AP Invoice Templates
    • 19 Jul 2024
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    AP Invoice Templates

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    Article summary

    This article is part of Smart Ops AP invoices and covers the AP Invoice Template. 

    Users with the appropriate permissions can create AP invoice templates for non-integrated vendors. When an AP invoice template is used on an AP invoice, the vendor, location, and items on the template will automatically be added to the AP invoice form. Using AP invoice templates allows for more efficient and accurate AP invoice entry.

    All existing, non-scheduled memorized templates for AP invoices that were created for non-integrated vendors within the Classic R365 Experience will automatically be available for use on a Smart Ops AP invoice. Additionally, an AP invoice template created within Smart Ops will be available for use within the Classic R365 Experience.


    Smart Ops AP Invoice Templates permissions are found in the permission tree as follows:

    • Food

      • AP Invoice Templates

        • View Invoice Templates

        • Edit Invoice Templates

        • Create Invoice Templates

        • Use Invoice Templates

        • Delete Invoice Templates

    These permissions only apply to the APInvoices within Smart Ops. These do not apply to the legacy invoices.  

    These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

    AP Invoice Templates are found on the Invoices page, which can be accessed by clicking Invoices from under Food in the left navigation menu.

    Click the Templates tab to view the list of all existing AP invoice templates.

    To create a new AP invoice template, click the +Create button in the top right corner of the page.

    From the dropdown, select Invoice Template. This will open a new AP invoice template form as a sidesheet.

    AP Invoice Template




    Name of the template. 


    Location that the invoice template will be assigned to. 


    Vendor that the invoice template is associated with. 


    Any comments or notes necessary for the template. 


    Searches the list of items for a specific keywords.


    Highlights or selects the row entry.


    Name of the item 

    Vendor Item #

    The associated vendor item number tied to the item. If the item has multiple vendor item numbers, users should make the appropriate selection.

    U of M

    The unit of measure of the item. For items that have multiple UofMs, users can select the UofM. 


    Number of items to be invoiced. 

    GL Account

    The GL Account that the item is tied to.


    Any comments or notes that are necessary for the item.

    Excel Export

    Exports the list of items as a .csv file. 

    + Add Item

    Adds a new item to the template. When clicked, users will be prompted to enter a new Item name and complete the necessary fields.

    Using an AP Invoice Template to Create an Invoice 

    To use an AP invoice template, first create a new AP invoice, then follow these steps:

    Select the Location for the AP invoice.

    Select an AP invoice Template to use for the AP invoice.

    The templates available for selection will be determined by the selected location. Only templates created for the location will be available.

    The template information will autofill into the AP invoice form.

    Users will need to assign the invoice an Invoice Number

    Once the AP Invoice form has been reviewed and edited as necessary, click Save to save the invoice.

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