R365 Payroll Export
    • 26 Jul 2024
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    R365 Payroll Export

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    Article summary

    The R365 Payroll Export is based on the Labor Payroll Review report and is used to pull the total summations of hours worked within a selected time range. Exporting this report can provide an easy way to transfer this information to a separate payroll provider.

    It is important to note that while R365 provides labor information at no additional charge. Check with your payroll provider to be aware of any service fees before transferring data.

    1. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, select My Reports.
      The My Reports screen appears.

    2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select Labor.
      The screen generates a list of reports in alphabetical order.

    3. Locate the R365 Payroll Export.

    4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters and run the report.

    Report Parameters





    Filters the report to show data only for the selected location(s).


    Start Date

    First date for which to pull data for the report. The 'Start' and 'End' parameters create the date range for which data is generated. The report then displays data for all dates within the date range, including the start and end dates.


    End Date

    Last date for which to pull data for the report. The 'Start' and 'End' parameters create the date range for which data is generated. The report then displays data for all dates within the date range, including the start and end dates.



    Filters the report to show data only for the selected job(s).


    Job Type

    Filters the report to show data only for the selected job type(s), based on the Labor Operational Report Categories associated with the GL accounts assigned to jobs.


    Include Tips

    If set to Yes, the Charge Tips and Declared Tips columns appear in the report, allowing users to view tip-based earnings.

    If set to No, tips are not included in the report.



    Percentage of sales, as set by a given state or federal requirement. There are certain states that require that employees are paid a minimum amount in tips based on the sales they were a part of. If the earned tips by the employee is not sufficient in meeting that requirement, the Charge Tips amount for that employee is adjusted appropriately. If this value is empty or set to zero, only tips provided by the POS are included in the export.


    Run As

    Determines whether the employees’ payroll details are summarized or broken out.

    • Summary - Displays employees’ payroll details totaled by job.

    • Detail - Displays employees’ payroll details by job, broken out by day.


    Auto Gratuity

    If set to Yes, auto-gratuities are included in the report.

    If set to No, the report does not include auto-gratuities.


    View options

    This section provides options to select, save, edit, or delete a report view.



    Exports the report to a spreadsheet file and downloads the file to the default downloads location on the user’s device.

    Report Columns

    Below lists a description of each Report Column.

    1. First Name - Employee's first name, as noted on the Employee record.

    2. Last Name - Employee's last name, as noted on the Employee record.

    3. Employee ID - Number used to identify the employee in the system, as noted on the Employee record.

    4. Location - Name of the location.

    5. Job - The job code noted on the Job record.

    6. Pay Rate - The employee’s pay rate for the job, as pulled in from the POS.

    7. Regular Hours - The total hours worked within the selected time range.

    8. Overtime Hours - The total amount of overtime hours worked within the selected time range.

    9. Doubletime Hours - The total amount of doubletime hours worked within the selected time range.

    10. Break Penalty - The total hours added due to a break penalty.

    11. Split Shift Penalty - The total hours added due to a split shift penalty.

    12. Gross Receipts - The total gross sales made from guests who were served by this Employee. If an Employee does not have an Employee ID that is related to a serving Job, this field will remain blank

    13. Charge Tips - The total charge tips for this employee.

    14. Declared Tips - The total declared tips for this employee.

    15. Payroll Start - The payroll start date, as entered in the report parameters.

    16. Payroll End - The payroll end date, as entered in the report parameters.

    17. Auto Gratuity - Total auto-gratuity earned by the employee.

      This column only appears when the Auto Gratuity parameter is set to Yes.

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