Release Notes - Q4 2022


R365 Messaging now supports Group Messaging! App Users with R365 Messaging access can now message multiple coworkers at once about shift trades, schedule changes, and more without exchanging personal phone numbers. 



The Messaging Audit Center has been updated to accommodate auditing and reports from Group Messages! When an incident is reported in group messaging, Users will see the last ten messages in the exchange.

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When auditing messages, Users can search for messages by employee name, filter to private or group messages, and select a date range to specify the search.

Users can now create AP Invoices and AP Credit Memos from Docs to Process in Smart Ops! This creates an Ops Invoice/Credit Memo, avoiding the need for Accounting Permissions.  

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A new Print Option has been added to Printable Schedules! Users now have the option to include Advanced Metrics on printed Calendar Schedules.  Toggling Advanced Metrics On will include OT Hours, Fixed Labor Var, Sales, Labor, Labor Variance, Labor Forecast, and Total Staff Variance at the top of the printed schedule.

When Advanced Metrics is toggled on, Users will be prompted to select between Burdened and Unburdened Labor.


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The Docs to Process Log has a new, updated look!  Users can now see more records than before. 


The R365 team is rolling out Custom User Roles, an all-new way to manage what users can (and cannot) do (or see) in R365!

What You Should Know

  • This new roll-out will enable you to grant granular page-level access to Users in your system and give you complete control over what they can do and see.

  • Our migration process will ensure that each User automatically maintains the same access they had before the upgrade. Consequently, some users may be given a single new ‘Role’ to retain their same, unique rights. 

Navigation Enhancement

Along with the roll out of Custom User Roles, we are making some navigation improvements.

Navigation Enhancements to Be on the Lookout For

  • Classic Operations Module - Each of the pages/features found in the Classic ‘Operations’ Module will have a new home in Smart Ops.

  • Item Menu Retirement - Along with the Classic Operations Module move, the ‘Items’ menu in the Top Ribbon will be removed. Each function you previously used in the ‘Item menu will now exist as buttons on their respective pages in Smart Ops.

  • Scheduling Module Move & Scheduling Menu Retirement – Scheduling has existed in Smart Ops from day one. As part of these navigation improvements, the ‘Scheduling’ Module will be removed from the Module selector, and the ‘Scheduling’ Menu will be removed from the Top Ribbon.

  • ‘R365 Payroll’ is being renamed to ‘Workforce’ to accommodate the expanding solution set.

Along with the rollout of Custom User Roles, the Users Grid has been updated with a new layout. The new Users Grid offers inline editing, and new Users can be created directly on the page with the '+ Add User' button.

A new tab titled ‘Reporting’ was added to the Security & Permissions page, containing two reports for reviewing User Roles.

The Permissions Access Report will provide a list of Users or User Roles that have a specific Permission assigned.

The User Access Report creates a downloadable .csv file that lists one or all of the following for the selected Users:

  • User Roles

  • Report Roles

  • Locations

  • Reports

When a User that is a Report Subscription Owner is marked as 'Inactive', the system will now display a notification about the Report Subscription ownership. Changes must be made to the Report Subscription before continuing.


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Item Costs have been updated to automatically calculate per Location. With this update, Item Cost reporting will also be expanded with the additional Item Cost metrics of 'Average', 'Minimum', and 'Maximum' Item Costs across all Locations. 

Moving forward, only Locations that have different Inventory UofMs, Selling UofMs, or Selling Price Types for the Purchased Item will require Item Location Records.

Purchased Item Records, Recipe Item Records, and Item Location Records have all received new layouts that incorporate this update.

Units of Measure has a new layout!  The following three checkboxes were added to the UofM page:

  • Purchase UofM - Determines whether the UofM is available in AP Invoices, Credit Memos, Vendor Items, or Commissary

  • Recipe UofM - Determines whether the UofM is available to select in Recipes

  • Active - Determines whether the UofM is accessible from any forms



The 'Container' and 'Packsize Descrip' fields have been deprecated.


AP Invoice Forms and AP Credit Memo Forms are now labeled with their Operations Status! Users can also add the 'Operations Status' column to the AP Transactions Grid.

AP Invoice/AP Credit Memo Forms



AP Transactions Grid


Vendor Instructions entered in Vendor Records will now appear for Users in Smart Ops! 

When a Vendor Record includes Entry Instructions, Users will be notified on the Smart Ops AP Invoice Form. 'Entry Instructions' will appear next to any 'Alerts' on the 'Details' subtab.



AP Payment Records have a new layout! 



Users can switch between the classic layout and the new layout without saving or exiting. While viewing the classic form, the new layout can be accessed by clicking on 'Try New Version' from the 'Action' menu


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R365 Payments that are in a 'Not-Sent' status can now be resent in bulk from the AP Transactions page.


The Tip Makeup tab has been added to the Smart Ops Admin page. 

Tip Makeup Rules calculate the difference between the minimum wage set on the Rule and the pay from hours worked in tipped Jobs at a single Legal Entity by the Employee for that workweek 


A new Labor Report has been added. The Shift Availability Report provides shift information for the purposes of determining how and when scheduled shifts were assigned to Employees. This report can be used to review shifts that were offered for pickup, how long shift were available before being picked up, and to determine if shifts were assigned to Employees from other Locations



The Forecast Report and Forecast Download Report are now found on the 'Sales' tab of 'My Reports'