Time Tab
    • 09 Jul 2024
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    Time Tab

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    Article summary

    The Time tab contains information related to expected and actual time worked by the employee.

    Expected Weekly Hours

    The Expected Weekly Hours section is only displayed when Workforce Payroll is enabled.

    The Expected Weekly Hours section shows the hours the employee is expected to work each week for each legal entity associated with jobs that have been added on the Employment tab. The hours set here are used to determine R365Pay payments, as well as PTO accruals.

    The Expected Weekly Hours section is only displayed once a job has been associated with the employee. Once displayed, 'Expected Weekly Hours' will have a default value based on the employee's 'Employment Type' set on the Employment tab.

    • Part-Time: 20-hour default

    • Full-Time: 40-hour default



    Legal Entity

    Legal entity associated with one or more jobs assigned to the employee.

    Expected Weekly Hours

    Total hours the employee is expected to work for all jobs and locations associated with the legal entity.

    Punches Section

    The Punches section shows all of the detailed labor punches (when this employee has clocked in and out of the POS and at which location(s)). 




    Filters the list for punch records that contain the entered search term in any column.

    Smart Grid Controls

    Filter - Click to filter any of the available columns.
    Columns - Click to show or hide available columns.

    Learn more about working with Smart Grids here.


    Employee's labor punch information:

    • Job Title - Title of the job associated with the punch.

    • Location Name - Name of the location associated with the punch.

    • Start Time - Start time and date of the punch.

    • End Time - End time and date of the punch.

    • Hours - Total hours for the punch.

    PTO Policy

    The PTO Policy section is only displayed when Workforce Payroll is enabled.

    The PTO Policy section is being replaced with the Time Off tab as part of the PTO Accruals feature. When PTO Accruals is enabled, the PTO Policy section is hidden.

    The PTO Policy section displays the policy that determines the PTO accrual for the employee. Employee-specific changes to the PTO policy can be applied here. Learn more about company-level PTO policies here



    Policy Type

    How PTO hours are calculated for the employee:

    Unlimited PTO - This option allows the employee to take as much PTO as they want. PTO requests will still need to be submitted and approved.

    Flexible PTO - This option limits the number of PTO hours the employee accrues. PTO accrual is calculated per hours worked, and a cap on maximum hours accrued can be set.

    PTO Balance

    Current PTO hours available for the employee.

    Accrued every ____ hours

    The accrual rate for the employee, expressed as the number of PTO hours the employee accrues per number of hours worked.

    The number of hours worked is set in the company-level PTO policies.

    Maximum Balance

    The maximum number of PTO hours the employee can accrue. If the PTO balance for the employee is equal to the maximum balance, they will stop accruing hours. Once PTO hours are used and the PTO balance falls below the maximum, PTO hours will accrue again.

    Waiting Period

    If a waiting period has been set for the company-level PTO policy, this field will indicate if the employee's tenure has exceeded the waiting period. The employee will only accrue PTO if the waiting period is 'Complete'.

    Edit - 

    Click to edit the PTO balance, accrual rate, or maximum balance for the employee. Changes made here will only apply to this employee, and will not change the company-level PTO policy.

    Update PTO Policy Form



    PTO Balance

    Entering a new value will update the employee's PTO balance to the entered amount. (hh:mm)

    Accrual Rate

    Entering a new value will update the number of PTO hours the employee accrues per number of hours worked.

    The number of hours worked is set in the company-level PTO policy.

    Click 'Reset to default' to remove the employee-specific settings and use the company-level PTO policy.

    Maximum Balance

    Entering a new value will update the maximum number of PTO hours the employee can accrue.

    Click 'Reset to default' to remove the employee-specific settings and use the company-level PTO policy.

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