PTO Liability Report
    • 26 Jul 2024
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    PTO Liability Report

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    Article summary

    The PTO Liability report provides detailed information about current accruals and pay rates for all employees at all locations to which the user has access. This information helps HR administrators and other high level users to better understand the financial liability of accrued and unused PTO. By knowing these costs ahead of time, the organization can plan and budget appropriately.

    The liability report is calculated by multiplying the employee's hourly rate by the number of unused PTO hours. For salaried employee's their annual salary is converted to an hourly rate to process the calculation.

    When generated, the report is downloaded to the user's device as a .xlsx spreadsheet file with a naming format of PTO-Liability-Report_(Instance Name)_(Today’s Date). 

    Example: PTO-Liability-Report_R365-Demo_2023-08-15.xlsx 

    Only users with the following permission(s) will be able to view details on the PTO Liability report:

    • Labor → Employees → Employment → Hourly Pay Rates → View Hourly Payrates

    • Labor → Employees → Employment → Salary Pay Rates → View Salary Payrates

    • Labor → Employees → Time → Accrual Balances → View Accrual Balances

    1. In the Reports section of the left navigation pane, select My Reports.
      The My Reports screen appears.

    2. At the top of the My Reports screen, select Labor.
      The screen generates a list of reports in alphabetical order.

    3. Locate the PTO Liability Report.

    4. Select Customize to adjust the report parameters and run the report.

    Report Parameters

    There are no parameters to customize for this report. The report automatically includes data as of today's date for all employees at all locations to which the user has access, including terminated employees.

    Report Columns



    Employee Name

    Full name of the employee.

    Pay Type

    Indicates whether the employee is paid an hourly or salaried rate.

    Hire Date

    Date when the employee was hired.

    Termination Date

    Date when the employee ceased to be employed by the organization, if applicable.

    Primary Job Location

    Location of the employee's primary job.

    Primary Job Title

    Name of the employee's primary job.

    Effective Annual Salary

    Gross sum paid to the employee on an annual basis. If the employee is hourly, this cell is empty.

    Effective Hourly Rate

    Gross sum paid to the employee for each hour worked. If the employee is salaried, this cell is empty.

    Accrual Rule Name

    Name of the accrual rule assigned to the employee.

    Accrual Earning Type

    Type of earning.

    Accrual Earning Rate Type

    Type of rate designated for the earning.

    Accrual Earning Rate

    Rate at which accrued hours are paid out.

    Accrued and Unused Hours

    Number of unused accrued hours.

    Total Estimated Liability

    Total financial liability of remaining accrual hours. This amount is calculated by multiplying the Accrual Earning Rate by the total number of Accrued and Unused Hours.

    Email, Export, or Print the Report

    This report can be emailed, exported, or printed in custom formatting directly from the reporting window. 

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