This article covers editing Safe Count Settings and is part of Safe Counts.

When Safe Counts is enabled, Users must configure the Safe Count Settings. From the settings, Users can set the 'Set Safe Balance' that the stores must adhere to. Users can set a single Set Safe Balance to all Locations or create a different Safe Balance for each Location. 

To edit the Safe Count Settings, Users must have the following permission:

Sales and Cash → Safe Counts → Configure Safe Count Settings

Article topics:

To edit the Safe Count Settings, click the gear icon from the top right hand corner of the Safe Counts page. This will open the Safe Count Settings sidesheet.

Editing Safe Count Settings

1) Set Safe Balance - The value entered in this field is the preset Total of the Safe. The calculated Over/Short amount is determined by this dollar amount

  • Note: The value entered as the Set Safe Balance will be the default Safe Balance for Locations that do not not have a Location-Specific Safe Balance set up

2) All Location Toggle - When the All Location Toggle is toggled ON, the Set Safe Balance will be used for All Store Locations 

3) Location Safe Setup - A Location-Specific safe balance setup. Each entry is the Location along and a Safe Balance that is set for only the Location entered

  • Note: This section is only available when the All Location Toggle is OFF

4) + ADD LOCATION - Click to set up a Location-specific Safe Balance. When clicked, Users will have to select a Location and enter a Safe Balance that will only be applicable to that Location 

5) Save - Click to save the Safe Count Settings