Generate Form 8027 Reports

This article reviews the steps to generate and edit an 8027 report and how to create electronic files for 8027 reports on the Form 8027 page.

The 8027 report requires setup prior to use. Please refer to the Form 8027 Overview article for setup instructions. 

Click images to enlarge

Navigate to the Form 8027 page.

Click the Generate New Form button.

Select the desired locations.

Multiple locations can be selected; a separate report will be generated for each location selected.

Select the desired year.

Click Generate.

If an 8027 report has already been generated for a selected location and year, the existing report will be replaced.

Wait for the report to generate.

The report will appear on the Form 8027 page with the status of 'Generating'. The report's status will change to 'Generated' once it is complete.

For instructions on completing IRS form 8027, please refer to the IRS Form 8027 Instructions (

Click images to enlarge

Navigate to the Form 8027 page.

Confirm that the desired report is in the status of 'Generated'.

Click on the desired report.

Review Location Information and adjust if needed.

The following fields are required and the form will not save if left blank:

  • Type of Establishment

  • Allocation Method

Review Employer Info and adjust if needed.

The Establishment Number is required to create an electronic file.

Editing the Establishment Number will update the associated Location Record.

Review the Lower Rate


A change to this field is only required if your organization has been granted a lower rate by the IRS. The standard 8% rate is used by default.

Review the Data lines 1-5 and 8, adjust if needed.

The data fields are populated with calculations based on the data in R365 and job, POS sales category, and operational reporting category setup. Fields may require manual adjustment to account for data not in R365.

Learn more about Form 8027 setup here. 

Review Data lines 6 and 7.

Lines 6 and 7 are calculated based on data in lines 1-5 and the Lower Rate section. Adjusting any of these amounts will automatically recalculate both lines 6 and 7. 

Click Save.

After an 8027 report has been generated and edited, it can be included in an electronic file. Multiple reports can be included in the same electronic file. If the selected reports are associated with multiple legal entities, a single electronic file is created for each legal entity that contains all of its associated reports. 

Follow these steps to create electronic files:

Click images to enlarge

Navigate to the Form 8027 page.

Select one or more of the desired reports.

Click the Create Electronic File button. 

Confirm that the appropriate Transmitter Control Code issued by the IRS is entered.

Learn more about TCC here. (

Edits to this number are saved and auto-populated when additional electronic files are created.

Select the appropriate filing options.


The created electronic file will be downloaded as a .txt file.