Locations Tab
    • 01 Jul 2024
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    Locations Tab

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    Article summary

    This article is part of the User Record

    The 'Locations' tab is where User Location access is managed. 

    The User's default Location cannot be removed or have its Legal Entity or Location Reporting Entity removed from the 'Locations' grid.

    One of the following options can be used to assign Location access to the User:

    1. All Locations - This gives the User access to all existing and future Locations

    2. Specific Locations - This gives the User access to only the Locations that are added to the 'Applied Locations' grid. Users can complete the following actions from both grids:

      • Add Locations - Locations can be added in one of the following ways from the 'Search Locations' grid:

        • Individually - Click the plus icon at the end of the desired Location's row

        • Multiple - Select the desired Locations, then click the '+ Add Selected' button at the bottom of the grid

        • All - Click the '+ Add All' button at the bottom of the grid

      • Remove Locations - Locations can be removed in one of the following ways from the 'Applied Locations' grid:

        • Individually - Click the 'X' icon at the end of the desired Location's row

        • Multiple - Select the desired Locations, then click the '- Remove Selected' button at the bottom of the grid

        • All - Click the '- Remove All' button at the bottom of the grid

          The User's default Location cannot be removed

    3. By Legal Entity - This gives the User access to all existing and future Locations assigned to the chosen Legal Entity. Users can complete the following actions from the grid:

      • Add Legal Entities - Legal Entities can be added in one of the following ways from the 'Search Legal Entities' grid:

        • Individually - Click the plus icon at the end of the desired Legal Entity's row

        • Multiple - Select the desired Legal Entities, then click the '+ Add Selected' button at the bottom of the grid

        • All - Click the '+ Add All' button at the bottom of the grid

      • Remove Legal Entities - Legal Entities can be removed in one of the following ways from the 'Applied Legal Entities' grid:

        • Individually - Click the 'X' icon at the end of the desired Legal Entity's row

        • Multiple - Select the desired Legal Entities, then click the '- Remove Selected' button at the bottom of the grid

        • All - Click the '- Remove All' button at the bottom of the grid

          The User's default Location cannot be removed

    4. By Location Reporting Category - This gives the User access to all of the Locations assigned to the Child Location Reporting Categories chosen from the listed Parent Location Reporting Category fields. As new Locations are added to the selected Child Location Reporting Categories, the User will gain access to those Locations as well

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