Year End Checklist Page

Year End Checklist page lists tasks and year end deadlines related to end-of-year payroll processing and employee W-2s.

The Year End Checklist page is accessible from the left navigation menu in Workforce.

  1. Navigate to Workforce.

  2. In the left navigation menu, click 'Year End Checklist' under 'Payroll' to open the Year End Checklist page.

A screenshot of a checklist  Description automatically generated

The following permissions are associated with the Year End Checklist page:

  • Payroll

    • Workforce Payroll

      • Year End

        • View Year End Module

        • Edit Year End Module

These permissions can be added to custom user roles or individual users. The Permission Access report can be used to determine which user roles or users already have these permissions assigned. For more information, see User Setup and Security.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated




Payroll Company Selector

Click to change the payroll company that the year end checklist is displayed for.


Search, Filter, and Export

Table ViewsSave/edit table views.
FilterFilter column information.
ColumnsRearrange table columns.
ExportExport the table to a .csv file.
RefreshRefresh the table.

Learn more about working with Smart Grids.


Task Checkmark

Click to mark the task as completed.

- Incomplete
- Complete



Task name and details, including notes regarding deadlines and steps to complete the task.

Click on text displayed in blue to open pages related to the task or to contact R365 Support. 


Due Date

Date task should be completed for proper end-of-year payroll processing.

If a task is incomplete and the due date has passed, the date will be displayed with an alert icon.


Completed By

User who marked the task as complete and timestamp that the task was completed.

For proper end-of-year payroll processing, all tasks on the Year End Checklist page must be completed. Learn more about all year end tasks.

The following tasks are required and have firm deadlines that cannot be extended.


2024 Deadline


Process Final Payroll of 2024

11 am MST on 12/27/2024

Earnings associated with pay runs approved after the deadline will not have a pay date in 2024.

These earnings will be paid in 2025 and will appear on 2025 tax documents. 

Submit End-of-Year Payroll Adjustments

Any corrections for W-2s must be submitted to R365 Support by 12/31/24.

W-2 corrections submitted after 12/31/24 will require W-2C requests.