September 29th, 2022
Scheduled Payments
Schedule Payments ahead of time! The Scheduled Payments feature allows Users to schedule a Payment Run in advance.
Unless the Scheduled Payment is Cancelled or Rescheduled, Scheduled Payments will be sent to R365 Payments at 8am CST on the scheduled date.
The Scheduled Payments feature is only available for customers whose R365 Payments feature was enabled after February 2022.

Manager Tools - Time Off Tab
The Time Off tab has been added on the Manager Tools page. This new tab allows Users to review historical Time Off Requests and view Request details, as well as approve, decline, or cancel Time Off Requests submitted by Employees.

Vendor Record - Option to Print Vendor Number on Check Remittances
An option has been added to the ‘Locations’ tab of the Vendor Record to ‘Print Vendor Account Number on remittance’. This will add the Location-specific Vendor Account Number on the remittance.

Mass DSS Update
The Mass DSS page has been updated! Deposits 3, 4, and 5 are editable fields. Users can edit fields from the Mass DSS page, click 'Save', then see the recalculated Over/Short amounts.

Financial Dashboard - Sharing Saved Views Across Instances
Channel Partners that manage multiple URLs can now share Financial Dashboard Saved Views across all instances! This allows for a customized Financial Dashboard layout to be created in one instance and then shared with clients to use.

Financial Dashboard - Default Date Range
The Financial Dashboard Default Dashboard view now has a default date range of 'Yesterday'. Users will now be able to see the most recent data from the Default Dashboard view.

Item Location Groups - Update
The nested group functionality for assigning Item Location Groups has been updated. Now, assigning a Parent Group to an Item will also assign all of its Child Groups to that Item.
Item Location Groups without Locations assigned can be deleted.

August, 25th 2022
Item Location Groups
Item Location Groups can be applied to both Purchased Items as well as Recipes. When mapping Vendor Items, mapping or editing Recipes, or editing Inventory Counts and Templates, Users will only be able to see Items where the Location Group contains one or more Locations that they have access to.

Log Entry - Attachment Viewer
Clicking on an attachment from a Log Entry will open the Attachment Viewer. Here, Users can view, delete, or download the attachments associated with the Log Entry.

Forecasting - Daily Forecasting Layout Changes
The layout of the Daily Forecasting tab has been changed to include a list of all days for the fiscal week. This list shows weekly totals for Forecast, Past Year Sales, and PY Variance.
This list is used to change the week and day being forecasted and replaces the prior navigation options for changing the date being forecasted.

Forecasting - Published Forecast Indicators
The Monthly Forecasting tab will now indicate which tab was used to publish the Forecast:
- Indicates that the Forecast was published from the Monthly Forecasting tab
- Indicates that the Forecast was published from the Daily Forecasting tab
- Indicates that the Forecast was published from the Hourly Forecasting tab

OT Rules - Weighted Average Overtime Rate
A new setting has been added to the OT Rules setup on the Smart Ops Labor Admin page. When checked, an average OT Premium Rate will be calculated in compliance with FLSA standards.

Reports - Ops Reports Deprecation
The following Reports have been discontinued and will be deprecated in Q3 2022:
Item Theoretical Variance
Item Theoretical Cost Analysis
Item Theoretical Qty
Item Category Theoretical Variance
Recipe Cost Breakout
'Available To Mangers' Field Title Change
The title for the ‘Available to Mangers' checkbox on the GL Account Record, Bank Account Record, and Vendor Record is changing to: ‘Restricted Access - usage’
The functionality of this checkbox has also changed. Now Managers will have access to GL Codes where the checkbox is unchecked.
August,11th 2022
Payment Run Approvals
Payment Run Approvals is an optional feature that can be enabled on request. When Payment Run Approvals is enabled, the layout of the Payment Runs page is modified to group unapproved and approved Payment Runs in a separate section at the top of the page. This layout makes identifying Payment Runs that require attention easier and faster.
To enable Payment Run Approvals, please contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how Payment Run Approvals can enhance your R365 experience!

Employee Record - Layout Changes
In August of 2022, the Smart Ops Employee Record will receive a new layout. This layout change includes renaming tabs and combining legacy tabs into new ones.
Documents to Process - Attach Documents to Existing AP Transaction
Documents can now be attached to existing AP Transactions by clicking the 'Attach to Existing' icon in the bulk edit menu.

Smart Ops Items Page
Existing Purchased Items and Recipe Items can now be viewed in Smart Ops on the Items page. Here, Users can view Items and edit Item details.

R365 Red App - Waste Logs
Waste Logs can be created and entered directly from the R365 Red App.
Users can view a listing of all 'In Progress', 'Complete', and 'Approved' Waste Logs from the Waste Log screen. When creating a new Waste Log, Users can select a Waste Template for the selected Location and easily navigate between Items.

Entree Forecasting
Entree Forecasting is used for Labor Forecasting. Forecasting by Entrée (rather than sales dollar) provides a productivity measure (Entrees Per Labor Hour - EPLH) that can be used across Locations regardless of differences in sales volume, seasonality, or Menu Item price variability.

New Forecasting Reports
Two new reports have been added for Forecasts.
Forecast Download Report - Displays the current Daily Forecast for each day in the selected date range.
Forecast Report - Displays the current Daily Forecast for each day in the selected date range along with Weekly and Period subtotals.
Notifications & Notification Center
Notifications are now available to alert Users of information that may need their attention. Users will be notified via the Notification Window, email, and SMS.
The Notifications feature is available by request. Please contact your CSM or R365 Support to learn how Notifications can enhance your R365 experience!
Note: Notifications require that the Smart Ops Manager Log is enabled.

The Notification Center allows Users to determine which Notifications they receive and how those Notifications are delivered. Notifications can be delivered via email, text message, or push notification to the R365 Red App.

Financial Dashboard - P&L Widget Customization
When customizing the Financial Dashboard, the display titles of the Cost/Expense GL Account Types within the P&L Widget are editable.

Documents to Process - Thumbnail View Update
The look of the thumbnails in the Thumbnail View of Docs to Process has been updated to be easier to read. Action buttons for creating AP Invoices, creating Credit Memos, or deleting the Document are now easily found on the front of the card.

Log Entries - Locked Log Entries
Log Entries that cannot be edited by the User are no longer greyed out. Instead, a lock icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Log Entry indicates that the Log Entry is uneditable.