R365 Intelligence: Purchasing & Receiving Dashboard Master

This article review the purchasing and receiving dashboard master. 

Upon opening the Purchasing & Receiving Dashboard Master, users may be prompted to select a date parameter. The start date defaults to the current date minus one month and one day, while the end date defaults to yesterday (today minus 1 day). Once loaded, the dashboard master will feature the data within the date window. 

This dashboard cannot be edited. However, should any changes need to be made, users can duplicate this dashboard master and edit the copy.

The Purchasing & Receiving Dashboard Master uses the purchasing & receiving dataset to create the following visualizations:



Attribute Selector

This selector allows users to select the attribute that is featured in the Pricing Analysis grid. When set to Item Name, each individual item will be listed. When set to an Item Category 1, 2, or 3, each category will be listed.


Attribute elements from the selected attribute will be listed here. For Item Name, this will be the list of individual items. For Item Category 1, 2, & 3, this will be the list of item categories. 

Ordered Amount

Dollar amount of the item or items within the item category ordered. This is based on the ordered quantity.

Ordered QY

Number of the item or items within the item category ordered.

Received Amount

Dollar amount of the item or items within the item category received. This is based on the received quantity. 

Received QTY

Number of the item or items within the item category received.

This visualization and selector were created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attribute

    • Item Name

    • Item Category 1

    • Item Category 2

    • Item Category 3

  • Metrics

    • Ordered Amount

    • Ordered QTY

    • Received Amount

    • Received QTY



Ordered/Received Amount

The vertical axis shows the total dollar amount ordered and received from each vendor. 

Vendor Name

The horizontal axis shows the vendor names. 

Bar 1 - Ordered Amount

Bar 1 represents the total dollar amount ordered from the specified vendor.

Hovering over the bar will show the vendor name and the exact ordered amount.

Bar 2 - Received Amount

Bar 2 represents the total dollar amount received from the specified vendor.

Hovering over the bar will show the vendor name and the exact received amount.

This visualization was created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attributes

    • Vendor Name 

  • Metrics

    • Ordered Amount

    • Received Amount



Vendor Name

The list of vendor names.

Ordered Amount

The total dollar amount of items ordered from the vendor.

Received Amount

The dollar amount of items received from the vendor. 

Spend Variance Trend

The Spend Variance Trend within the visualization was done by creating a Sparkline Microchartusing the Date attribute and Ordered Amount metric.

This visualization was created using the following attributes and metrics:

  • Attributes

    • Vendor Name

  • Metrics

    • Ordered Amount

    • Received Amount