The Above-Store Actual vs. Theoretical Analysis report will pull count data nearest to and between the selected dates to provide an overall view of an Inventory Item's and/or Category's Actual vs. Theoretical dollar value for one or all Locations in your Restaurant Organization. Users can assess outlier variances by drilling into an item and determining which Locations need more support optimizing their Inventory. In addition to viewing item details, Users can opt to filter the report by the top and bottom 15 performers to directly see which Locations are the most and least successful at utilizing Inventory Items.

This report includes the option to calculate dollar values based on Weighted Average. Weighted Average is a more precise calculation due to the fact that it considers quantity along with cost when calculating dollar value per Unit of Measure. Click here to learn more about Weighted Average.

Important Note

It is important to note that the purchase dollars will not equal the total purchases in the date range. It will equal the established unit cost multiplied by the total quantity purchased. The same unit cost must be applied against all transaction columns for variances to be meaningful.


To navigate to the Above-Store Actual vs Theoretical Analysis report, click 'My Reports' under 'Reports' in the left pane and then select 'Purch. & Inv.' in the top header of the reporting window. A listing of reports will then be displayed.

Find 'Above-Store Actual vs Theoretical Analysis' and select 'Customize' next to the report. This will open a listing of all Report Parameters that can be used to define the report.

Report Parameters

1) Filter By - A listing of all Location categories

2) Filter - A listing of the Locations to further filter based on the 'Filter By' selection

3) Start - The beginning date for the report

4) End - The end date for the report

5) Key Items Only - This option will either run the report for only the items flagged as key items or for all items

6) Show Unapproved - This option either shows or hides unapproved Transactions

7) Filter to Top/Bottom 15 - This will either filter to show show the top 15 variances, both positive and negative, or not filter the listing. When 'Yes' is selected, the report will automatically show item detail

8) Item Category 1-3 - These fields will filter the items by Item Category

9) Subtotal by - This will sort and subtotal those Item Categories. The 'Categories 1+2' option is recommended

10) Include Item Detail - This will either show a breakdown of all Items within the Category or simply display a total by item Category

11) Show Quantities - This will either show or hide an additional row of item quantities under the item cost and percentage details row

12) Variance Includes Waste - The variances displayed will either include or exclude Waste Log entry amounts

13) Variance Include Donations - The variances displayed will either include or exclude Donation entry amounts

14) Costing Method - The way in which cost is calculated in the report. Options include:

  • Weighted Average - The cost of the item by calculating the per-unit weighted average of all purchases and the beginning balance. Users should select 'Weighted Average' when they want to see a more financially accurate picture of their Inventory and spot issues that occurred in the past. Click here to learn more about Weighted Average
  • End Count Cost - The cost of the item from the last Inventory Count. Users should select 'End Count Cost' when they are more concerned with variances between counts

15) Run Button - This runs the report. Users can also send, export, or print the report directly from this button by clicking the down arrow portion and selecting the desired action. Click here to learn more about this functionality

Click here to learn more about Report Views and their added functionality.

Report Columns

Note: The report below includes Item Quantities. Ensure that 'Yes' is selected for 'Show Quantities' in the Report Parameters to include this additional metric.

1) Total Sales - The total Sales for the selected date range

2) Item Categories - The name of the Item Categories selected, which is listed alphabetically. A listing of Items within the selected categories can be displayed by selecting 'Yes' for 'Include Item Detail' in the Report Parameters

  • Note: Users can drill down into the item details. Users can return back to the report by clicking the back arrowin the top ribbon. Click here to learn more about drilling into an item

3) Min Cost - This will display the lowest cost of a specific item across all Locations selected in the Report Parameters

  • Note: This column will only be displayed when the report is ran to include Item Detail

4) Max Cost - This will display the highest cost of a specific item

  • Note: This column will only be displayed when the report is ran to include Item Detail

5) Begin - The total dollar value of counts closest to the beginning date in the date range across all Locations that were selected in the Report Parameters 

  • Note: There is a +/-6 day threshold for finding the count closest to the dates selected. Locations that have counts outside of this range will be excluded and a (–) will be displayed when drilling into the item. If no Locations have counts in that range, a (–) will be displayed in this column on the report. A $0 means a count existed and that item was not counted or was counted as $0

6) Trx - The total dollar value of Invoices, Credit Memos, Commissary Orders received, and Transfers. This can be seen in more detail when drilling into the item

7) End - The total dollar value of counts closest to the end date in the date range across all Locations that were selected in the Report Parameters 

  • Note: There is a +/-6 day threshold for finding the count closest to the dates selected. Locations that have counts outside of this range will be excluded and a (–) will be displayed when drilling into the item. If no Locations have counts in that range, a (–) will be displayed in this column on the report. A $0 means a count existed and that item was not counted or was counted as $0

8) Actl - The actual dollar value of the item. This is derived from the following equation: Beg + Trx - End

9) Theo - The theoretical dollar value of the item. This is taken from all of the theoretical depletions across the system, which include Sales Mix, Commissary Orders sent, AR Invoices, and Catering Events

10) Var - The difference between the Actual and Theoretical dollar values

11) Waste - The total dollar value of the corresponding item that was entered on Waste Logs across all Locations

12) Donation - The total dollar value of the corresponding Item that was entered on Donation Entries across all Locations

13) Actl % - The actual dollars divided by Total Sales (#1)

14) Theo % - The theoretical dollars divided by Total Sales (#1)

15) Var % - The difference between the Act % and Theo %. Variances are color-coded as follows:

  • Yellow/Orange: 3-5%
  • Red: >5.01%

16) Effcy % - The theoretical quantity (#9) over the actual quantity (#8) used. This shows how efficiently this item is being used

IMPORTANT NOTE: The purchase dollars will not equal the total purchases in the date range. It will equal the established unit cost multiplied by the total quantity purchased. The same unit cost must be applied against all transaction columns for variances to be meaningful.

Drilling Into an Item

Users can drill into an item to view its count details by Location in order to determine which Locations have the biggest variances in dollar value and why.

To view item details, click the item's hyperlinked name in the report. This will open a sub-report with the item details. When finished reviewing the sub-report, click the back arrow iconin the top ribbon to return back to the main report.

Email, Export, or Print the Report

This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. Click here to learn how to send, export, or print this report.