Ordering Location Record
    • 16 Jul 2024
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    Ordering Location Record

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    Article summary

    Users must create ordering locations before creating commissary orders. Ordering locations can be created from the Ordering Locations page

    A screenshot of a phone  Description automatically generated

    To navigate to the Ordering Locations page, first, navigate to Smart Ops. Then, click Ordering Locations from under Commissary in the left navigation menu.

    To open a new ordering location, click the +Add Ordering Location button.

    To open an existing ordering location form, click an ordering location from the ordering location list.

    Ordering Location Form

    Create and/or edit an ordering location by entering in its details. Once all details are entered or updated correctly, ensure to click Save in the top, right corner of the sidesheet.

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated




    The type of entity placing orders from Commissary. Options include:

    Location or Customer

    The Location or Customer, depending on the Type selected, that will be listed as this ordering location.


    The commissary location assigned to the ordering location. The commissary location will need to be chosen before a Location/Customer is selected.

    Order Guides

    A listing of all order guides created for the commissary location. Choose one or more order guides that can be used by this ordering location when marked as Available.

    Order Guides marked as 'Unavailable' will only display for the Ordering Locations when they are updated to 'Available'


    A text box where users can enter any details about the order, delivery, etc. 

    Deliver On

    The day(s) that the orders will be delivered on. 

    Auto-Generate Orders

    This selection will create the order guides automatically for the ordering location a set number of days before the Order Cutoff Day. Click here to learn more about setting up auto-generated orders. Options include:

    • None

    • 1-10 Days Before

    Delivery Day

    The day(s) the the order(s) will be delivered on.

    Order Cutoff Day

    The day the order needs to be placed in order for it to arrive by the Delivery Day. This defaults to one day prior to the Delivery Day but can be manually updated to the user's choice.

    If the day selected is the same day as the Delivery Day, then the system will allow orders up to the Delivery Day.

    Cutoff Time

    The local time, based on the commissary location's time zone, that the order can be placed by on the set Cutoff Day  This defaults to 12 PM and times are listed in 15 minute increments.


    When checked, this will alert a designated commissary user to complete the Order Guide.

    Alert Settings

    The setting for the alert. This section will only appear when the alert checkbox is checked. 

    Commissary Alert Settings

    Commissary admin users can be alerted to complete a commissary order a set number of minutes, hours, or days before its Cutoff Day and Time. To send out Alerts, check the 'Alert' box in the Delivery Days grid and set the following Settings.

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated



    Notification Type

    The notification that will be sent out to the assignee. These values are based on the information entered on the assignee's User Record. Options include:

    • Email

    • Text

    • Both


    A listing of all users who have the security access to create a commissary order as well as a valid notification type entered on their User Record.

    Time Value

    A numerical field that works in conjunction with the time increment field to send out an alert prior to the cutoff date and time.

    Time Increment

    The time increments available to send the alert prior to the cutoff date and time. Options include:

    • Minutes

    • Hours

    • Days

    Edit or Delete an Ordering Location

    Ordering locations can be edited at any time. If an ordering location needs to be deleted for any reason, it can be done so from its ordering location form.

    Open the desired ordering location form and click the context menu icon in the top, right corner of the sidesheet. Click Delete from the drop-down menu that appears. A confirmation message will then be displayed where the user can confirm the deletion of the ordering location.

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