Here, User-specific information can be reviewed within the page or by opening the full User Record. This page also offers inline editing for many fields, including Locations, User Roles, Report Roles, Mobile Phone and Active status.

    The process of creating new Users can be quickly started from this page with the+ Add Userbutton. Learn more about User Setup, Security, and Location Access here.


    The Permissions listed here are associated with the Users page. These Permissions can be added to Custom User Roles or single Users. Learn more about managing Permissions and Custom User Roles here.

    Users page Permissions are found in the Permission Tree as follows:

    • Administration

      • Users

        • View Users

          This Permission does not grant access to the Security and Permissions page

        • Edit Users

        • Edit My User Employee Link

        • Create & Impersonate Users

      • Report Roles

        • View Report Roles

      • User Roles

        • View User Roles & Permissions

    The Permission Access Report can be used to determine which User Roles or Users already have these Permissions assigned.

    Learn more about User Setup and Security here.

    The Users page can be found by clicking 'Users' under 'Administration' in the 'Accounting' or 'Home' navigation menus.


    1. Search - Enter two or more characters to search all columns for the entered text

    2. + Add User - Click to create a new User

    3. Table Views - This enables the User to create and edit saved views of this list. Simply click this icon, then either 'Save Current View' to save the new view or 'Edit Table Views' to edit the selected view. All saved views are listed above these two action buttons

    4. Filter - Click to filter any of the available columns 

      • To add a new filter - Click '+Add Filter' to add a new filter and enter the filter parameters. 

      • To remove a filter - Click the trashcan icon associated with the filter, or click 'Clear All' to clear all filters.

      • To apply filters - Click 'Apply' to apply the filters to the Users list.

        Filtering the User Role column is a quick way see which Users are assigned to selected User Roles

    5. Columns - This lists all of the columns available to display. Check or uncheck a column name to include or exclude it from the list. Columns can also be reorganized by dragging and dropping the desired column's rearrange icon

    6. Export - This will download the listed information into a .csv file

    7. Refresh - This will refresh the listing

    8. User Details - Details for the User Record. 

      • Click 'Full Name' to open the User Record

    Inline Editing

    The following fields can be edited directly on the page without opening the User Record:

    Default Location

    Follow these steps to change the Default Location:

    1. Click the current Default Location to open the drop-down menu of available Locations

      Only Locations that are assigned to the User in the 'User Locations' column can be selected as the Default Location.

    2. Select the desired Location

      Only one Default Location can be assigned to the User

    User Locations

    Follow these steps to change the Locations assigned to the User:

    1. Click the current User Locations, this will open the User Location drop-down menu. 

    2. Select the method for Location assignment:

      • All Locations - This gives the User access to all existing and future Locations

      • By Location - This gives the User access to only the Locations that are checked.

      • By Legal Entity - This gives the User access to all existing and future Locations assigned to the chosen Legal Entity

      • By Location Reporting Category - This gives the User access to all of the Locations assigned to the Child Location Reporting Categories chosen from the listed Parent Location Reporting Category fields. As new Locations are added to the selected Child Location Reporting Categories, the User will gain access to those Locations as well.

    3. Select/deselect the desired Locations, Legal Entities, or Location Reporting Categories

      • Locations/Legal Entities/Location Reporting Categories that have a blue checkboxare assigned to the User

    User Roles

    Follow these steps to change the User Roles assigned to the User: 

    1. Click the current User Roles to open the User Role drop-down menu

    2. Search for the desired User Role by typing part or all of the User Role's name into the 'User Roles' box

    3. Add User Roles by selecting the desired User Role from the list

    4. Remove User Roles by clicking the grey X iconassociated with the User Role, then confirm that the User Role should be removed.

    Report Roles

    Follow these steps to change the Report Roles assigned to the User: 

    1. Click the current Report Roles to open the Report Role drop-down menu

    2. Search for the desired Report Role by typing part or all of the Report Role's name into the 'Report Roles' box

    3. Add Report Roles by selecting the desired Report Role from the list

    4. Remove Report Roles by clicking the grey X iconassociated with the Report Role, then confirm that the Report Role should be removed.


    Toggle the switch to change the 'Active' status of the User 

    •  Toggled On - The User is 'Active' and will be able to access the system

    •  Toggled Off - The User is 'Inactive', the assigned User Roles are automatically removed, and the User will not be able to access the system

    Mobile Number

    Follow these steps to change the User's Mobile Number:

    1. Click the existing Mobile Number to open the inline editing box

    2. Enter a new Mobile Number or edit the existing number

      Mobile Numbers must be entered without dashes in the XXXXXXXXXX format

    Creating New Users

    New Users can be created by clicking '+ Add User'. This will open a blank User Record where the User's details can be entered. 

    When creating a new User, the 'Full Name', User Email', 'User Login', 'Login Password', and 'Default Location' must be entered on the 'General' tab before the User Record can be saved.

    It is recommended to assign User Roles and Locations to the new Users when they are created. Learn more about User Setup, Security, and Location Access here

    Without a Primary Security Role, the User will not be able to log in.

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