This article reviews the Time Off tab for employee records. Here, users can view and adjust an employee's PTO accrual balances

  • Note: This tab is only displayed when PTO Accruals is enabled. PTO Accruals is only available when Workforce Payroll or the updated employee record for Smart Ops is enabled. The updated employee record for Smart Ops is in beta. Contact your CSM to learn more.

Article Topics:

First, navigate to the desired employee's Employee Record.

In the header, click 'Time Off' to open the Time Off tab.



Users with the following permission will be able to access the Time Off tab:

  • Employees
    • Time
      • Accrual Balances
        • View Accrual Balances

Accrual Balances Section

All accrual rules assigned to the employee are displayed in the 'Accrual Balances' section as summary cards. Clicking on a summary card will open the Accrual Balance Detail sidesheet, where additional details can be viewed and balances can be adjusted. 

Accrual Balance Summary Card

 Earning Type IconIcon representing the earning type associated with the accrual balance:
  •  - Sick
  •  - Unpaid or Bereavement
  •  - PTO
  •  - Vacation
Accrual Balance NameName of the accrual rule governing the accrual balance. This name is employee-visible when requesting time off.
 Balance BarDisplays the employee's current available balance out of the total hours accrued for the accrual rule.
  • Dark blue section - Current balance
  • Light blue section - Used hours
Current BalanceNumber of hours the employee has available for use on time off requests.

For unlimited policies, the current balance will always show as an infinity sign .
Total AccruedNumber of total hours the employee has accrued for the accrual rule based on policy type:
  • Unlimited - Always shows an infinity sign

  • Accrued - Total amount accrued for the current calendar year + carryover from the previous year

  • Fixed Date - Total amount accrued this year + carryover from the previous year
 As of DateDate current balance and total accrued amounts were last updated.

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Accrual Balance Details Sidesheet

Back ButtonCloses the Accrual Balance Detail sidesheet and return to the Time Off tab.
Accrual Balance Name and IconName of the accrual rule governing the accrual balance.

Icon representing the earning type associated with the accrual balance:
  •  - Sick
  •  - Unpaid or Bereavement
  •  - PTO
  •  - Vacation
Information ButtonDisplays the policy details of the accrual rule governing the accrual balance.
Learn more about the fields for the different accrual types here.

If the accrual rule has a tenure bonus, the impact to the employee is displayed.

Employee receives the tenure bonus:

Employee does not yet receive the tenure bonus :

If the PTO accrual rule has a future version, an alert is displayed at the top with the effective date for the  version. The rule information displayed is for the current version of the rule.

Unassign Accrual Rule ButtonRemoves the accrual rule assignment from the employee.

Note: Accrual rules cannot be unassigned if the employee has pending or approved requests associated with that accrual rule. To unassign the rule, first deny all related requests.

Note: Removing the accrual rule will discard any balances the employee has accrued. 
Adjust Hours ButtonOpens the balance adjustment form where the user can add or remove hours from the employee's current balance. Learn more about adjusting balances here
Total AccruedNumber of total hours the employee has accrued for the accrual rule based on policy type:
  • Unlimited - Always shows an infinity sign

  • Accrued - Total amount accrued for the current calendar year + carryover from the previous year

  • Fixed Date - Total amount accrued this year + carryover from the previous year

UsedNumber of hours the employee has used for time off requests for the accrual rule. This amount is updated on the day of the request and does not reflect hours requested for future dates.
Current BalanceNumber of hours the employee has available for use on time of requests for the accrual rule. This amount will be equal to 'total accrued' hours - 'used' hours.

For unlimited policies, the current balance will always show as an infinity sign .
Balance BarDisplays the employee's current balance out of the total hours accrued for the accrual rule.
  • Dark blue section - Current balance
  • Light blue section - Used hours
Current Balance as of DateDate current balance amount was last updated.
Maximum BalanceMaximum accrual balance for the accrual rule.

Balance Log

The Balance Log section displays all of the employee's balance activity for the displayed accrual rule. 

SearchFilters the Balance Log for entries that contain the entered text in the Type or Status columns. 
Smart Grid Controls

Table Views - Save/edit table views.

Filter - Filter column information.

Columns - Show, hide, and/or rearrange columns.

Export - Export the table to a .csv file.

 - Refresh the table.

Learn more about working with Smart Grids here.

Balance Adjustment EntryAdjustment made to the employee's accrual balance. 

Balance Log Columns

TypeType of the adjustment:

Adjustment - Balance was manually adjusted on the Employee Record.

Employee Request - Employee requested time off.

Accrual - Accrued hours added based on accrual rule settings.

Expiration - Accrued hours removed based on the expiration settings in the accrual rule.

StatusApproval status of employee requests:

Pending - Employee request has not been approved or denied.

Approved - Employee request was approved.

Denied - Employee request was denied.

DatesDates associated with the balance change.

For manual adjustments and rule-driven adjustments, the date of the adjustment is displayed.

For employee requests, the date range of the request is displayed.

Note: PTO hours are deducted on each day of the PTO period. Prior to the associated dates, the remaining balance amount is unchanged.

Start DateStart date that the balance change will be applied.
End DateEnd date that the balance change will be applied.
ChangeAmount of PTO hours to be added or removed from the employee's balance.
RemainingEmployee's balance after the change in hours is applied.

Important Note: The amount in this column reflects the employee's remaining balance as of the current date. PTO hours are deducted on each day of the PTO period. For approved requests with dates in the future, the value in this column will update as associated dates have passed. For denied and pending requests, the change in PTO hours is not applied.
ReasonsUser entered reason for manual balance adjustments. 

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