This article covers the Documents tab of employee records. Here, users can view and upload files associated with the employee. 

  • Note: This tab is only displayed if Workforce Payroll is enabled and the employee has already been onboarded to payroll.

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Documents Tab Overview

The Documents tab is displayed on an Employee Record after that employee has been onboarded to payroll. This tab is used to store documents associated with the employee. Documents are viewable and uploadable per payroll company. 

When the employee is onboarded to payroll, this tab will automatically be populated with a Signed Documents folder. 

When an employee completes or updates their tax forms in the My Pay section of the R365 Mobile App, a printable version with the employee's electronic signature is uploaded to the Documents tab of their Employee Record. In order for an employee's payments to be calculated, the employee must complete tax forms for all tax jurisdictions associated with their home address and work address

The Signed Documents folder contains all documents that the employee has been requested to sign; these will be accessible and downloadable by the employee. The employee will be prompted to sign these documents in the My Pay section of the R365 Mobile App. If the employee is unable to electronically sign a document, an admin user can verify that they have seen the signed document and upload it. All documents in the Signed Documents folder can be downloaded by the employee through My Pay. Learn more about managing signed documents here

When Onboarding I-9s is enabled, an I-9 form will be automatically added to the Signed Documents folder when an employee is onboarded to payroll. Completing the signature request for the I-9 form requires that both the employee and employer sign the form. When edited, users can update all potions of the I-9 form, unlike other signed documents where only the signature and uploaded support documents can be updated. Learn more about completing and updating I-9 forms here

Documents Tab Buttons and Fields

Company MenuIndicates which legal entity documents are currently displayed for. Click to open the drop-down menu of all legal entities available.
Navigation MenuLists the current folder being viewed and path to that folder. Click a folder name to navigate to it.

New File

Click to select a file for upload.

Note: Files manually added to the Signed Documents folder will not prompt the employee for a signature, but will be accessible by the employee via My PayLearn more about adding documents that require a signature here.

Files can also be uploaded by dragging and dropping onto the list.

Action MenuContains the following actions:

New Folder - Adds a folder inside of the currently displayed folder. When clicked, a popup will appear where the new folder can be named. The new folder is created when Create is clicked.

  • Note: New folders cannot be added to the Signed Documents folder.

Move - Moves the selected documents or folders to a different folder.
  • Note: Move is only enabled after one or more files or folders have been selected (#7).
  • Note: The Signed Documents folder and the files contained in it cannot be moved.

Delete - Deletes the selected documents or folders.
  • Note: Delete is only enabled after one or more files or folders have been selected (#7).
  • Note: The Signed Documents folder cannot be deleted:

  • Important Note: Deleting a folder will delete all files and folders within it.

SearchFilters the Documents grid for the entered text. 
Smart Grid Controls

Users can perform the following actions:

- Filter column information.

Columns- Rearrange table columns.

Learn more about working with Smart Grids here.

Bulk SelectClick to select the file or folder. Selecting one or more files or folders will activate the Delete and Move options in the Actions menu (#4).
File or Folder

Details for the file or folder: 

Name - Name and icon for the file or folder.

Created On - Date file or folder was created.

Created By - User who created the file or folder.

Status - Status of the document in the Signed Documents folder.

The following statuses are shown for signed documents:
  • Incomplete - Signature is not complete.
  • Complete - Signature is complete.
  • Declined - Employee declined to sign the document electronically.

Click the row to open the file or folder.

File/Folder Menu

Contains the following options, based on whether the item is a file or a folder:

  • Download - Click to download the file.
  • Rename - Click to rename the file.
  • Move - Click to move the file to a different folder.
  • Delete - Click to delete the file.
  • Activity - Click to view the changelog for the file.
  • Cancel- Click to cancel the signature request.
    • Note: Cancel is only available for documents in the Signed Documents folder that are in an 'Incomplete' or 'Declined' status.
    • Note: The Delete option is not available when the Cancel option is available.

  • Rename - Click to rename the folder.
  • Move - Click to move the folder to a different folder.
  • Delete - Click to delete the folder and all folders and files within it.

