Mobile Dashboard
    • 26 Sep 2024
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    Mobile Dashboard

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    Article summary

    The mobile dashboard is the home screen of the R365 app.  This dashboard features widgets that provide an app overview for the user. The widgets displayed will be dependent on user's permissions

    Daily Sales Summary

    The Daily Sales Summary allows users to see the daily sales for any selected location. Swipe left or right on the widget to switch between 'A Look at Yesterday' and 'Week to Date.'

    The Daily Sales Summary widget is available to users with the following permission

    Sales & Cash → Daily Sales → View Daily Sales

    Tap the DSS widget in the mobile dashboard to open the Daily Sales Summaries list. From here, users with the appropriate permissions  can review, edit, and mark the DSS as complete. To read more about reviewing and completing DSS via mobile, click here

    A Look at Yesterday

    A Look at Yesterday is the first card on the Daily Sales Summary carousel. It shows information from the previous day. This shows Users:

    • Total  Sales

    • Labor

    • Over/Short amount 

    • Sales Per Labor Hour (SPLH)

    Green circled checks indicate goals met, and a red circled X indicates goals not met. 

    Week to Date

    The Week to Date shows the date range for the week. It features a graph that reflects Total Sales for the week in green and Labor for the week in blue.  The Total Sales, Labor, and amount Over/Short are listed below the graph.  As the reporting week progresses, the graph will add data points for each day.


    The Logbook widget provides users shortcuts to the manager log entries. 

    The Logbook widget is available to users with the following Permission: 

    Manager Log Smart Ops → Log Entries → View Log Entries





    Opens the  Logbook screen.



    Opens  the list of all manager log entries. 


    My Entries

    Opens the list all manager log entries created by the user logged in.


    Must Read

    Opens all manager log entries with a Must Read label.



    Opens all manager log entries with an Important label. 


    The Schedule widget shows users a brief overview of their working hours as well as any upcoming shifts. 

    The Schedule widget is available to users with employee app access




     Hours Works/Hours Remaining

    Number of hours worked thus far, and the number of hours remaining to work on the week's schedule.

    Tapping one of these numbers will show the calendar overview of the user's schedule.



    Opens the schedule to the My Schedule screen.


    Upcoming Shifts

    User's upcoming shifts. When there is more than one, users can swipe over this section to view the additional shifts.

    Tapping a shift will prompt the user to either trade or offer the shift.

    Open Requests

    The Open Requests widget shows Users an overview of any existing Schedule requests including the number of:

    Users can tap the word 'Open Requests' to take a shortcut to the Schedule Requests page.

    The Open Requests widget is available to users with the following permission:

    • Labor → Scheduling → Schedule

    My Time Off

    Then My Time Off widget shows users their PTO accrual balances. From this widget, users can create a new time off request. 

    The My Time Off widget is only available to users whose organizations have PTO accruals enabled. Learn more about using PTO accruals on the R365 app.



    The Announcements widget displays any messages or announcements that management is sharing with employees. 

    The Announcements widget is available to view by all users with app access. However, users with the appropriate permissions can also  create and edit Announcements. The Announcement screen can be accessed by tapping Announcements. 

    Each announcement shows users the date of the announcement, the locations that the announcement is for, and a preview of the announcement message and any images attached. 


    The Onboarding widget shows users their onboarding status and gives users access to the Resume Onboarding option. 

    This widget will only appear for users that are in the employee onboarding process.

    Edit the Mobile Dashboard

    Users can edit the dashboard to show, hide, and rearrange the dashboard widgets. The Edit Dashboard slide out can be opened from the mobile dashboard or the user profile.  

    To open from the dashboard, Users can tap and hold a widget, then tap Edit Dashboard.  From the user profile screen, users can tap the Customize Dashboard option.




    Show/Hide Toggle

    Toggles the widget on or off.

    When toggled on, the widget will be shown on the mobile dashboard. When toggled off, the mobile dashboard will not show on the dashboard.

    Some widgets, like the Onboarding widget cannot be turned off. The toggles on these widgets will be disabled. 



    Allows for rearrangement of the widgets.

    Tap, hold, and drag the widget name up or down to rearrange the order of the dashboard widgets. 



    Saves the changes made to the mobile dashboard. 

    Mobile dashboard edits are specific to the mobile device in which they are completed. When someone uses multiple devices to access the R365 app, the mobile dashboard will need to be edited on each device. 

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