Note: The Signed Documents folder cannot be renamed, moved, or deleted.

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Document Details

The Documents Details sidesheet shows basic information and a preview of an uploaded document. 

Navigation MenuLists the current folder being viewed and path to that folder. Click a folder name to navigate to it.
File NameName of the document.
Created OnDate document was uploaded.
Signature Timestamp/StatusIndicates if the signature request for a document in the Signed Documents folder is complete.

If the document has been signed, the date and time that the signature was received are displayed.

If the document has not been signed, the status of the signature request is displayed:
  • Declined - Employee declined to electronically sign the document.

  • Incomplete - Employee has not signed or declined to sign the document. 

Note: I-9s have an additional signature timestamp/status line for the employer portion of the I-9 form. The document status is only updated to 'Complete' when both signatures are complete.
PreviewPreview of the uploaded document.

Note: Not all file formats support previews. When no preview is available, the 'Download The File' button is shown instead.

Download/Edit ButtonWhen a document does not have a signature request, 'Download' is displayed. Click to download the document.

When the signed document has been signed by the employee via My Pay on the R365 Mobile App, 'Download' is displayed. Click to download the document.

When the signed document has not been signed by the employee, 'Edit' is displayed. Click to view and/or edit the user acknowledgement confirmation for the document.

For I-9 Forms, 'Edit' is always displayed. Click to open the full editable I-9 Form.

Actions MenuContains the following options:

Rename - Click to rename the file.
Move - Click to move the file to a different folder.
Delete - Click to delete the file.
Activity - Click to view the changelog for the file.

Signed Documents Only:

Download - Click to download the document.
  • Note: Download is only available in the Actions menu when the 'Edit' button (#6) is displayed.

Cancel - Click to cancel the signature request for the document. Canceling the signature request removes it from the Signed Documents folder, and the employee will no longer be prompted to sign the document. 

  • Note: Cancel is only available for documents in the Signed Documents folder that are in an 'Incomplete' or 'Declined' status.
  • Note:  The Delete option is not available when the Cancel option is available.

Signed Documents

When an employee is onboarded to payroll, a Signed Documents folder will be added to their Employee Record that contains all documents that the employee has been requested to sign. The employee will be prompted to sign these documents in the My Pay section of the R365 Mobile App. 

The Signed Documents folder is locked, and cannot be renamed, moved, or deleted.

If an employee is unable to electronically sign a document, an admin user can acknowledge that they have seen the signed document and complete the signature request.

Edit Form Window

For I-9s and signed documents where the signature is incomplete or the employee signature was completed by an admin, the Edit Form button is displayed on the Details sidesheet.

When the Edit Form button is clicked, the user can view or complete the admin acknowledgment of the employee's signature and upload/download supporting documentation.

  • Note: For I-9 forms, the entire form is editable and this confirmation is not displayed. Learn more about editing I-9s here.

Signature Status/TimestampIndicates if the signature request for the document is complete.

If the document has been signed, the date and time that the signature was received are displayed.

If the document has not been signed, the status of the signature request is displayed:
  • Declined - Employee declined to electronically sign the document.

  • Incomplete - Employee has not signed or declined to sign the document.

Admin Signature AcknowledgementWhen checked, an admin user acknowledged that they have seen a hard copy of the signed document.

Note: The user who acknowledged having seen the signed document and the time of acknowledgement will be recorded in the activity trail for the document.

Upload Attachments ButtonClick to upload attachments.

Note: This button is disabled if the signature acknowledgement (#2) is not checked.
AttachmentsFile(s) that has been uploaded to support the signed document.
Download ButtonClick to download the associated attachment.
Remove ButtonClick to remove the associated attachment. 

Adding Additional Signed Documents

Manually adding a file to the Signed Documents folder will make that file accessible by the employee via My Pay, but will not add a signature request to the file. 

Additional documents that require employee signatures can be added to the Signed Documents folder on Employee Records by adding the document to the Signed Documents folder on the Documents page and configuring a signature request. 

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